Thursday, 19 May 2016

Horoscope for Friday 20th May 2016

Daily Horoscope for Friday 20th May 2016

Curious to know what sort of day you're going to have today? Your free horoscope will help you to plan your day, each and every day.


March 21 - April 19
A simple way of minimising the emotional, psychological or other burdens of life now, is to downplay the about of time and space that travel (or travel in the mind) takes up. If you are investing way too much in other regions, cultures, nationalities, websites, books, courses and so on - your life will be unbalanced.


April 20 - May 20
You can't really avoid a Full Moon stretching across the business, financial, taxation, property, sales and charity zones of your chart. What you can do, however, is have your own inner strategy for dealing with whomever or whatever cannot be changed. That 'out there' will pass. You 'in here' can develop a sturdy, useful inner system.


May 21 - June 20
Your former, current or potential partner? Your opponent, enemy or rival? Please look around and away from the person in question, or the situation which surrounds him/her, and look back to your own way of managing. You can always shift your attitude. You can always move your point of view. If doing either would help you, then seek counsel or advice, or just find others with similar experiences to bounce ideas off.


June 21 - July 22
Your Sixth House describes your daily routine and workload. It reveals how your body, mind and spirit connection works (or not) and the role that drugs, doctors, drink, healers, gyms, pools, surgeons and all the rest play in your everyday life. Update yourself. There may be more to find out and know, than you assume. You are ruled by the Moon so this Full Moon highlights what needs to change. Find out how.


July 23 - August 22
The world of babies, children or younger adults? The world of lovers? You may prefer to shrink the amount of space, importance and time this is taking up now, because it will help you rebalance your life emotionally, psychologically or sexually. Don't buy into this episode too heavily, in other words. And do consult expertise, or the voice of experience.


August 23 - September 22
This Full Moon is about your home town, country, house, apartment, family and/or household. It is also about reducing the amount of time, energy, effort and importance that you are attaching to the same. This might sound crazy given it's your entire foundation in life - yet if you continue to play this as if it was the only game in town, you will miss out on your lust for life in other areas. Sure, you're at a crossroads. But - just to repeat - this is not the only game in town to play.


September 23 - October 22
The internet, reading and writing, language, your vision and hearing, the media, computers, publishing and all other aspects of communication now confront you. This too shall pass. In fact, you are being put through learning experiences that only happen every 29 years. To ease the pressure you may want to reduce the load of this in your life, or even give it less headspace. It should certainly not take up too much.


October 23 - November 21
You can be a very wealthy Scorpio indeed (and there are many) and still feel the heavy tread of Saturn in your cash, property and business chart now. This Full Moon will only draw your attention to what you cannot avoid or evade, but it is also time to seek expertise and experience. Others have been down the same or a similar path and they can help. Reach out.


November 22 - December 21
A Full Moon in Sagittarius, your own sign, ushers in questions of reputation, identity, appearances and image. Try not to get too bogged down in these. It is possible to make your Me Agenda the sole focus, especially when there is so much work involved, or so many recent learning experiences to absorb. This is shutting out other stories in your life though. A little wise perspective on it all will help.


December 22 - January 19
It can be difficult to go through Saturn's cycle in your Twelfth House, because nobody else sees, knows or truly fathoms what is going on. You are covering up, hiding, operating behind the scenes or dealing with invisible issues. Nobody else except you, can probably go into this - yet it matters so much. Try to at least get it down onto the computer where you can trash it, or onto paper, which you can shred. Step back from it if you possibly can.


January 20 - February 18
The business of friendship is now hard work. Your social life or social media may be similarly heavy going. Perhaps it is an individual friend, or the collective as a whole - your group, tribe, team, network or community - which feels heavy. Actually, nobody said you had to let it take up too much room in your life. And maybe you need to shrink down who/what is looming large.


February 19 - March 20
Your approach and attitude are half the battle at the moment, as some heavy questions about your career, unpaid work, university degree or full-time parenting role are looming. This situation will pass. You, in the meantime, are a permanent entity, and by carefully constructing a point of view which helps you, and a way to frame the situation that relieves you, you can find a lot more energy to cope.

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