Wednesday 12 October 2016

How to lose 5 kilos in 1 month without trying at all

How to lose 5 kilos in 1 month without trying at all

Maybe you just want to slip into that dress you bought the other day, or maybe the waistline inches are increasing and need some taming. Whatever your reasons are, workout sessions are too difficult to keep up with, and the weight loss is just not happening. But what if you were told that you could lose 5 kilos in a month without trying at all?

Try these 4 extremely easy ways to lose 5 kilos in month, without really trying hard!

1. Drink Water: Water may not have miraculous properties that burn fat, but it can definitely help your weight loss efforts. Most of the people confuse thirst with hunger, when it’s actually your body’s way of telling you that it needs to be rehydrated. So consuming the standard 8-10 glasses can prevent you from reaching out for that untimely snack, which means less calorie intake. Consuming 500 ml of water half an hour before dinner every night can reduce up to 2.5 kilos or more, in a month!

2. Walk to your destination: The next time you step out of your home to go the ATM, the local supermarket or even the park, walk the distance. Daily walking for 30 minutes can burn up to 150 calories in a day. So in a matter of just three days, you can lose 500gms of weight from your body!

3. Sip on green tea: Green tea is rich caffeine and EGCG, both of which speed up your metabolism and increase the burning of fat by your body. Sipping on 3-4 cups a day of green tea can burn 100 calories, which would be equal to losing half a kilo in just 5 days.

4. Sniff on apples and peppermints: Yes sniffing on certain foods, like apples, bananas, peppermint, garlic and even olive oil can greatly help in weight loss. Dr. Alan R. Hirsch of Chicago, who is the founder of Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, tried his method of smelling food reduce weight loss with 3000 volunteers, and each of them lost an average of 13kgs! The reason behind this? Well apparently smelling food before having it can reduce your appetite so that you eat less, and lose more (weight that is).
How to Lose 5 Kilos in 1 Month Without Trying At All

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