Monday 15 August 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 16th August 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 16th August 2016

Are you curious to know what today hasIN STORE for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Tuesday.


March 21 - April 19
There is something in the air, and it will exceed your expectations where your former, current or potential partner is concerned. Enemies or rivals, too! This is really about dealing with what you are left with, since you first made a move a few days ago – and using it.


April 20 - May 20
A little life gardening is always a good idea when you are about to enter the most successful and productive work period for 12 years. This also applies to unpaid work, university life or full-time parenting. Keep digging and weeding. The non-essentials must go!


May 21 - June 20
You are moving into the most important cycle in 12 years, in terms of pregnancy, babies, children or younger adults 20+ years your junior. Relationships, too, for obvious reasons. The potential is huge if you want to mentor, guide or lead those younger faces.


June 21 - July 22
You are quite right to be totally focussed on your flatmate, house,APARTMENT, family, household, home town or homeland. By being picky about exactly who/what you want in your life in 2017 you are already losing any situation, place or person you don’t need.


July 23 - August 22
Head down and eyes on the prize, Leo. This concept, idea or plan could be huge from September 10th and peak well before October 10th 2017 when this cycle ends. The trick is being entirely focussed on what you want from this – beyond reaching people so well.


August 23 - September 22
You only get oneFINANCIAL, business and property cycle like this every 12 years, Virgo. It is coming together in important stages, even if you find the progress to date has been stop-start. The more clearly you can set goals and state intentions to yourself, the better off you are.


September 23 - October 22
You are shortly about to find that your strongest vision of yourself – name, face, shape, style, profile - does the most work for you. Having already seen opportunities and possibilities, you have set off on your path. It won’t be the one that takes you directly and precisely to your ultimate win, but it does count.


October 23 - November 21
You are weeks away from entering the most important cycle for some time, and that’s the Jupiter in Libra pattern, set to sweep areas of your horoscope which are confidential, classified or behind the scenes. Even those close to you won’t really see what you’re doing.


November 22 - December 21
What came together so quickly and easily for you, a couple of times, with friends and groups – is meant to be. It’s funny how life creeps up on us sometimes and the biggest and best of 2017 has already been hinted at. Look again at who and what helped you, recently.


December 22 - January 19
The famous Jupiter cycle is weeks away now and you will land a wonderfulNEW JOB, be promoted, win an award, achieve outstanding business or university results – or even find rewards in a new field. Nothing happens without a few useful clues, though. For you, Capricorn, these have been building for weeks.


January 20 - February 18
You want success for a couple of new dreams, tied to the worldwide web, travel, foreign or regional connections, education or publishing. The wonderful thing about this new Jupiter cycle is that anybody or anything not helpful to your highest goals, fades out.


February 19 - March 20
They call Jupiter the life gardener of astrology because he is associated with acorns and oak trees, and where your money is concerned, from little acorns, big oak trees will grow by 2017. First of all, though, you may notice some people or situations falling away.

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