Sunday 14 August 2016

Weekly horoscope for the week 15-21 August 2016

Weekly horoscope for the week 15-21 August 2016:

Aries: 15-21 August 2016

By the time Mercury is back to normal on 7th October you will know exactly where you stand with your workload, body, daily routine and lifestyle. Until then, there may be a drop-out, an absence, rescheduling or rewrites of paperwork. There is a brilliant solution for you this week. Take it, but remember the stop-start progress ahead. You will need Plan B and maybe Plan C. Sometimes the issue is transport, flights, your computer or telephone. You are in an excellent position with Minerva and Jupiter on your side but try to do all you can by September 9th even if it does take another four weeks after that date, for the situation to become genuinely final. We have an eclipse in your house of friends and groups this week. Be wary about what seems to be clear or obvious about either. It’s not. This is not staring you in the face at all; it’s in shadow. Decide nothing and do nothing Wednesday-Friday. Avoid this mystery story.

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Taurus: 15-21 August 2016

Let’s begin with the eclipse, which puts a shadow over a career, university, unpaid work or full-time parenting matter. You will see it (or rather not see it) Wednesday through Friday. Eclipses are a big deal in astrology and are always a cover-up, either partially or wholly. Why make big choices or take grand slam action when you are not being shown everything in the clear light of day? Taurus, this is also your last best chance to sign off on the world of pregnancy, babies, children, younger adults, or youth projects. You have until September 9th to use the solution or opportunity, and this week to really focus on the other person and her (or his) personality. There is an epic solution waiting for you so seek the wisdom. The wise old owl in your world knows all, sees all and may even tell all, if you are lucky. Just allow for the situation with the young, to go back and forth until October. This also applies to lovers who could get you pregnant, make you a step-parent or an Aunt or Uncle by marriage one day.

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Gemini: 15-21 August 2016

Avoid making big decisions on the eclipse, which falls in your worldwide web, foreign, travel, publishing and education zone. It’s a lunar eclipse and the Moon is partly in shadow. This blots out what you need to see, so be aware of that, Wednesday through Friday. The real story or true facts may take months to come out. Gemini, push your luck (or use that safety net) with your house, family, household, home town, homeland or apartment now. You will have a stunning answer in front of you. Just be aware that the situation will be hit by people who don’t get back to you; people who change their minds; computer issues; transport issues – or similar Mercury Retrograde problems. This is the case now through October. So proceed, but treat it as a zig-zag pathway. If you can possibly get everything in writing and also  in the bag, verbally, by September 9th – so much the better.

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Cancer: 15-21 August 2016

You are ruled by the Moon as you know, so this eclipse affects you more than the other 11 signs of the zodiac. The Moon is in shadow. So will your financial, business, property, retail or charity question be, Wednesday through Friday. An eclipse is a lousy time to sign anything or shake hands, because history and astrology tell us, there is always a cover-up job taking place. This may be dodgy stuff, depending on your personal birth chart. Sometimes it is quite innocent – there is just missing information on a form (perhaps page three blew away) or someone may genuinely forget to mention the terms of an auction during a key conversation. You get the picture. A Full Moon is D-Day anyway, and this is D-Day without full vision. Allow until October to see the end of your website, book, big idea, course, project, proposal and so on. You are going to hit the usual Mercury Retrograde issues – flakey people are high on the list – sometimes the computer lets you down. The ultimate outcome will protect you or give you a reward, depending on how hard you worked last year, and you will see exactly why no later than September 9th.

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Leo: 15-21 August 2016

The woman (or feminine man) you are dealing with over the money, house, business, company, land, apartment, possessions or charity is a complicated human being, who is all about the relationships – the chemistry.  At the same time there is wisdom on tap and if it’s answers you want, then it is answers you will get. What unfolds is familiar. This is past life stuff, or you are watching the same old story come back. Aim to have this completed by September 9th for the best results, but allow for the discussion or paperwork to get stuck, then go backwards – then forwards – with the final outcome by October 7th. What else matters now? This eclipse! Steer clear of Wednesday-Friday for big judgements or action plans which might affect your title, image, appearance, name, reputation. Ditto, anything that would impact the relationship you share with your former, current or potential partner. Enemies, rivals and opponents too. Eclipses conceal. Something or someone is in the shade near Thursday. Wait.

