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Astronomy - This researcher wants to initiate contact with Proxima Centauri b
The exoplanet next door could soon get an out-of-this-world radio broadcast.
Artist's rendering of Proxima Centauri b.
WikiMedia Commons
This post has been changed to add outside comment on the initiative.
You’ve heard of SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. It involves tuning in for alien radio signals or light beacons. But a group called METI International (short for Messages to Extraterrestrial Intelligence) wants to take a more proactive role by beaming out messages from Earth.
Douglas Vakoch, the former Director of Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute, is launching the METI Initiative with one planet in mind: the recently discovered planet around Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth (and thus the closest exoplanet.)
Vakoch says that METI has more than a few targets in mind, there are a few advantages to Proxima Centauri b.
“First, it’s close to our solar system, keeping the time for a roundtrip exchange as short as possible,” Vakoch says. “Second, some have suggested that this exoplanet is potentially habitable.”
Programs like METI have an … uneven history. In 1974, Frank Drake, Carl Sagan, and others composed the Arecibo Message, an uncoded message of scientific facts in a simple graphic format meant to announce our existence in a readily comprehensible format.
WikiMedia Commons
But in 2008, Doritos also launched a message to the stars, beaming a video of “a tribe of Doritos escaping from the pack and sacrificing one of their own to the God of Salsa, as soon as there are no humans around.”
But Vakoch isn’t about to send something the aliens won’t understand. After all, he’s been in the business of all things alien for more than a decade.
“To be intelligible, any message to extraterrestrials needs to be written in a universal language, and that won’t be English or Swahili,” Vakoch says. “We begin with mathematics, because it seems likely that scientists on any world will need to know at least the essentials of math.”
Then there’s the question of why, which Vakoch paraphrases SETI research Ronald Bracewell in saying that humanity should “join the Galactic Club.” Even bigger, though, is the question of “why should we broadcast that we’re here in case we, you know, get invaded.” Of the many, many things that Stephen Hawking has said publicly in recent years, the dangers of alien contact has come up again and again. Some in the SETI community say a cautious approach should be taken, with a consortium saying, “We know nothing of ETI’s intentions and capabilities, and it is impossible to predict whether ETI will be benign or hostile.”
Vakoch disagrees with the idea that we shouldn't be broadcasting our position, saying that our presence is likely already known.
“Many people fear that METI will lead to an alien invasion. But any civilization that has the ability to travel between the stars could already know of our existence through our accidental radio and television leakage,” Vakoch says.
Lucianne Wlkowicz, an astronomer at the Adler Planetarium, was part of that consortium. While she still falls on the side of caution, saying "intentionally signaling civilizations beyond Earth has consequences for everyone on the planet," for her, the caution is not so much in reaching out so much as who is speaking for Earth.
"I'm not all doom and gloom — I don't think that intentionally messaging planets around other stars is necessarily a bad thing, but I also don't think it should be the unilateral decision of a small group of people, no matter how well-intentioned," she says, adding that she'd like to see some transparency in the proceedings that would come through a large scale initiative. "Looking at the METI International Board of Directors and Advisors, I see a group of smart, interesting people, who probably hope to do well by our species ... but they also represent a very small fraction of the planet, and their decisions affect us all."
Using a facility in Boquete, Panama, METI will look for laser pulses emanating from Proxima b, a sign of a sort of extraterrestrial beacon. Because Proxima Centauri (and it’s more giant companions, Alpha Centauri A and B) are mostly southern sky stars, this won’t be possible until early 2017. Proxima b is just one of several potential targets, ideal because it's nearby and potentially habitable. (The next closest potentially habitable exoplanet is Wolf 1061c, slightly less than 14 light years away.) Vakoch says, “We haven’t selected the specific stars we’ll target, as that depends in part on where the transmitter is located.”
“The goal of METI is to signal to other intelligence in the universe that we’re actively reaching out,” Vakoch says. “For at least some civilizations, it may not be enough for them to know we’re here. They may be looking for an indication that we’re actively attempting to make contact.”
Astronomy - Tour January’s Sky: Spot Two Star Clusters
Download our monthly astronomy podcast to spot Venus and Mars in the west — and two star clusters high up — after sunset.
Get the new year started with a resolution to do more stargazing in 2017!
