Monthly Horoscopes
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Aries: May 2016
Aries, you have some important decisions to make about your former, current or potential partnerin May. There may also be quite specific questions about fertility, babies, children, young relatives, youthful in-laws, godchildren or stepchildren. From 18th May when Bacchus joins Minerva in Leo, the sign which rules the younger generation in your life (and lovers who can bring it closer to you) you will be given some outstanding advice or receive the most brilliant insights.
This is the month when we also find Cupido and Diana in Libra, the sign that rules the scales that must be balanced with your former, current or potential partner. As early as 3rd May when Cupido changes signs, you will need to balance the need for independence (on your part, or the other person's) along with the mad passion that Cupido brings.
Normally, May would be just another month of tremendous desires, which last about as long as Cupid's arrow in your arm. However, 2016 is a little different, because from September, you could easily find that what begins in small way now, changes the entire future of your love life. The reason for this is the entry of Jupiter into the same sign, Libra, which can only happen every 12 years. In many ways, the future good fortune, expansion and major solutions to come, owe a lot to what goes down in May.
Aries is a fighter, not a wimp. Sometimes you substitute a battle for love and sex, because you find a feud or contest to be just as arousing as a passionate relationship. If you count yourself in that category then you are seriously going to love May, because Diana herself was such a famous hunter and the game (or race) will very much be on. You might even say you fall in love with it, in May!
The situation with your money, house, apartment, possessions, business or charity will go backwards and forwards so please be prepared. This will happen partly as a result of sharemarket chaos around the world or major issues with the banks. You will be affected through six degrees of separation. Don't be fooled by what happens close to 6th May as this New Moon is very misleading. This new beginning or fresh start with your finances or property will involve changes, a potential reversal and most certainly delays.
In fact, it may not be until June that you finally have one episode all straightened out. Dates to be careful include the periods around May 9th and 13th when Mercury Retrograde is at its peak. This is when you may find that the communication, information, transportation or negotiation either takes you backwards, or it takes you forwards - only to take you backwards or sideways later!
One example of this might be organising a new credit card only to find the pin number does not arrive. A bigger issue might be the negotiation process over a sale or purchase, as people can change their minds on this cycle - or even lead you astray. Please get everything in writing in May and read the fine print. If you need to get a second opinion, do so. From 27th May, Mars (your ruling planet) will also start to move retrograde, or backwards, through Scorpio. This is action, but it's going in the wrong direction!
Think of a car speeding up the highway in reverse. That is now how you will see your property, financial, charity, business, sales or ownership issue. Given all this weird motion in your horoscope, you really must set May aside as a month to reschedule, rethink, review, rehearse (anything with 're' in front of it works fine now). It's a good time to sketch out possibilities and potentials, but you may prefer to lock everything down once and for all, when Mercury is out of retrograde shadow on June 7th.
I'm going to look at a few other key dates for you now. On 9th May Jupiter stations direct in Virgo, the sign which rules your lifestyle, body and workload. Start your engine. You now have 4-5 months to take full advantage of incredible solutions and opportunities not possible in years. This increases after 21st May when Ops enters Virgo. She is Jupiter's mother and her name is hidden in the word 'optimism' so you will have very good reasons to be extremely hopeful about a brighter and better future, in terms of the work you do, no matter if it's paid or unpaid. You should also snap up possible answers relating to your health, no matter if the issue is mental health, weight loss, back pain - or whatever.
I would also like to mention the Full Moon on 21st May which falls in Sagittarius. Normally this would not be such a big deal. However, as Saturn has been in this sign since last year, you may want to avoid the 20th, 21st, 22nd for major travel, foreign, internet, publishing or educational plans.
You may be conflicted about these, or discover obstacles or issues with other people, large organisations or even really large-scale concerns. Take your time and take care on that Full Moon. It's not the time to plunge into ambitious overseas travel, a university degree, a book contract, a web startup (or indeed anything which involves the big picture) - without a lot of thought. You can read more at Get The Gloss.Premium Member? Please continue for personal birth chart information.