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Virgo: 15-21 August 2016

By rights, this would just be another tough call about your daily workload or your body. Instead you have a D-Day moment and low visibility. Would you really want to spend Wednesday-Friday making big choices or taking dramatic action about your lifestyle, your job or your physical condition? Thought not! Let this eclipse pass, because they are notorious in astrology and history for obscuring what you need to see. At the moment, Virgo, you also have your ruler Mercury retrograde in your sign. You can see the shadow kicking in already with three train services in Britain on strike, Delta grounded in the USA and Australia’s census fail. You have a relaunch, renaissance, rebirth in motion. It will stop and start. It will go backwards, pause then move forwards. Allow for this, until October – but this week you will be given a dazzling, awe-inspiring, brilliant solution to your major Me question and you so need to jump on that. Virgo, you are being protected or guided, as you will see by September 9th. This is about your title, reputation, photograph, profile, film clip, shape, style, persona. It’s crucial and it’s complicated.

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Libra: 15-21 August 2016

It will ultimately work out for you with your secret, or the part you are playing behind the scenes. You are either being protected from something that could have been a problem, or helped towards a massive reward. This week you get a major solution as part of the experience. It will come from a woman or a man with a female side to his personality. Realise that you need to shift as much out of the way as possible by 9th September to get the protection or the luck. Also realise that for all the talk, e-mails or paper trail nothing will be final until 7th October. What else goes on now? An eclipse in Aquarius tells you, second half of the week you need to avoid big decisions or action plans with pregnancy, babies, children or young adults; relationships bringing younger people into your life; youth projects. Why? An eclipse conceals, not reveals.

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Scorpio: 15-21 August 2016

The Moon goes into the earth’s shadow and nothing is clear. This applies to your house, relative, apartment, flatmate, home town or homeland. Wednesday-Friday is D-Day. Allow for the fact that it will be months until the full story comes out. You also have keynote choices coming, now through 9th September, about your friend and your group. Everything is up in the air and there will be a really changeable process ahead, yet do all you can – as you are being protected or guided towards something great. You will see why by September 9thbut don’t leave it until after that date as Jupiter will no longer be backing you.

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Sagittarius: 15-21 August 2016

You were promised so much with your career, unpaid work or full-time parenting in July. You did not dare to even hope. You were right. Other people have been disorganised, unreliable or even downright deceitful. Fear not, Sagittarius. You will get a basic reward by 7th October. Better still by September 9th you will realise you were either being secretly protected by a sneaky, benevolent universe – or actually helped in other ways, to the grand-slam, mouth-watering finish that you only fantasise about now. Sagittarius there will be one outstanding answer, solution or creation presented to you this week in relation to success. Also imminent, the eclipse. You would not try to buy a computer or phone in the dark, so don’t do it now. You would not write or broadcast in a power cut, so don’t do it now. Wednesday-Friday is the centre of the eclipse, when nature is peculiar and shadows, not light, prevails.
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Capricorn: 15-21 August 2016

The Full Moon Wednesday-Friday would bring you to a point of no return with your bank, salary, company, credit card, house, charity, apartment or possessions anyway. This one is a doozy because it’s an eclipse. Nothing is clear. Wait until it has passed before you make grand-slam, wham, bam judgements or take big action. There is something shadowy about the person, organisation, place or situation. All is yet to be revealed, Capricorn. What else is going on now? The horoscope zone which rules the worldwide web, foreign and regional differences, belief systems (including scepticism), education and publishing is playing up. Up, uppity, up, up, up. You have known this for weeks because of red tape problems, flakey people or even what looks like deliberately dodgy behaviour.

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Aquarius: 15-21 August 2016

The Sun clashes with the Moon Wednesday-Friday in your sign. This is about your title. Your reputation and photograph. Your face, shape or wardrobe. Your car, if your car defines your image. Your profile and persona. Skip that period for major decisions or action plans. Not only are the Sun and Moon opposite each other, the Moon is in shadow, because we have an eclipse. Nothing is clear. You also need to time your business interests, salary, property interests, charity or possessions right. Allow until 7th October for the absolute last delivery of what was expected or anticipated – or at least, the end of the matter, if something was never really going to happen. Do all you can to make or save a fortune by September 9thas your Jupiter luck stops then, and so does the protection. In the meantime, trust in the fact that even the screw-ups now have a benevolent cosmic purpose.

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Pisces: 15-21 August 2016

It’s all about him, him, him. (Or her). You also have a paper trail or a stack of talking points involving your partner. Former partners, or potential partners too. And enemies, if you have made them. I expect you were banking on something coming through, nice and easy, but it hasn’t. This would have been from July when you felt you were being blessed by an answer or given an opportunity, but you have subsequently been left confused, unsure or just held up by rubbish communication. This is pretty typical of Jupiter and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. If you are being secretly saved from something you needed protecting from, bank on the fact that even the stuff-ups, delays or flakey people have served their purpose. Even the crashing computer had its secret part in your higher good! You will see exactly what the universe has been up to by 9th September which is when you can stop pushing so very hard to get what you want, or a version of it…

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