Thanks to fortuitous timing of lunar phases, a lovely waxing crescent Moon joins Venus and Mars in the west after sunset at both the beginning and the end of January 2017. Sky & Telescope diagram
Venus and much dimmer Mars adorn the western sky after sunset. As the month opens, and ends, they're joined by a lovely waxing crescent Moon.
Turn around to see Orion leaping up from the eastern horizon as it gets dark. Look for the Hunter’s distinctive belt of three stars, oriented as a vertical row as the constellation climbs into the sky. The belt is flanked by ruddy Betelgeuse to its left and icy-white Rigel to its right.
Higher up are Aldebaran, the eye of Taurus, the Bull. It's the anchor for a V-shaped cluster of stars called the Hyades, and with clear dark skies you might pick out a dozen or so in this loose open cluster. (Curiously, Aldebaran itself is not part of the Hyades; it's just a bright foreground star.)
Look higher up for a second, tighter grouping, the Pleiades star cluster. This grouping is very distinctive, and it’s recognized by many cultures past and present. In ancient Greece these stars were known as the Seven Sisters, all daughters of Atlas and his wife Pleione. How the girls ended up together in the sky varies from tale to tale.
To learn about some of those stories, and to get more skywatching tips for January, listen to or download our monthly astronomy podcast below.
Health - New Year Party Hangover - 8 Tips To Help You Get Over it!
Many of us will get up with a hangover after partying away on the eve of the New Year. But worry not, these are a few proven ways to get rid of a hangover and start the New Year fresh and bushy tailed:
Drink lots of water: Alcohol is extremely dehydrating. Water is thus, the world’s best hangover cure. Alcohol messes up with the way the kidneys function and the body ends up losing around four times more water than usual. This leads to dehydration and causes symptoms like that thumping headache and dry mouth.
Drink some frizzy water with a dash of lemon: The water will rehydrate you and the lemon and lime juice content which is alkaline will help balance the acid in your gut, quelling feelings of nausea. Fizzy drinks also speed up the break down of alcohol in the gut shortening the duration of a hangover.
Take a mild painkiller: Painkillers that are paracetamol based are ideal for curing hangovers. They help with the headaches and muscle cramps. Just make sure that you don’t pop aspirins as these can further irritate the stomach and can increase the feeling of nausea.
Eat something mellow: A starchy and wholesome breakfast with toast is highly recommended. So are mellow foods like bananas, apples and rice. These soothing foods will fill up your stomach without irritating it.
Quick headache cure: You can whip up a headache remedy by using off-the-shelf kitchen ingredients. All you have to do is mix one spoon of baking soda in water and drink it quickly to get rid of a headache. What also works is drinking the juice of a tomato mixed with lime. Even a serving of fresh tomato soup with basil can provide relief.
Take a bath by all means, except hot water: January is a cold month and hot water is inviting, but it’s not the best for getting rid of a hangover. And that’s because hot water will only make your condition worse because your body is already feeling the heat due to last night’s alcohol consumption which increases ‘pitta’ or fire element in the body according to Ayurveda. A cold water bath will help, but if you can’t brave the cold, you could also go for a lukewarm shower.
Get moving: Get out in the open and indulge in a light workout or a brisk walk. This will break down the alcohol toxins into the sweat. A few yoga stretches and breathing exercises are good too.
Sleep it off: This is probably the best option for treating a hangover as most hangovers don't last longer than 24 hours. Catching up on sleep is so much better than moping at home with a headache. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an ayurveda and ask a free question.
Welcome to 2017. What’s in this year? Equality. Love. Romance. Double Acts. None of this will happen without a fight, but the rewards will be very sweet indeed, especially for women. A global boom in money and property is also coming, with a rapid spike in October and November 2017 and more good news in 2018. An entire generation now in their 50’s will be first to benefit. The biggest news of the year may not come until December. That month marks the beginning of the end of government and big business, as they stand today, with an astonishing transformation in 2018, 2019, 2020 which will change the lives and careers of Millennials in particular. It’s quite a year.
Mark these in your calendar (allow 24 hours either side for global time differences) and use the general wave of optimism, faith and win-win thinking at these times to create your own luck. People born under Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo will bounce off each other at this time and this helps us all in a chain of benefits.
