Saturday 8 October 2016

Speaking Tree - The Slow and Steady experience Energy Flow

Speaking Tree - The Slow and Steady Experience Energy Flow:

Whatever may be aim of your life, you need positive feeling for being successful. It is possible only when you realise the secret of achieving a sense of wellbeing. You will not get it by running after it or by stretching too far. The story of the tortoise and rabbit is quite well known -- the way the hasty rabbit failed to achieve the goal while the slow and steady tortoise won the race. So why not slow down and steady up? This is possible if you are practising meditation which keeps you calm and reins in waste of energy.

    If you walk slowly, you gather speed.

I realised this during my morning walk. The small lane leading to the main road was rather elevated and one would feel exhausted reaching the main road. But going slow, i felt a sort of energy and no feeling of any exhaustion. This is because by being slow some energy was saved which otherwise is expended in fast walking and haste to cross and reach the main road.  Apart from the speed and energy our creativity also receives new momentum and grace by being slow.

We get some ideas and are inclined to act at the spur of the moment. But acting on impulse may not always be the right choice. When we are in a mall, we suddenly come across something that looks attractive and useful and we purchase it without considering other aspects. Our action is superficially responsive than calculated. Hence when we reach home and assess whatever is purchased we find things which we actually do not need or are not urgently required as we thought when we saw them in the mall.

 Impulsive action is dangerous when we are in a depressed mood. Either we eat more than necessary and put on weight or eat less than required and feel listless and bereft of energy to continue work. If we remain calm by being slow in any action on such occasion we gradually regain positive feeling and energy.    Even in a game, slow motion always pays as strategic action. If you are slow, you can calculate the possible strength or weakness of the opposite partner and then play with caution.

In cricket, slow balling plays wonders by encouraging the batsman to come forward and hit but because of the slow motion of the ball and high speed of a batsman, the ball slowly hits the stumps.   Much is said about spontaneous action as the best and natural response in any artistic activity. But spontaneity is not always sure of perfect expression in any art, poem, painting or any other artistic action. In art, one has to be careful about the impact artistic action is expected to make on audiences.

Spontaneity is just a starting point which gives a glimpse of creativity and not to be confused with perfect creation. For that one has to be slow and in a contemplative mood so that creation is so perfect that it will have the desired impact and the impression which artist has contemplated after the first glimpse visualised in a spontaneous mood. Speedy action to create on the basis of the first spontaneous impression is risky and may spoil the ecstasy and beauty of an artistic activity.  Slow and steady, on the other hand, can yield great results.

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