Sunday 31 July 2016

Superb ways to get rid of bad breath

Superb ways to get rid of bad breath:

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can occur due to a multitude of reasons and is quite disconcerting. 

Chewing gum, using breath mints and mouthwash are just temporary solutions as they do not address the problem. 

Read on more to find all about the different causes, symptoms of bad breath and also about their prevention.

  1. Food: If food particles, which are stuck in and around your teeth start decaying, they promote bacterial growth, which causes a foul odor in the mouth. Eating certain foods, such as spices, onion and garlic also cause foul odor. 
  2. Tobacco products: Smoking and chewing tobacco not only causes gum disease, but also causes a foul odor to be present, thus causing bad breath.
  3. Poor dental hygiene: If you do not brush daily, food particles in your mouth get stuck in your mouth between the teeth in particular, which decay and cause bad breath. A form of bacteria known as plaque forms over the teeth, which over time decays teeth and also causes foul breath.
  4. Dry mouth: A medical condition known as dry mouth, also known as xerostomia can contribute to bad breath as in this condition; the amount saliva produced from the salivary glands is reduced. This results in the growth of bacteria, which causes bad breath.
  5. Medications: Some medications can cause foul breath in an indirect manner as they cause dry mouth as a side effect, which in turn causes bad breath. Other medications break down in your body and the chemicals, which the medicine contains can be carried on your breath.
Dentists would usually rate the odor from your mouth either by smelling or by using certain sophisticated odor detectors. The back of the tongue is often the source of smell and the dentist is also likely to scrape the region and rate its odor.
  1. Maintaining oral hygiene: If the bad breath is due to the formation of plaque, brushing and flossing on a regular basis will prevent its growth, thus reducing or eliminating bad breath. Using mouthwashes also kills bacteria, hence eliminating the bad breath causing bacteria from your mouth.
  2. Treatment of dental disease: Gum disease can also cause bad breath as in this disease, the gums pull away from the teeth, which gives scope for bacterial growth causing bad breath. Treating gum disease, thus would also eliminate the scope for bacterial growth and eliminate bad breath at the same time.

Homeopathic Remedies for Bad Breath:

Bad breath is a condition that usually results from poor oral health or digestive problems.

Bad breath may also cause social awkwardness and self-esteem issues.

The practitioner first carries out a diagnosis to detect the symptoms and prescribes a remedy accordingly.

The various causes of bad breath are:
  1. Irregular brushing habits
  2. Tobacco consumption
  3. Consuming certain foods like onion and garlic may result in a foul smell
  4. Yeast infections in the mouth
  5. Dry mouth where saliva production is minimal
  6. Illnesses such as kidney problems may cause bad breath
Homeopathy focuses on providing a holistic treatment rather than a symptom based treatment.

The various homeopathic remedies for bad breath are:
  1. Pulsatilla: If you have bad breath along with dry mouth, Pulsatilla can be an effective remedy. Pulsatilla is a very effective treatment for getting rid of bad breath along with dry mouth.
  2. Merc sol: It is very effective in treating bad breath along with increased production of saliva. If your salivary glands are overactive and have a moist mouth, then this remedy is recommended. It is also useful in getting rid of bad breath that occurs from dental cavities.
  3. Carbo veg: If the bad breath results from infections, such as gingivitis and gum bleeding, then you may use this remedy. It is also used in the treatment of pus discharge from the gums.
  4. Carbolic acid: Carbolic acid is used to treat bad breath along with constipation. The symptoms are bloated abdomen, abdominal cramps and nausea.
  5. Kreosote: This remedy is recommended for bad breath that results from dental caries. It may lead to bleeding from your gums due to teeth decay.
  6. Belladonna: Belladonna is a treatment that is recommended for bad breath that results from a throat infection. The throat infection may be accompanied by symptoms of fever.
  7. Nux vomica: Nux vomica is used for treating symptoms of bad breath along with cold. This also relieves symptoms of indigestion and constipation.

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