
Tuesday 16 August 2016

Home Remedies for Tinnitus

Home Remedies for Tinnitus:

Almost everyone at one time or another has experienced brief periods of mild ringing or other sounds in the ear. This is known as tinnitus. Tinnitus means sizzling or ringing sounds in the ears, which can be constant or intermittent. It can occur in one or both ears.
It may be caused by age-related hearing lossan ear injury or infectionexposure to loud noisehigh altitudesupper respiratory infectionsearwax blockagevitamin and mineral deficiencies, ear bone changes (abnormal bone growth), , or diseases like high or low blood pressure, diabetes or a circulatory system disorder.
This annoying condition can interfere with daily activities and cause difficulty hearing, working, concentrating and sleeping. While it is not always easy to find the exact cause of tinnitus, there are a number of natural remedies to reduce ringing in the ears that are very effective.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for tinnitus.

1. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is considered the best herbal remedy for tinnitus. It plays a key role in improving blood circulation, which in turn improves the ear functioning and reduces ringing sensations.
Plus, this herb has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can treat any underlying infection that may be contributing to the condition.
To treat tinnitus, you can take ginkgo biloba extract that you can buy from herbal drug stores. Take 120 to 240 mg of standardized extract containing 24 to 32 percent flavonoids and 6 to 12 percent terpenoids.
Take it daily, ideally in three or four divided doses, for six weeks to get positive results. Consult your doctor before starting the treatment as this herb may interact with certain medications.

Note: Ginkgo biloba should not be given to children.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Being an antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent, apple cider vinegar can also be used to treat any underlying infection that may be contributing to tinnitus. Apple cider vinegar also balances the alkaline level in the body.
  1. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a little honey in a glass of water.
  2. Drink this solution two or three times daily until the ringing sensation in the ears stops.

3. Holy Basil

Holy basil is another good natural remedy for treating tinnitus. Its antibacterial properties can kill the bacteria that may be causing the problem. Plus, this herb can give you relief from ear pain.
  1. Put a handful of basil leaves in a blender to make a paste.
  2. Put the paste on a strainer and press with a spoon to extract the juice.
  3. Warm the basil juice slightly.
  4. Using a dropper, put two or three drops of it in the affected ear.
  5. Repeat twice daily for three or four days.

4. Onions

The medicinal and antibacterial properties of onions help treat ear infections causing tinnitus.

  1. Chop one small onion into small pieces.
  2. Microwave the onions for one to two minutes.
  3. Allow it to cool, and then strain out the juice.
  4. Put two or three drops of the juice in the infected ear.
  5. Leave it in the ear for five minutes, then turn your head to let the juice drain out.
  6. Do this a few times a week to get rid of tinnitus.

5. Garlic

Garlic can be used to treat tinnitus caused by high altitudes or cold weather. Garlic helps reduce inflammation as well asimprove blood circulation. Plus, it has antibacterial properties that can get rid of any infection that may be contributing to the problem.
  1. Fry two crushed garlic cloves in one tablespoon of sesame oil.
  2. After straining and letting it cool, and put two or three drops of the oil into the ear canal.
  3. Do this daily at night before going to bed. Continue for about one week.
You can also take garlic capsules or use this herb in your cooking.

6. Saline Solution

Saline solution can help treat tinnitus caused by blocked nasal passages or excessive fluid in the sinuses.
  1. Mix one teaspoon each of salt and glycerin in two cups of warm water to make a homemade saline solution.
  2. Use a nasal spray bottle to inject the solution into each nostril until it starts to drain into the back of your throat.
  3. Spray the solution into your throat also.
  4. Follow this remedy three times a day until your nasal passages are clear.

7. Ginger

Ginger is also used as a cure for tinnitus. The medicinal and healing properties in ginger help improve blood circulation, get rid of pathogens, and fight free radicals. Plus, it has aspirin-like properties that can help reduce pain accompanying tinnitus.
  • Add one-half teaspoon of freshly grated ginger to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for 10 minutes, strain it, and add a little honey. Drink this herbal tea two or three times a day for several days to ease tinnitus symptoms.
  • Also, chew a few slices of raw ginger. The process of chewing helps relieve pressure in the ear that may be causing tinnitus.

8. Mustard Oil

mustard oil
Mustard oil is another popular home remedy for tinnitus. Being a natural rubefacient, mustard oil helps increase circulation. Also, its antifungal and antibacterial properties help treat ear infections. Mustard oil also boosts the immune system to protect against further infections and helps remove the buildup of earwax.
  1. Slightly warm a little mustard oil in a microwave.
  2. Put a few drops of warm mustard oil directly into the affected ear.
  3. Allow the oil to sit for five to 10 minutes.
  4. Then tilt your head to the other side so that the oil drains out of the ear.
  5. Remove the softened earwax with the help of an ear bud.
  6. Repeat once daily for a few days.

9. Pumpkin

Eating foods like pumpkin that are rich in vitamin A can help get rid of tinnitus. It has been found that vitamin A deficiency is one of the leading causes of many ear problems, including tinnitus.
Vitamin A is essential for the proper functioning of the cochlea, or inner ear, which is responsible for reception and transmission of sounds.
Simply include pumpkin in your salad or soup, or have it steamed, grilled, stuffed, stir-fried, or in baked dishes.

10. Pineapple

Adding pineapple to your diet can help reduce tinnitus. Pineapple helps lessen inflammation throughout the body due to the presence of an enzyme known as bromelain. Plus, pineapple has various vitamins including vitamin A.
Eat fresh pineapple at regular intervals throughout the day to reduce inflammation. You can also drink fresh pineapple juice.
Some additional tips:
  • Use a warm compress or heating pad (wrapped in a cloth) to relieve pressure and pain
  • Cut back or stop drinking alcohol
  • Stop smoking
  • Limit your use of aspirin
  • Exercise regularly
  • Limit or avoid exposure to loud noises
  • Practice relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga.
  • Play music or white noise when you are trying to fall asleep.
Follow these remedies and tips to treat tinnitus. However, visit your doctor immediately if you have numbness on one side of the face or body, vertigo, loss of balance, nausea or vomiting.

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