Tuesday 14th February
Wednesday 6th July
Sunday 27th August
Saturday 23rd September
Thursday 19th October
Aries in 2017
Over the next nine months you can turn one or more important relationships into an art form. Marriages, professional partnerships and love affairs all qualify. The trick is understanding that ‘Me’ has to come second to ‘We’ and although that is challenging, it is worth the effort. If you are single you will be given the chance to date at least one (possibly two) new lovers with an impressive travel or educational history. If you are happy with your partner, you two will take a huge step together. Unhappy? An amicable split or great counselling helps.
You will make or save a lot of money from October 2017 with some instant results near the 18th and 26th of that month. By 2018 you will be on the brink of a new era with your apartment, bank, income or house. From that point forward you may need one or two good financial advisors to make the most of windfalls, pay rises, bonuses, or big bargains. National and world economic trends will benefit you in a personal way from October as a boom is on the way and something as simple as interest rates, property prices or currency values could benefit you.
The specific dates to use, to move your existing relationship forward, ditch a bad partnership or find someone new and wonderful, include the period around Saint Valentine’s Day, then 3rd March, 30th March, 11thApril, 6th July, 27th August, 23rdSeptember, 28th September, 5thOctober. Aries, none of this will be easy. Yet, you will find that if you are honest about wanting an equal relationship between two people who are different, yet with the same rights, destiny will help you get there. Even if it’s occasionally a tussle, by October you’ll have one big victory.
You will find that if you are honest about wanting an equal relationship between two people who are different, yet with the same rights, destiny will help you get there.
Try to get all your major career, university or unpaid work priorities out of the way before December. If you have any doubts at all about contracts, employers or unions this year see an expert without delay. Your workplace, industry, profession or institution will see life-changing demotions, promotions and mergers between now and 2020 and you need to be equipped with the facts at every stage. Before commencing a new project, staff changeover, course or position for 2018 (details would be under discussion in December) read the fine print and ask around.
Finding a brilliant new way to balance your 24 hours in each day is the one big breakthrough you will take away from 2017. A new job, course, unpaid role – or a big variation on your current situation – will come your way by October. There will be benefits for your lifestyle as well, because the task, circumstances or location will help you become fitter, and eat better. A typical example would be a job with discount gym membership thrown in. Watch for awards, scholarships, promotions, wonderful new vacancies and other perks this year and follow them up immediately. It’s all in the timing now.
If you are single in October then by November you will meet (or re-meet) an important person who could teach you more about life and love than most other human beings. Unhappily involved Taurus women longing for successful counselling, or just a peaceful split, could have their wish by Christmas 2017. If you are basically content with your partner, then Bonfire Night will see the most romantic fireworks this year, as you two decide to pursue a pregnancy, new home, marriage, second honeymoon, trip or business together. Autumn is very fruitful.
Specific dates to watch for new lovers, big partnership decisions or useful ‘We need to talk’ discussions include the following (allow 24 hours either side for the world to catch up with itself) - October 18th, 26th, November 4th, 13th, 18th, December 3rd. The first week of December sees a stunning and rare pattern in the heavens, as Jupitter the planet of growth, hope and opportunity trines Neptune. Taurus, an awful lot is going to happen very quickly from Halloween to Christmas. That doesn’t mean no action for the rest of 2017 – just a remarkably big finish.
You have been forced to learn the hard way since 2008, as travel, foreign people and places, the worldwide web, education and/or publishing has taught you unforgettable and tough lessons. Now, you must promise yourself you are ready to research, review and apply yourself even more. In fact, your future depends on it, as you must turn to experience and expertise to help you with your decisions. If one of them involves a big leap into 2018 (emigration or a degree, for example) read the fine print and ask for advice.
Gemini in 2017
Those born 20+ years after you, are the key to fulfilment, achievement and contentment this year. You could easily become pregnant, date a Dad/Mum, enjoy new status as an aunt or godparent – or just gain from younger people in other ways. A less common example is work (paid or unpaid) involving children. The existing children or younger people in your world will be the source of growth, opportunities and expansion so don’t hesitate to become more involved with this generation. Any issues involving children will be successfully resolved with a helpful outcome.
