Monday 15 August 2016

This Independence Day claim Azadi of a different kind

This Independence Day claim Azadi of a different kind:

What is Azadi (Freedom)?

69 years ago when the clock struck 12 at midnight on 14th August, India “gained” Independence from the British Raj after more than a century of oppression. Post that, on the 15th of August every year, we celebrate what we know as our Independence Day --- marking the day with hoisting the national flag, wearing the tri-colour and randomly buying a flag from the neighborhood street kid who eagerly awaits the arrival of the day to claim his own Independence, albeit of a different kind.

What is that you seek freedom from?

For him, 15th August will always be synonymous with the day where he claimed Independence from his poverty – even if for a few hours. Like him, the millions of us too seek our azadi from different things in life --- this Independence day, let us pray for an azadi of a different kind --- let us unite in our effort to make this country a better, safer and cleaner place. Only then will we be truly Independent, and this time around, it will be forever.

From Pellet Guns And Stones

Violence begets violence, so this Independence day, let’s put an end to everything and anything that harms humanity. A pellet gun does not recognize between a friend and a foe, but we do.

From Potholes And Rickety Roads

This Independence Day, let’s not make the administration turn a blind eye to their civic duties. We do not need more malls and skyscraper buildings, we need cleaner, better and safer roads.

From Gender Bias

Let not any working woman need to “prove” her capability vis-à-vis a male employee and let’s not classify jobs as “for men only” and “for women only.” --- Talent has no gender.

From Female infanticide

Let there be a celebration every time a girl is born and let’s break the shackles of a male-dominated society --- Yes, women can be both caregivers and breadwinner --- give them a chance.

For Children Who Beg On The Street

Let not the sadness in their eyes become their life-long “friend” --- offer them food and books, not money.

From Honor Killing

Let not two souls in love become victims of “pseudo culturism” --- eventually love will find a way – either present in life or gone together with death.

From Poverty

Let not a child go hungry while we empty our food trash every day. What might be a leftover for you might be a meal for someone else.

From People Who Abuse Animals

Let not any man or woman get away with abusing our furry friends --- once and for, let’s end this brutal trend.

For Girls Forced Into Prostitution

Let not any girl slowly see herself die a bit day-by-day. Let not see her becoming anyone’s prey.

From Child Abusers

Let not any child be afraid to go to his “uncle’s” house --- let not this fire to punish child abusers ever be doused.

From Domestic Violence

Let not violence be anyone’s life partner in marriage --- love and only love should be the foremost carriage.

To Go To School, Not To Work

Let not any child pick up a broomstick instead of a book --- give her a life that she is proud she finally took.

Your turn now

Like us, what is the one thing you really want azadi from? It’s now your turn to tell us about the shackles you want to break and the freedom you wish to gain from it. Send us a small video (on our facebook page as a private message) telling us what you need azadi from. The best replies will be featured on our Facebook page. So what are you waiting for? Start being the change you want to see in the world

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