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Taurus: May 2016
Taurus, let's start at the end of the month and say that you need to go over old ground with or for your partner. This also applies to your former or potential partner. If your enemy, opponent or rival matters more to you than a lover - then the 'Back to the Future' time-travelling you are going to do from the closing week, will concern the person who is against you.
2016 is the year that you need to sort out unresolved questions about the marriage, separation, divorce, relationship or affair. You will see why from the day that Mars re-enters Scorpio on 27th May. I would like to point out that the worst is over. You hit the heaviest, hardest part of this cycle, either involving this person (or another) back in 2013 or 2014. Now, you are in a phase of your life when you must go and retrace your steps, revisit what happened and unpick what you knitted together in your life. Back then you did not have the time, situation or energy to really wrap up everything completely and sort it out. From the end of May you can do this.
If you lost touch with a lover or have never had total closure with your ex, the final week of May could be the start of Phase Two. I am sure you know Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. I would call this Partnership Revisited. And maybe Enemies Revisited, too! One way or another, Taurus, you are going to lick this issue once and for all in 2016.
Perhaps children are a related question. With Jupiter intensifying his movement through this zone of your chart and Ops joining him later in May, you are in a fantastic position with fertility, babies, children, stepchildren, nieces, nephews, godchildren, child custody and so on. I would describe this as your single biggest advantage until September.
We have a lot of action in your sign now, Taurus. This means your wardrobe, accessories, hair, body shape and type - your entire image - and the parts you play, or role you have - really matters so much more. Please be aware that your plans will either get stuck, alter or even go back to the drawing board by June. If you are planning to commit to weight loss with an expensive program, for example, you may want to read the fine print on the contract. If you were to organise business stationery, photographs or public relations assistance - again, you may find that human error, computer problems or printing issues get in the way.
Skip the Full Moon period 20th-22nd May for major choices about your money, house, business, possessions, apartment or charity. This is a particularly tough call anyway, so why launch anything new at that time? I do feel you will be working very hard on particular issues anyway, as you go into the final week of May. This is your 'get real' moment about everything you own, earn or owe. It may be debt. It may be taxation. It may be something you did wrong. The best thing to do, Taurus, is to skip the Full Moon period altogether if possible and fast-forward your efforts to June. Yes, you will have tasks ahead. Yes, they will take time. There are no shortcuts or easy answers on this cycle. No magic wands. All you must do is roll up your sleeves and really apply yourself to learning what must be done, not what you fantasise you might do. Yet - Taurus - in the years to come this period of your life will pay off for you, as in 2018/2019 you will make or save a fortune.
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Gemini: May 2016
Gemini, in May you will see Cupido joining Diana, his mother, in a pattern which picks up on the importance of your children, godchildren, young relatives, fertility or stepchildren. Alternatively, the issue is a former, current or potential partner whose own attitude towards parenthood (yes, no or maybe) has a huge impact on your sexual intimacy.
There is tremendous desire, longing and passion here. We associate Cupido with Cupid, the Italian god who in cherubic form used to shoot arrows into people. The madness lasts as long as an arrow wound - a few weeks, no more. Thus, we might say May is strictly temporary stuff, except for the fact that there are bigger choices to make. Diana is about total independence, freedom and autonomy. She was the goddess who begged her father Jupiter to avoid marriage and motherhood, and instead chose to do what she pleased, when she pleased! This is why I think you're also going to have to face massive issues about independence, in the context of fertility, pregnancy, babies, children, young adult offspring, stepchildren, godchildren and so on.
Why do we know this is a big deal? Because Saturn is also in Sagittarius, the sign which describes the very particular relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner. There are no easy answers or flash-in-the-pan solutions at the moment. All you can really do is honestly accept who and what you are dealing with, no matter how heavy that is, and find out what needs to be done - especially what has worked for others in your exact position.
I suspect it will all come to a head for you near the Full Moon in Sagittarius on 21st May. If you want a calm existence then skip the 20th, 21st, 22nd for deep and meaningful discussion, contractual agreements or the start of any new relationships - or perhaps a child custody or adoption application. Full Moons are notoriously stressful. However, they also who you who and what matters most, Gemini, and you need to know that.