You will end 2017 in a far better position with work, study or unpaid work, thanks to huge improvements with your conditions, hours, environment, perks or colleagues. If you need to switch jobs or even careers to find that, then look and listen carefully in October, November as by Christmas you could have something special in the bag. In your existing field, company or institution you may be offered a dream set-up that is good for your body as well as your soul. Do pursue answers for even long-standing health or fitness issues this year.
You don’t need an astrologer to tell you that you are going through tough times with your former, current or potential partner. This is down to his/her situation, the way you two relate to each other, or even a third person. Gemini, you need an extra glass of champagne for getting through December 2016, yet 2017 is much easier than the last 12 months. If you begin dating someone new this year, find out as much as you can about his/her situation and personality first, because the relationship may be a bigger ask than you first assume.
Take your time and take good advice with your business interests, house, bank, apartment, taxation, income, possessions and the rest. This is particularly important if a relative or past, present or potential partner is involved. Try to get all the big priorities out of the way before December. If you know you are entering a major new commitment for 2018 get the best advice you can afford – a loan, investment or mortgage is a typical example. The more homework and research you do now, the easier 2018-2020 is.
Cancer in 2017
If you have not yet renovated, moved or seen big council improvements to your local area, you should be very happy with what 2017 brings. If you are already on your way with decorations, repairs, improvements, a new home or a better area, you will be given a second delightful option by October this year. Cancer, every family has issues – or every household. You will be amazed at how thoroughly and deeply these are resolved over the next nine months. All your effort will be worth it. A new family or household member will bring tremendous gains.
In the final quarter of the year you will become pregnant, date a parent (or wannabe parent), enjoy new status as an aunt, find a role as godmother - or gain from children in other remarkable ways. If there have been problems for or with younger people in your world these will be eliminated by 2018 with very little effort. Cancer, news will arrive very suddenly in October and November when you realise that no matter how tough 2012-2015 was, you really did pay your karmic dues and now you can collect. If child custody is your concern, do use November.
Whatever/whomever you take on board from December, with a view to 2018 and 2019, will be very demanding. Make sure you know exactly who and what you are letting yourself in for, no matter if your decision is about a former, current or potential partner at that time. Try to minimise and simplify your life with a key person, so that you have less to deal with at Christmas. Doing this will leave you free to make smart decisions about the two of you in future. If parenthood matters more than love, there is an answer there, also near Christmas.
Cancer, do all you can to avoid making enemies this year or making a rift worse, as it will be very hard to escape the fall-out, as early as December – and well into 2018, 2019, 2020. If there is any suggestion that the scales are unbalanced with a rival, opponent or foe then do all you can to nip things in the bud. Get expertise and experience on side so that you are making thoughtful, slow, sensible, measured steps. Be sharply aware of potential issues in a love triangle or over children in particular and do your homework, rather than guessing.
Leo in 2017
Between January and October you will be thrilled with the results of a project, course or special plan which makes the worldwide web your oyster. You will use your ‘voice’ across the perfect medium or media, at the perfect moment, Leo. This will happen more than once if you really put effort in. Now is the time to explore bigger and better ways to be heard or read. If there have been obstacles to date, affecting your hearing, speech, technical know-how and so on, these will melt away with a little effort. Communication is a boom area.
Between January and October you will be thrilled with the results of a project, course or special plan which makes the worldwide web your oyster.
You will be in a much better house or apartment situation from October, with great news about a new home, renovations, second home or big improvements to your local area from November 2017. By 2018 you will be very happy with a new look or atmosphere in your existing space, or will have relocated to a bigger and better residence. If you have been wondering if solutions for particular apartment or house issues would ever come, put things in motion from October as you will be in the right place, at the right time, to gain from lucky breaks.
Babies, children or Millennials in your world (or your former, current or potential partner’s) will be a heavy concern until December. It may not be until 10th January 2018 that one matter has been finished – for good. Karma is at work with one special person from 10th May as you two have past life debts and credits to repay and also collect. This may be a karmic phase in an old relationship or it may be necessary to return to the past (or the patterns of a previous incarnation) with someone new. If so, this person will feel uncannily familiar to you on sight.
It is very important that you sort out your work and life balance this year, making sure that your daily workload and your body are in harmony. What you are shown near 30th March, 4thAugust, 21st August should convince you to make necessary changes. Unless you address lifestyle questions in a practical, focussed way, you may find that life after Saturn changes signs on 20th December is challenging. Your body dictates who you are, what you do and the life you lead in 2017-2020. Talk to experts, seek second opinions if you wish and put your body first.
