
Monday 22 August 2016

Who is this Swami we so dearly love and worship?

Who is this Swami we so dearly love and worship? 

Bhagawan lovingly explains to us and also gives us a word of caution about choosing a Guru.

What exactly is the meaning of ‘Sai Baba’? Sai meansSahasrapadma (thousand lotuses), sakshatkara(realisation, direct experience of the Lord), etc., Ayimeans mother, and Baba means father. 

Thus, ‘Sai Baba’ means He who is both Father and Mother, and the Goal of all yogic endeavour — the ever-merciful Mother, the All-wise Father, and the Goal of spiritual efforts. 

Sai Baba is beyond the keenest intellect, the sharpest brain. Even the great seven sages (rishis) failed to grasp the Sublimity of Godhead. So do not try to delve into Me; develop faith and derive bliss (ananda) through love (prema). 

That is the utmost you can do and be benefited thereby. Do not run after all and sundry who blabber textbook stuff and wear the cloak of fakir-hood. Examine, judge and then admire. 

Examine their daily conduct, their motives, outlook and the coordination between what they say and do.

To the person who has completely surrendered, everything that
they experience (good or bad) is a gift from God. - Baba

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