Friday 19 August 2016

Embodiments of Love - 20.08.2016

Embodiments of Love - 20.08.2016

What is the barometer for a true devotee? 

Bhagawan clearly explains so we may raise the bar for ourselves.

Stick to your faith; do not change your loyalty as soon as something happens or someone whispers something. 

Do not pull down Sai Baba’s picture from the wall and hang some other picture there at the first disappointment you meet. 

Leave all to Him; let His Will be carried out — that should be your attitude.

 Unless you go through the rough and the smooth, how can you be hardened? Welcome the light and the shade, the sun and the rain. 

Do not think that only those who worship a picture or image with pompous paraphernalia are devotees. 

Whoever walks straight along the moral path, whoever acts as they speak and speaks as they have seen, whoever melts at another’s woe and exults at another’s joy — they are devotees, perhaps greater devotees.

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