Virgo in 2017
2017 is the most important year for your finances, business interests and property in over a decade. Even if you have to push hard and work on issues, the rewards will be worth it by October. You stand to save or make money, either by adding to your income, or finding an impressive bargain. As Saturn is also in your home zone this year, the house or apartment will be include in your calculations. Even if this is a challenging nine months it could be very productive. With the right expertise and advice you should feel satisfied – and even genuinely lucky – when Jupiter changes signs in October.
Starting very suddenly, in the final three months of the year, you will either be asked to throw your energy into a new course, project or idea – or enjoy one of the most spectacular web, publishing, education or media opportunities in over a decade. The people, the technology and the timing is just right for you, so don’t hesitate to make your move near Wednesday 18th October when your ruler Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in one of the luckiest astrological patterns in months. Follow up near the 26th, refine the plans near the 4th November and seal the deal near the 13th. This is very special!
You have already been given a reality check about (or for) your partner and are far less prone to imagination or guesswork in 2017. This also applies to potential lovers or former partners. Keeping it real may be dull, but it will also save you a lot of time and trouble. Avoid February 25th, 26th, 27th for big decisions as we have an annular solar eclipse then and you will not be shown what you need to see, either about the person or the situation. You may also want to skip the Full Moon period across 11th, 12th, 13th March as there are easier times for you to act.
For the last eight years you have repeatedly been taught about the realities of parenthood, pregnancy, Millennials, schoolchildren, adoption, aunt status or life as a godparent. Now you must learn more rapidly and consciously as the research you do, prior to December, will help you a great deal in 2018-2020. A typical example would be the IVF process or the path of unplanned parenthood. You will have your own personal story, of course. It is very important that you choose your options cautiously, particularly as 2018 looms. Some facts of life are unavoidable but some are best headed off.
Libra in 2017
People who thought they knew you have already seen another side of you – to your total advantage – since September. A new look? A different title? A fresh role? There is more of this ahead in 2017 when you will enjoy the ego massage and rewards that come from showing people there is more to you than they ever suspected. You may be keeping impressive company, adding a flattering spin to your online profile or just looking better than you have in years. Everything and everybody you need to make that happen is there. Reach out for it.
October brings a turning point with your money, house, apartment or business interests and by November you will be celebrating a great way to either save – or bring more income into your life. If you are typical of many Libran people and also have planets in Scorpio you could be on your way to wealth by 2018. In general, there are opportunities to line your pockets or benefit from incredible bargains in the final quarter of the year. If you have money problems then the solutions will be on your radar as Jupiter moves through your sector of taxation, debt, credit cards and the rest – for the first time in years.
Your relationships with former, current and potential partners keep changing, quite dramatically, this year. Each time life makes you take a new direction with this person, you find that you have greater independence. The more restricted and confined you have been within a partnership the more radical the revolution is likely to be, though it can take great insight to understand just how locked in you were. Space is the magic word in 2017 and if you can give it but also request it, you will be in a much better position. Experiment, explore and invent rules.
Don’t walk into family, household, town, country or property decisions in December. You are much better off researching and analysing.
Don’t walk into family, household, town, country or property decisions in December. You are much better off researching and analysing. In fact, any choices you make near Christmas which would affect your people or your place in 2018 require a very long lead-in time so you can be absolutely sure about who and what you are taking on. A classic example would be a heavy mortgage or the responsibility of looking after an older relative. Try to keep this side of your life very simple and minimal if you can, rather than load yourself down with commitments.
Scorpio in 2017
Adopting an alter-ego online (anonymous) or working behind the scenes when others get the attention? Seeking counselling or therapy without telling a soul, or starting a diary? Scorpio, there are many ways into the luckiest cycle of the year, but ironically, nobody will know about the except you. Jupiter the planet of good fortune, solutions, growth and expansion is moving through the most mysterious and unfathomable zone of your horoscope. This is where find matters both psychic and psychological, but also Top Secret. Do all you can to stoke this side of your life by October.
