
Wednesday 17 August 2016

How true to actual fact is Indian history?

Kautilyaa wonderer and a wanderer

“History is almost always written by the victors and conquerors and gives their view. Or, at any rate, the victors' version is given prominence and holds the field”. - Pt. Nehru.
Pt. Nehru was the first Prime Minister of Independent India and since Nehru was too much influenced by socialism, he allowed the Marxist school of historians to re-write the Indian History.
  • The thing with Marxism is that when it wants to spread it influence in a country, the first thing they do is to destroy the culture and national identity of the majority community. Since hindus are the majority in India, the marxist school of historians did all what they could to destroy the national consciousness of the Hindu Youth.
  • For the same, the Marxist historians fabricated the history in such a way that the coming generations would be ashamed of their own cultural and national history.
  • To fulfill the above purposes, the Marxist historians systematically removed great Indian philosophers, scientists, soldiers, freedom fighters, social workers and everything great from the Indian consciousness.
A small example proving this how the marxist historians forced the not so great Mughal tyrant to be the greatest Indian ruler born ever on this planet called earth.
Akbar has been taught as the as the great Mughal emperor
  • who put the Mughal empire on a firm and stable footing, with a reliable revenue system and with expansion of its borders deeper into Indian heartland.
  • Akbar's rule was secular and tolerant of the native Hindu faith. This belief is fostered by the Indian history texts written by the marxist historians.
  • Akbar killed an unconscious HEMU (a Hindu) to become a GHAZNI (slayer of non muslims)
  • Similarly, Akbar later on ordered a massacre of 30,000 plus unarmed captiveHindu peasants after the fall of Chitod on February 24,1568.
  • He carried the glorious lineage of the greatest rapist, looter, murderer, child molester - the noble BABUR who has the rare honour of being on the cover page of school history books.
  • Akbar’s courtier Aquaviva writes that Akbar had started drinking so much that he used to fall asleep talking to guests.
  • Abul Fazl describes Harem of Akbar: “It had 5000 women and each woman had a separate home.” This is apart from more than 36 wives that he had.
  • The first condition in treaty of Ranathambhor was that Rajputs should dispatch Dolis of women to Royal Harem in return of freeing of soldiers. No wonder, why Jauhar and death were so preferred by those upholding virtues of self-dignity.
CONCLUSION - The Indian history has been distorted by the Marxist historians who had been given a free hand by the GREAT PANDIT NEHRU who once infamously said, “By education I am an Englishman, by views an internationalist, by culture a Muslim, and I am a Hindu only by accident of birth.”
This desperate ambition of Pandit Nehru to be recognized as an International Thinker led to the distortion & destruction of Indian history and historical facts at the hands of the Marxist historians and intellectuals who are solely working with the only aim to turn India into a dictatorial regime and centralizing the entirepower of the country into the hands of a bunch of killers.

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