Monday 10 October 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 11th October 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 11th October 2016

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Tuesday.


March 21 - April 19
The next 48 hours is about opportunity and problem-solving. Your former, current or potential partner? Your enemy, rival or opponent? You only get one Jupiter-Mercury conjunction in Libra every 12 years and this conversation, paperwork or news is a massive turning point.


April 20 - May 20
Doors are opening all over the place and the journey you take now begins with a single step, but should probably be a giant leap. Your working life, body, lifestyle and general satisfaction with your regular routine will be the beneficiary. So much more is possible for you.


May 21 - June 20
Babies, children or Millennials are your gateway at the moment and no matter what you are dealing with in terms of your former, current or potential partner - it is the younger generation you must look at, in terms of the really big opportunities or the most profound solutions.


June 21 - July 22
The patterns in your chart have been encouraging since 10th September and now you must act on the paperwork, discussion, news or e-mail which circulates over the next 48 hours as it will make a fantastic difference to your feelings about home, town, family or country.


July 23 - August 22
The stunning Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in your zone of internet, multimedia, publishing and ideas can only occur every 12 years and you have 48 hours to explore and expand. This concept, technology, equipment or enterprise is evolving under blessed alignments, Leo.


August 23 - September 22
This is the most important month of the year for financial, charity, property or business decisions and you are being shown the most unusual solution, option or wide open door for quite some time. Your ruling planet Mercury is involved and this makes profound sense.


September 23 - October 22
Jupiter in Libra, your own sign, is approaching a rare conjunction to Mercury, which only happens every 12 years. It is all having an impact on how you are seen and how you appear. So many answers and opportunities pass us by, but this one is special so grab it with both paws.


October 23 - November 21
You have everything to gain from the CIA, the FBI, people using code names, anonymous sources, locked vaults, classified information, files marked CONFIDENTIAL, MI6 and all other likely suspects. The more you do without being seen or known, Scorpio, the more you gain.


November 22 - December 21
Turn to the group again. Look at what friendship is offering (a goldmine) and consider how miracles can happen when a group of committed people pursue a goal that would be impossible for just one or two people, yet gloriously accessible when all of you unite.


December 22 - January 19
Make the most of this profoundly helpful Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Libra, the sign which rules your success, ambition, status and career - as well as university life or unpaid work. The next 48 hours will reveal the paperwork, discussion or news. Then it's over to you.


January 20 - February 18
Your timing is impeccable and your travel, foreign, regional, publishing, educational or web agenda is ready to pursue. Ever since September the situation has been steadily building around you and you must pay attention to all those hints and clues - try to get to yes. This is rather like being an American politician in charge of a state, being approached by NATO to take on a mission for the whole world.


February 19 - March 20
The Jupiter-Mercury conjunction in your finance, property, business and charity zone can only occur once every 12 years and you have a couple of days to see the staggering potential. This will offset the constant unpredictability of your life and you will gain by 2017. Or now!

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