
Wednesday 26 October 2016

Horoscope for Thursday 27th October 2016

Horoscope for Thursday 27th October 2016

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Thursday.


March 21 - April 19
Relax. You have about one month to figure out just how daring you can be with a secret, or a role behind the scenes. Will you get away with it? Well, the odds are in your favour. Even if you only partly get away with this, you will have limbo-danced under another broom.


April 20 - May 20
Just because you've never tried this before, with friends or the group, does not mean you can't get away with it. You are fairly close to your target anyway, so allow yourself about four more weeks to pull things together and make the so-called impossible, all possible.


May 21 - June 20
I am sure your more conservative friends would be gobsmacked at what you are doing with your career, unpaid work, university degree or full-time parenting now. It is fairly cocky, Gemini! Yet - how will you know, if you never try? And within one month it's all possible.


June 21 - July 22
If you need more time and space to reassure yourself that you are actually going to pull this off - the trip, website, book, course or foreign connection - then it is here. The fact is, you can play with the possibilities between now and the second half of November.


July 23 - August 22
She shoots, she scores. Is that how it feels now, with your land, money, apartment, charity, house, business or possessions? You really are bending it like Beckham over the next few weeks, but life is there to be experimented with and you will probably pull this off.


August 23 - September 22
You have never tried anything remotely as maverick as this before, with your current, previous or possible partner. Enemies, too. There is basically a rule book being written from start to finish, in an entirely new way - just look after the details, which you do so well.


September 23 - October 22
The Sixth House of your horoscope describes your lifestyle, body, workload and daily routine, as you may know. Major action there at the moment hints at a fairly out-there approach which you are hoping will come off, within 3-4 weeks. Your odds are sensational.


October 23 - November 21
We associate Chiron with audacity, temerity, chutzpah, heretics and gadflies - all thanks to the astrologer Dennis Elwell, who defined this heavenly body. When it comes to courtship, children, babies or Millennials you may be feeling all this. And you have 3-4 weeks.


November 22 - December 21
Your home town, country, apartment, house, family or household? Maybe two items off that list, maybe one - but you are in a rare position to be able to get away with something that makes you slightly breathless. Come on, Sagittarius. Give it time, but go for it.


December 22 - January 19
What you are contemplating with the worldwide web, multimedia, education, publishing or other portals for your 'voice' is outrageous and you know it. Maybe you can't even tell anyone. Yet - by the end of November you will see how easy it actually was, to pull it off.


January 20 - February 18
Every time people watched Houdini they wondered if he would get away with it. When it comes to your land, business, money, flat, house, charity or possessions you are not breaking free of impossible padlocks - but you are experimenting. Your odds are super duper.


February 19 - March 20
Chiron in Pisces, your own sign, is the maverick who has been galloping around your photographs, Twitter profile, film clips, Google listing and the rest - for many years. Taking a maverick approach suits the month of November, too - and you have time for this.

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