There is another reason why all this action in May matters so much more than usual. From September Jupiter will move into Libra, which rules your fertility, adoption, parenthood, godchildren and so on - and particularly lovers who could make you an Aunt or Uncle by marriage, or get you pregnant. Jupiter will fix so many problems in your life and introduce so much expansion, improvement and growth that you simply will not recognise your life by 2017. The growth is like a vineyard coming to fruition. The seeds are now planted in May. As a result of what you plant and nurture in your life this month you stand to gain within five-six months. Even if the path you are on is complicated it will get you to where you need to be, emotionally, sexually or psychologically.
I must also mention Mercury Retrograde to you. Mercury is your ruler and he is now bringing delays, standstills, reversals or changes in your life. What is affected? The secrets you keep. The confidential matters you hide. The classified information you know. The bigger mysteries like depth psychology or psychic work. Dreams. Finally, this month may be about a role you play behind the scenes where you are virtually invisible. Please allow for u-turns or stop-start developments where all this is concerned. One example might be finding your diaries have gone missing, or starting an anonymous blog only to find it is hacked.
Counselling or therapy may involve rescheduling or may not shape up as you planned. If you work for the police, intelligence, the military, the judiciary, or in other highly sensitive areas, please be aware that what you cover up and hide could take you backwards and sideways. Be particularly alert to the possibility of hacking.
What else matters now? Your house, family, apartment, household, town and/or country. Please place your foot on the accelerator and drive this, all the way from May to September. You will love the journey. You will really love the destination - this is going to be so much bigger and better than anything you had before.
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Cancer: May 2016
Your group - the one involving your friend - is all over the place in May. This is not the most important story in your life, but it will have an impact on you, because the delays, reversals or changes will certainly alter your plans in other areas. The friendship may be old or new, Cancer. The group itself may be formal, like a political party or football team, or more casual, like a close assortment of friends, in the Seinfeld mould.
Around the 6th, 9th and 13th of May it would be very easy to imagine that you are on a straightforward path with these people and that everything is locked in. Not so. By June 7th you will see why, as you are going to hit the typical Mercury Retrograde cycle when people change their minds, computers do not behave, the post is unreliable, information is not understood correctly - and so on. Please be aware of this.
I also need to draw your attention to the Full Moon in Sagittarius which you will feel most strongly on May 20th, 21st, 22nd. Please avoid this period for major decisions about your working life or your body. A Full Moon is D-Day and it makes people intensely conflicted inside, or it spells conflicts in the outside world. I am sure you don't really want to be caught up in that, when the situation with your job, housework, university degree or unpaid work is already so demanding. I would extend this to your body as a whole and specifically your health and wellbeing.
The Full Moon is useful because it will lay down the realities for you. It will show you exactly who and what you must deal with - no avoidance, no evasion. After this you can come up with some kind of plan. You either need to recommit yourself to tough strategies you adopted before, or seeing that these no longer work, substitute them with something better.
What works very nicely now? Your way with words, ideas or images. The project, plan, technology or people in May suggests big leaps forward and by September you could be richly satisfied. One example of this is a blog. Another might be a language course.
I don't need to remind you that in 2012-2015 you went through the toughest time in years with, or through, your children. This also applies to relationships where you could have become pregnant, or become a step-parent, Aunt or Uncle by marriage one day. You were put through the mill, Cancer, yet even though the worst is over, you still have more effort to put in. The final week of May shows you why. You have loose ends to tie up and some closure to pursue. Mars is involved, so there is tension here. Certainly, some heat - and a need for action. Just be aware that you are going to revisit what you already know. Mars Retrograde will send you back over old ground. Later on, Cancer, you can move forward again and I suspect that November is going to be a real moment of truth for you, as you can well and truly say that the past is behind you.
It is possible that an old relationship could revive when Mars goes retrograde in the final week. Alternatively the situation with your son or daughter may revive, or you may find that a child custody or adoption process returns, picking up where it left off.
