Saturday, 14 May 2016

Sugar can adversely affect your sexual life

Do you know that sugar can adversely affect your sexual life?

Sugar is an important source of calories in the body as it can provide immediate energy to the body after consumption.

Sugar being a simple carbohydrate is digested quickly and released into the bloodstream to be used as energy. However, too much sugar in the bloodstream at once can cause a host of disorders in the body including affecting one's sex life.

Outlined below are the ways how sugar adversely affects sex life-

1. Impairs the gene that regulates sex hormones - Glucose and fructose are synthesized in the liver, where the excess is converted into fat.

When fat synthesis rate goes up in the body, it affects SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) gene in the body. This gene is responsible for regulating the levels of testosterone and estrogen in the body.

Hence, in this case, the affected person becomes highly susceptible to infertility.

2. Lowers testosterone levels - Indulging in a diet that consists of too much sugar affects insulin resistance. Due to this, testosterone levels drop in both men and women.

 This causes disorders related to sexual function such as erectile dysfunction and also reduces sex drive.

3. Fatigue and reduced energy levels - Foods high in sugar cause temporary spikes in blood sugar which in turn results in fatigue, thus reducing sex drive. It also decreases levels of Orexin, a neurotransmitter that regulates feelings of arousal in the body, causing fatigue and lethargy.

4. Increases stress - Increased stress levels as a result of sugar consumption occur when high insulin levels cause the body to produce cortisol, a stress hormone. Too much cortisol in the body decreases libido

Related Tip: High Blood Pressure and Sex?

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