You will be reborn from October and perhaps your birthday is your personal deadline and milestone. Cosmetic surgery, body reshaping or a new wardrobe are irresistible by November. More importantly, people who had you pigeonholed as a particular type, or with a specific title, role or profile – will be stunned. You will also stun yourself as you realise there is another side to you which has been locked away all this time. If you want to commission photographs, promote yourself, appear on film or launch a public relations campaign, consider the fortunate Jupiter patterns near Halloween and Bonfire Night 2017, Scorpio.
Floating inside a bubble is a good way to conduct your love life this year and as long as you realise the bubble has no relationship with the real world, you will enjoy the escapism. This may even be pure sexual fantasy, or perhaps a particular space within an existing marriage or relationship which has its own atmosphere and rules. This may be a confusing and confused situation for you and your former, current or potential partner unless you make some attempt to pin it down, though. Skip February 25th, 26th, 27th for decisions or action plans, as the solar eclipse then won’t show you what you need to see or know – skip March 11th-13th too.
The worldwide web, publishing, education, multimedia and other outlets for your ‘voice’ across many mediums requires serious thought. Try to remove as many time and energy consuming involvements as you can before December and be sharply aware of what any new projects or roles will involve in 2018. Even if you normally don’t pay much attention to your computer or telephone, this is the year when some research and updating will help you enormously. Be on top of any other communication issues as soon as they occur, no matter if it’s language or the written word.
Sagittarius in 2017
The group, band, club or team you have been involved with since September will reward you with at least one dream come true by October 2017 and possibly more. You may also become part of a second network of people – a very special circle including those who can expand your horizons, your view of the world and your connections. Within either the first or second group are genuine friends who will slowly prove themselves to you over the next nine months. They matter quite as much as lovers or relatives and possibly more. People power is your secret.
Once you have completed group goals (like a team victory or crowdsourcing project) in October you will be ready to turn inwards. November is spent pursuing something very new and promising – a role which is invisible, undercover or behind the scenes. Alternatively you may want to devote yourself to a confidential matter that you cannot even share with your best friend. A typical example of this would be therapy or Tarot card reading. If you work in a field which is classified, like the police force, the armed services or similar, you will be amazed at how one matter rewards you by 2018.
You may want to devote yourself to a confidential matter that you cannot even share with your best friend. A typical example of this would be therapy or Tarot card reading.
After so many years of unpredictable twists and turns with your former, current or potential lover, you are now used to taking the road less travelled. Along the way you are discovering what it means to have space, freedom and independence and that is no small gift. The core issue is your decision to have children (or not) which you made some time ago – this cycle for you began in 2011. It’s a good year to embrace what is new, different, tailor-made, unique and liberating in your personal life. Try not to hang onto the past or to other people’s old rules.
As Saturn changes signs in December, it is very important that you have your finances in order before that milestone begins. Try to streamline and simplify your life where the money, house, business, apartment or charity is concerned as you will have enough to deal with as Christmas arrives and certainly in January 2018. Good financial advice is worth its weight in diamonds and pearls this year and you need to be aware of potential changes to the world economy, banking and the property market from May 2018 and beyond and ensure that you are in a position to adapt and adjust. Big choices are waiting.
Capricorn in 2017
If you have not already been promoted, landed a desirable new job, achieved outstanding results, won an award (or similar) then this is in store for you in 2017 if you put in reasonable effort. Being an ambitious Capricorn, you have already started. Only once every 12 years does Jupiter the problem-solver move into your zone of ambition and achievement. Whatever you need to do, to roll away obstacles in your preferred field, or another, is in your hands. In fact, as you read this, you have just passed an important year-end opportunity. If you are in your thirties or older, use what you were doing 12 years ago.
You will be asked to join a very special group or deepen your involvement with them, from October, with fantastic outcomes as early as November. A band, political party, charity or important circle of friends would all be typical examples. It is through these people that you can achieve wonderful things that as a single person, or one half of a couple, you could never dream of pulling off. Your social life, social media and friendships will all skyrocket from October and everything you achieve by Autumn 2018 will stand you in good stead for years.
The Node, which describes karma, moves into your house of sex and money – and intimacy and property – in 2017. It stays there until 2018 so you have some past life debts and credits to pay off with your former, current or potential partner. If you two were together in 1999, 2000 there will be an important replay and flashback to those years which involves your apartment, house, bank account, business or possessions. Whatever your situation, there is something fated and inescapable about a very familiar situation you face with an ex, potential date or partner this year and it does involve finance.