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Leo: May 2016
Well, Leo, with so much action in Taurus - which rules your career, unpaid work, full-time parenting role or university degree - you know exactly what May is going to be about. Just remember you won't have the full, final story until the first week of June at the latest. Why? Mercury is retrograde.
Assume nothing, even when your C.V. moves forward near the 6th, 9th and 13th as you will find that the story changes later on, is held up - or even reverses for a total rewrite. The sky is not going to fall on your head, but you are definitely going to see a rather messy and muddled situation.
On the plus side, you will make or save a lot of money this month as Jupiter the planet of solutions, opportunities and abundance makes an intense pattern in your chart. Later on in May he is joined by Ops, so there are big answers here. In fact by September you could be substantially better off, either making or saving a fortune, or cash in kind (for example, access to a home, or precious possessions).
Mars will take you back in time with your family, house, apartment, town, country or household from the last week of May. You will go over old ground and retrace your steps. The worst is over. You were put through the mill for a big chunk of 2012-2015 so leave it behind. I do feel that you need to get final closure on unresolved issues, though, and that's why you will start your engine in the final week of May.
What's tough now? Children. Fertility, pregnancy and adoption. Lovers who could make you an Aunt, Uncle, step-parent or parent. Godchildren. The heirs to your throne! You can make it easier on yourself by avoiding the Full Moon period, May 20th, 21st, 22nd for big discussions. That is also not the time to pursue IVF treatment, for example, or your child's education, or big decisions about child custody. Ditto a new relationship with someone who would inevitably bring his godchild into your life (for example) or his younger relatives. Quite frankly, there are more peaceful moments to do that.
Leo, you cannot avoid that Full Moon, despite your best intentions. What it should do is illuminate and expose who or what cannot be avoided. A very good tip is to find other people's insights, experiences and knowledge and tap that. No matter how long you have been living and loving, Saturn could make you feel like an absolute beginner.
As the month ends a new story begins. It's about your group and the friend who is a part of that group. You can read more at Get The Gloss.Premium member? Please continue.
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Virgo: May 2016
Virgo, your ruler Mercury is retrograde in May. The specific areas of your life involved are - travel, education, academia, publishing, foreigners, the internet. To this, we might add exploration in general (moving might involve such exploration) or the quest for more knowledge and information, no matter if you are a student of life or a mentor for other people.
Expect delays, standstills and reversals with all these areas, above. Do not fly without insurance and check weather conditions, strike action and other typical Mercury retrograde effects before you commit. Read the fine print on terms and conditions affecting travel at all times.
If you are dealing with a publisher then expect dithering or wibbling. Two fine British words which describes Mercury types (the usually quicksilver editors or publishers) who are now stuck or even changing their minds. I would extend this to teachers, students and lecturers too. It's tricky.
Life returns to normal on June 7th but you will see one story in your life be rewritten before then - maybe twice. As this could cost you time or money with an overseas trip or a blog, for example, be hip to the risks.
What works well now? Your continued relaunch. Your wardrobe, looks, image, title, role or persona is your passport in May. In fact, wheels will turn so quickly this month that by September you could have seen the most fantastic results in years. A popularity boom online? Maybe. Some kind of rebirth of 'Me' through photography or video? Possibly. Sensational publicity? Very likely.
I'm not crazy about this Full Moon in Sagittarius. I am sure you're not crazy about it either. May 20th, 21st, 22nd is the full coverage period, as the world catches up with itself. Please avoid this time for major decisions about your relative, apartment, flatmate, house, town and/or country. It is already clear that you have enough to deal with, without adding more to your load. This is a very heavy situation which can only happen every 29 years.
It may be your mother who needs special care. It could be your tenant from hell (do not worry, they will go back there once this cycle is over). It may be the council. Perhaps you are caught fast with issues affecting your country and the way it is going! When we talk about your home, and your people, and your place - I am sure you know what I mean.
This is where the toughest challenges are unfolding. The Full Moon will show you exactly where things stand. This helps you strategise. It is not a time for big moves, though. Just absorb, process and then go to the next step. If you absolutely must plunge into some domestic, property, family or 'home town' situation then, you will be very challenged but I wish you the best of luck.
