
Monday 22 August 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 23rd August 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 23rd August 2016

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Tuesday.


March 21 - April 19
Take your time and take very good advice with the worldwide web, travel, foreign or regional differences, education or publishing. Decisions you make over the next 48 hours will affect you in 2017 and you need to be very cautious.


April 20 - May 20
Babies, children or younger adults? Youth project? Lovers who could bring that into your life? What you hear or read spells an opportunity or solution not possible in 12 years but do allow for a zig-zag pathway.


May 21 - June 20
Your former, current or potential partner? Your opponent, enemy or rival? Slow down and cool down. A situation you had assumed was over will come back. And you need to take this seriously and with one eye on 2017, too.


June 21 - July 22
Your work, housework, unpaid work or university situation is not what you would have wished for in a perfect world, yet over the next 48 hours you must find the solution that is easiest to lean on, now through 2017. This applies to your body, too. Seek a strategy.


July 23 - August 22
Your godchild, the lover who could bring a younger generation into your world, your children, youth projects or young relatives are all in the frame. Do not speed up or act, just because you feel the heat. Think about this!


August 23 - September 22
Whatever needed to stop you, or change you, to help you find the title, role, image, look or profile that was best, is now history. You are on your way with a relaunch, and even if progress is stop-start you must have faith.


September 23 - October 22
What other people don’t know about, can’t see or cannot possibly fathom is very important now. It is your luck factor or protection. Even if you go backwards and forwards with this, pursue what is hidden. This also applies to any invisible or uncredited role you are playing.


October 23 - November 21
You have been on an odd road with your friend, and the group, for weeks. One thing or another has prevented you from receiving the chain of green lights you assumed was possible. However, you must chase a stunning outcome or option and keep the faith now.


November 22 - December 21
You should, by rights, have come up the ladder by now or snapped up what was an obvious opportunity. This also applies to university life, full-time parenting, unpaid work or caring roles. Instead, Sagittarius, other people or life has got in the way. Keep trying! It’s not over.


December 22 - January 19
The delays, stop-starts, errors or technical issues which have plagued you with what should have been such a promising trip, move, web venture, course or idea will end eventually. A foreign or regional connection may be involved. Keep trying. It’s worth it.


January 20 - February 18
A stunning business deal, lucrative offer, bargain investment or similar good news story with your money, property, charity, business or possessions has not come off as it should. Stop-start progress is typical, yet here does come a genuine opportunity or answer – soon.


February 19 - March 20
Stay the course in your pursuit of what should be a great outcome with (or for) your partner. This also applies to former or potential partners too. You were so hopeful weeks ago, and have not seen rewards, yet if you can keep the faith, a great deal is still possible for you.

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