Tuesday 16 August 2016

Can the USA perform an operation similar to the one in Abbotabad (Pakistan) in India?

Avinash More
Avinash MoreArmy brat

This question need to be rephrased to “Are the Intelligence agencies of India exceedingly incompetent and do the staff at NDA, Pune have such poor intelligence of their own physical neighborhood.

If the target indeed lived within spitting distance of NDA, insertion of the team would be from a carrier group out past the horizon in the Indian Ocean. Aircraft launched from these would have to deal with anti-air radar that isn’t from the 80’s and those radars control and fire supersonic cruise missiles.
An Apache’s top speed is around 300 Km/hr, covert helos like the one’s used in Abbotabad probably move slower.
Cheap Russian made anti-air missiles can exceed that speed by orders of magnitude.
For starters, this is not your daddy’s old air defense missile system:
If a helo pilot tells you he isn’t worried about an incoming Barak, he’s lying.
It would seem possible to covertly insert a US SF team in North India using the Himalayas as cover. Trying to sneak in unnoticed even with specially designed helos over the western coast of Maharashtra is a completely different ball game and seems fraught with risk. Even the Ambani’s haven’t been given permission by the Navy to fly on and off their house’s helipad next to the coast in Bombay.
If the threat to the helos from the air defense systems wasn’t enough to scrap the mission, the carrier group it was launched from couldn’t easily provide Tomahawk support thanks to:
And then the entire carrier group risks the Indian response system consisting of:
All of this would make any sensible military commander look for options other than covert insertion.
India isn’t a rag tag failed nation that can’t provide food, education and public transport for it’s own citizens like Pakistan. We got 99 problems, but consistently failing our army, nation and economy every day since independence isn’t one.
It’s much easier to pick up the phone and call the Prime Minister and say “Hey, we have actionable intelligence that this bad person is living here. Could you capture and detain him for us so we can question him/her?”
If that address is anyplace close to an Army unit, much less the NDA, pretty fast action will be taken and heads will roll, of both enemy combatants and the responsible Indian intelligence agencies.

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