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Libra: May 2016
Libra, as the whole world knows by now, Mercury is Retrograde. The information, communication, negotiation and transportation flow will now go backwards and forwards and even hit a standstill. This occurs in your Eighth House of finance, property, business, possessions and charity. These are deadly serious agreements, like life insurance, or sexually intimate arrangements, like a joint bank account. The New Moon on 6th May might feel like a fresh start but it's going to be punctuated by the usual reversals, rehearsals or rescheduling. Read the fine print very carefully to see what the impact will be, should you have to go back to the drawing board with (say) a mortgage.
Your best best this month is everything you do in secret, no matter if you are hiding behind the scenes on a project where others get the attention - or if you are nursing something quite confidential, to the point of being classified information. Near 5th May you can protect the future. Near 9th May you'll really see the opportunities or solutions. Near 21st May there's another peak of optimism. You were so right to pursue this, even though others don't really see, fathom or comprehend what you're up to.
The Full Moon on 21st May (allow the 2oth to 22nd for the world to catch up with itself) is not the greatest time to chase major travel, education, internet, foreign, regional, publishing or academic moves. You may be dealing with polar opposites then, two sides who cannot see life the same way, or a conflicted, complicated situation. I wouldn't normally give this much space just to a Full Moon, but it's in Sagittarius, where we also find heavy-lesson Saturn. So - you may prefer to pick another time. If you have to go ahead then consider doing more checking than usual. Cover all your bases more completely than you might normally do.
From 27th May, Mars retrogrades or also appears to go backwards (like Mercury) in the other big finance sector of your chart. This is where you earn, own or owe money in your own right. You have unfinished business from earlier this year and you must now go back over old ground. It's a little like a reversing race car. Think about a rewind of the Grand Prix and that's the atmosphere. Yet - ultimately, in 2016 you can close this chapter with your bank, house, company, apartment, business, charity or possessions for good. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.
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Scorpio: May 2016
Scorpio, you may want to suspend your judgement regarding your partner this month. This also applies to your former or potential partner. If you have an enemy, opponent or rival who matters more to you than a lover (say) then it is this person you should take your time with; nothing will be fully known, final or detailed until June.
The reason for this is Mercury's retrograde cycle, which including the shadow, won't be over until the first week of June is behind you. Mercury rules the talking points, e-mails, statements, paperwork, mail, faxes and text messages of your life with this man (or woman). That's why, when he appears to move backwards, so does the information and communication flow. Whatever story you two are creating together will go back and forth for a while, or even get stuck. So - you may want to hang five before you call anything 'certain' or absolute. This is especially true near May 9th and 13th so don't get caught.
What works now, so beautifully for you? Friendships, old and new. Your principal group, no matter if it's a netball team or the Freemasons, will also reward you enormously. There is this incredible sense of hope and optimism coming from, or through, these friends and allies. By September you will be very pleased you invested so much time and energy in them.
We have a Full Moon on 21st May in your finance, property, business, possessions and charity zones. A lot of astrologers will be talking to you about this Full Moon because it's truly hard work. If you can pick any time at all to pursue big moves with your cash, house, apartment, sales, purchases and so on - and particularly with your company - then you may prefer to steer clear of this time. A Full Moon is always a D-Day situation and I think you'll have enough to deal with, without adding to the mix. The Full Moon is usually about some inner conflict you have to wrangle, or a real-world split, as the Sun is opposite the Moon at this time and you will typically hit a lot of opposing points of view, or people/organisations coming from opposite ends of the spectrum.
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Sagittarius: May 2016
Sagittarius, you have quite a lot of action in your Fifth House of serious lovers - and crucially, children - this month. You are also seeing major horoscope factors in your Seventh House, which describes the relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner.
From 6th May, Apollo enters Aries joining Ceres and Salacia in your Fifth House. This is about pregnancy, adoption, step-parenting, nieces, nephews, babies, schoolchildren, young adults, youth - and often the lovers who bring these issues into your world. There is a long, drawn-out process of sharing and compromise going on now and you have to do your best to make sure this new set-up between you, him, her or them works.