Matters affecting your image, profile, appearance, title and brand are best resolved long before Saturn, your ruling planet, enters Capricorn in December. Try to resolve all the outcomes before that date, no matter if you want to lose weight or change your name. Look at the experiences of others with the same issues you are dealing with, near Christmas, and learn from their wisdom. This is particularly important if you work in a field where public relations or self-promotion is very important.
Aquarius in 2017
You will go ahead in leaps and bounds with an important plan dating from September-December 2016, building on at least one lucky break involving a foreign or regional connection. This place or person is destined in your life, no matter if you are traveling or moving there; welcoming contacts; building firm plans. By October 2017 you will have discovered how a place on the map which will allow you to take an Incredible Journey. This may be through study, teaching, the worldwide web, publishing or a genuine departure. You travel or explore the world at a distance all the time, if you are true to your sign, but this episode is spectacular.
Take every opportunity and solution offered to you with your career, university degree, unpaid work or education in October and you will see a quick turnaround in November. No matter how chequered your experiences have been in recent years, you are overdue for a wonderful new job, promotion, award, accolades, flattering qualifications or even a big leap into a completely different field. The company or people around you near Halloween and Bonfire Night offers unconditional generosity, support and energy and you will find it irresistible.
The Node moves into your opposite sign of Leo in 2017 and by 2018 you will be aware of karma with one person in particular. Your former, current or potential partners over this cycle have shared at least one incarnation with you and possibly more. No wonder particular experiences feel so familiar. If you fall in love this year you may feel as if you know the person from another time and perhaps you do. Repaying spiritual debts to each other and collecting on rewards earned in other lives is all part of the experience. If you were with a lover back in 1999 or 2000 expect a replay and ultimate closure.
If you fall in love this year you may feel as if you know the person from another time and perhaps you do. Repaying spiritual debts to each other and collecting on rewards earned in other lives is all part of the experience.
Aquarius, it is very important that you do not do anything dubious, shady or even downright illegal in the 2017-2020 cycle as you will pay a heavy price for trying to fool others, even though you are also fooling yourself. Become sharply aware of all the things you do, which involve keeping secrets or covering things up. You are very unlikely to get through the new Saturn cycle which begins in December, without having to answer for your actions. If you are offered a role behind the scenes on a project where you must be invisible in 2018, take your time deciding and read the fine print.
Pisces in 2017
You are reshaping the future of your money, house, business or apartment in 2017 and even though the changes you must make are radical, you are also in a fantastic position to ditch a problem or – if you make all the right moves – make a small fortune. Saving money this year is just as easy as making it and you could land a huge bargain or gain from other people’s generosity by October. As you read this, you will already be dealing with the aftermath of December, when the known financial world turned upside down for you. Adapt, adjust, move forward and be flexible enough to grab opportunities and solutions as they arrive.
You will love the trip you take or the move you make from October 2017 with your eyes firmly on a very special place by November. The world may come to you, or you may go out to meet the world, but this part of the United Kingdom or abroad has an enormous amount to offer you. Perhaps this great leap forward will also involve study, teaching, the worldwide web or publishing. If so, you will bless the day that you began looking at the map. Foreign influences coming into your life in 2017 are very lucky.
If single you could be dating a lover who brings his/her house, apartment, holiday home, car or general lifestyle benefits into the discussion – if so, this person will appear by October. If you are happily married or in a partnership, then you two will see benefits thanks to investments, business outcomes and property gains or savings. Unhappy? This is one of the few years when you can walk away without feeling the cost of Sexually Transmitted Debt. In fact, the outcome should be more than fair if you are settling on the split by October. One way or another love is inseparable from cash this year.
If you can complete group goals before December, so much the better, as being part of a team, club, association or similar from Christmas 2017 will be harder work than usual. Be wary of making new friends in the final quarter of 2017 and try to be a realist about what will be involved in that friendship. This also applies to any new communities or circles of people you join (including social media) from December this year, as by 2018 you will be discovering some heavy realities about being a part of this collection of people. Your best use of 2017? Learn all you can about group psychology and the hive mind.