Avoid gender politics. You really don't want one male dealing with two or more females in a competitive or manipulative situation. This is more likely when Vesta changes signs from 16th May. The state of play with your former, current or potential partner - maybe with a love rival if you have one - is more obvious to the world from 20th May. That kind of feedback and reaction to the way things are between you and him (or her) is truly useful. It's like someone holding up a mirror so you can see the chemistry reflected there. You may want to avoid the Full Moon though (21st May, but allow a day either side) for major decisions or action plans. It's honestly just too hard! The Sun, which represents men and fathers in astrology, is opposite the Moon, which represents women and mothers, at that time. I think you'll have enough to deal with, near the 21st, without adding to your load. The Full Moon is also accenting your personal appearance, name, title, role, image and so on - your exterior. Because you have Saturn in your own sign, Sagittarius, at the moment you are already working these issues very, very hard. That is another reason to skip the 21st to pursue your Me Agenda - why? - because you are stretched enough without more s-t-r-e-t-c-h taking place.
What I love most about your chart in May is the opportunity and the possibility. I have spoken a lot about your success in 2016 and also your status. Nobody can make you do anything - of course - but you are on the upward climb this month. Some stunning patterns at the highest point of your astrological chart are encouraging you to go to the next level in your chosen profession, field, business or industry. Maybe you'd like to try an alternative way to be successful - that too is well-starred. In fact, what you have such high hopes for, this month, and what presents itself as such a godsend or solution, could take you all the way to the top by August, or September at the latest.
Mercury is retrograde, which you will have known about for months, if you read this website regularly. The usual stop-start progress will affect your routine, lifestyle and daily work patterns. There may also be an issue about your body, which goes backwards and forwards. Make allowances for that, as Mercury will not be out of shadow until the first week of June. Rescheduling seems inevitable and - let's be positive - it's a good time to rehearse some work project, university outline or unpaid work concept. If you are prepared to scratch things out or rewrite them, you'll find May is smoother for you, because you expect this 'first attempt' scenario.
Mars retrogrades into Scorpio on the 27th. You have unfinished business regarding a tremendous secret, classified information, confidential concerns - or a role you play behind the scenes where you get no recognition. Prepare for a replay of what was going on a few months ago, Sagittarius. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.
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Capricorn: May 2016
Your best bet in May is definitely across the map, either by a few miles, or on the other side of the world. It is time to travel, move, explore or wander - and how far you go depends on how much time and money you have. Jupiter is making his presence felt near 9th May and so the sense of optimism, expansion and 'think big' increases. You may find this increases after the 21st when Jupiter's mother Ops joins him (she is quite a powerful asteroid) and you realise that this part of your local area, your country - or the world - is a truly good move. You can double that message if you need to go further afield in order to study, teach, write, publish, create a web venture or blog - or pursue your beliefs.
Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation, is retrograde. He won't be clearing his own shadow until the first week of June. Bear that in mind when you're talking about babies, pregnancy, children, young adults, youth or younger relatives. This also applies to the lover who could bring that generation into your life, in some way. There is no 'final' in May and you may even find that owing to communication issues, the mail, your computer, human error or your phone - the story changes. At the very least you will find stop-start progress. This is most likely with a child's school schedule, or a baby's Christening. Those are just two examples! We might also raise the issue of serious lovers who don't return calls or e-mails. Check your spam filter. Is this a good month to start your love life on Tinder or RSVP? Nope. Sorry about that. You're good after June 7th, though. Life near May 6th, 9th, 13th, is particularly flakey in terms of a delay, reversal or communication misfire and that's when you may want to suspend final judgement on what is going on.
After 20th May your working life, your daily routine, your body and your lifestyle go under the microscope - and by June you will have the advantage of seeing yourself and your world, as others do. This helps you get some objectivity about what to do next. You may want to skip the Full Moon on 21st May for major work, study, unpaid work or body priorities, though. It's never really the best time to get things complete, or find 'whole' answers and there are easier times for you to do that. The Full Moon is also important for another reason, which I'll go into now.
It occurs in Sagittarius, where we also find your ruler Saturn now. Thus, the period around the 21st is unusually heavy and hard work, especially if you are keeping a secret, covering up classified information, concealing confidential concerns - or less dramatically, operating behind the scenes, almost anonymously or invisibly, on matters where others are getting the attention! If you want a quiet life you may prefer to skip that Full Moon period (allow from the 20th to the 22nd) for major moves with all that I've listed above.
You have unfinished business with a group, involving a friend. Perhaps the unfinished business is actually for this person, too. You'll see a rerun of the issues, which I am sure turned up the heat, from 27th May as Mars retrogrades back into Scorpio. Nothing is ever over (to quote Lenny Kravitz) when Mars makes these backwards patterns, and you may have to just dig in, rewind and resolve this. Mars usually accompanies situations where there's a raised emotional temperature so if you feel like you need to walk this off - you truly do. Read more atGet The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.
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Aquarius: May 2016
Lots of choices about the world of babies, children or teenagers in May, Aquarius. Also, logically, the serious lover who might usher this younger generation into your life, for whatever reason. You begin this fact-finding mission soon after 16th May when Vesta changes signs to Gemini. From that point forward you will hit gender politics. One male and two or more females. You can just imagine how much competitiveness that might trigger, or how much manipulation! I have seen this pattern turn up when a tiny baby boy is born into an all-female household and the mother, sister, aunt, mother-in-law all strive for Junior's attention. More commonly, we often get Vesta when some guy is trying to massage his ego or get a lot of his needs met, by pitting one female against another. If you are male, be hip to this pattern and do all you can to avoid it. Sometimes the women can gang up on the man, of course! It does happen.
May 20th, 21st, 22nd you have a Full Moon in this same zone of your chart and you may want to avoid those days for major discussions or big decisions. It's not a particularly restful or relaxing time for figuring out a child's education (for example) or your plans for adoption. It's not the easiest time to pursue a new lover, particularly if there are children from a previous relationship - or pregnancy is a big deal for you. Aquarius if you can choose any time at all to chase these concerns, you may want to skip the Full Moon on May 21st.
This Full Moon is also quite hard work in terms of your friend, and the group you are both a part of. This group may be formal, like a political party, or an ensemble cast in a play - or it may be pretty loose and social, like a Twitter tribe. Normally none of this stuff really stretches you, but at the moment it's an uphill battle as you have Saturn's 29 year cycle of obstacles, challenges and tests - and I'm sure you know it. Because that Full Moon near May 21st falls in the same zone as Saturn, I think you could pick a much easier time to really push friendship or group issues. It's like being Sarah Palin and dealing with the Republican party and all its realities at the moment - or Jennifer Aniston and dealing with the issues that you might expect from a Friends reunion!
What I like most about your chart now is the money or savings. You had a brainwave about making more cash or saving it, quite recently. I hope you are putting this into action. In any case May will really help you, no matter if your concern is the bank, your business, your house, apartment, company, possessions or charity. When Jupiter stands still near 9th May you will see just how blessed you are. After 21st May when Ops joins him (she is his mother in mythology) there is a real sense of determined hope for the future and bright, well-placed optimism. There is the faith that moves mountains around this time and by September, it will either reward you with cash or cash-in-kind (for example, access to a free holiday home, or a car).
I need to mention Mercury Retrograde despite this general boost and improvement for your material and financial world. You are going to hit delays, changes or reversals with your house or apartment, so if you are pursuing that because you want to sell, find a bargain, make savings - maybe renovate and add to the value - please take care. This is the cycle that cost Google a fortune because of a printer error! Just hit 'Mercury Retrograde' on Search on this site to find out how the cycle works. In general, if it's about your home or property, then get it in writing, read the fine print and allow for stop-start progress. This applies to builders, tenants, Air BnB guests, landlords - the lot. Aquarius, this cycle also applies to your family or household so you may want to allow for reversals, alterations or waiting games until June 7th. (June 7th is also the cut-off point for those stop-start chains affecting your house of apartment, as Mercury ends his shadow then).
Mars is also retrograde at the end of the month. A career, university or unpaid work issue that went nowhere, or got stuck, will come racing back onto your agenda. This also applies if full-time parenting is your job. Earlier in 2016 this rather white-hot issue got started, revved up and either stopped or stalled. It may even have vanished. Well, at the end of May it will be back. Prepare for more stop-start action. Yet, in the end, you will well and truly finish this saga. Just allow a little more time than usual! Read more atGet The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.
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Pisces: May 2016
I really like the look of your relationship with a former, current or potential partner in May, Pisces. From the 5th of May when Hygiea stations direct, you have protection for the future. For the rest of the month ask yourself what you can lock into place, to shield the partnership or association from x factors you want to avoid. It's almost like a pre nuptial agreement or some other kind of love/life insurance. This applies to work partners too, if your duet is more of a Batman and Robin professional relationship!
Pisces, you can even have an enemy, rival or foe on this cycle and gain. I have mentioned this to you in other columns. It's the only cycle where the person who is not on your side actually does you favours. You will see that this month, if you do have some kind of conflict or battle.
Mercury is retrograde in your zone of communication, information, travel and transportation. Please take care with trips, new equipment (an awful lot of astrologers would simply not purchase a phone or computer now) and your car. Be very cautious with printers, the internet as a whole - and even a fax machine. Microphones, the mail and even trains are all ruled by Mercury so when you see him appearing to go backwards, you know what to expect. Don't be fooled by the new beginning with the internet, publishing, multimedia, or other forms of communication (education too) near the 6th. It's like the launch of a car that's going to stop, start, stop and go backwards and forwards! Try not to launch a website, blog, magazine, newspaper or book around that time - or at least keep your sense of humour and be philosophical. I remember an Australian magazine called Who Weekly, very successful now, which launched on this same cycle. It was pulled within weeks and they all went back to the drawing board.
It's an excellent month to rehearse. To try a first or second draft. Your communication gets back on track from 7th June when the shadow ends. Be really cautious around 9th May and 13th May with all those travel, short-haul flying, computer, internet, publishing or education priorities. I know that it will all rev up around that time but it may also zoom backwards or get stuck!
Your house, apartment, family, household, town, country - what I call 'your people or your place' is a real issue now. Avoid the gender politics from 16th May. This would classically be your husband, his daughters and his ex-wife (one man, many women) or your father, your brother - and you, if you are a female. Flatmates where one male is playing games with two or more females are another example. From 20th May at least you get the advantage of seeing the property, domestic, family or home town/country situation from the outside looking in. You will have some feedback and reaction from others from that point forward which really helps your ultimate choice. Skip the Full Moon on 21st May for decisions about anything I have mentioned above as the Sun in Gemini is clashing with the Moon, and you could pick a much, much easier time to pursue home or family priorities. This also applies to flatmates, property investment, your town or your country.
Your role in life, your career, your unpaid work, your university degree or your full-time job as a parent is also best pursued, far away from 21st May. The other end of the Full Moon picks up your Tenth House of status, success and achievement. I know you are already labouring under some seriously tough realities and one of those very hard-work situations, as you are going through a cycle that can only occur every 29 years. Well, the Moon will trigger that, so if you can skip the period around the 21st for action plans or judgement calls, you may find life a lot easier.
Please do floor the accelerator with your former, current or potential partner near 9th May when Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, hope, growth and expansion makes his presence felt. You will also gain so much from the period after 21st May with this man (or woman) as Ops changes signs and the atmosphere becomes so positive, practical and can-do. If you are single, Pisces, then you may be able to return to a missed chance, or work an old dating opportunity better, second time round.
Last of all, Mars is retrograde in Scorpio in the closing days of the month. You may have assumed you were done with a travel, foreign, regional, publishing, academic or religious matter earlier in 2016. It either trailed off, or vanished. Now it is back on your agenda as May draws to a close and you will be going over old ground in June. Once you are done with this re-run or rewind, though, you really will be able to put it behind you, Pisces. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.
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Copyright Jessica Adams/William Morris Entertainment/Curtis Brown 2016.
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