Friday 3 July 2015

Reasons why foreign tourists love homestays in India?

1. Meeting new people and friends: People whose parents have had transferable jobs will agree with the sentiment of having friends all over the country. If you haven't had that opportunity yet, homestays is the perfect medium. A homestay owner is more than delighted to host people and so you can expect to make atleast 1 new friend. Your friend circle further expands when you interact with the hosts' friends, neighbours and other guests!!
2. Exploring new culture: India is a melting pot of 30 odd countries each with its own unique cultural and traditional roots that lend to India's unexplored diversity. Imagine celebrating Holi in the typical Mathura or Vrindavan style; listening to native folklore that has moulded the destinations' way of life for years; or for that matter a Punjabi homemaker meeting a South Indian traveller only to discover that not all South Indians are Madrasis!
3. Experiencing offbeat places with the host:Where 'offbeat' is the new buzzword and discovery is the way to go, homestays provide you the answer. Of course, travellers are increasingly building conversations with localities in search of virgin waterfalls, unexplored forts or even to experience local travel flavours. But at the end of it all, you would still be a tourist. Now imagine doing it the way the locals do! Right from relaxing at your hosts secret unwind zone to learning haggling tricks at the local market, a homestay provides you a chance to be a localite for that period!
4. Trying the authentic native cuisine: Have you heard of the forbidden rice or magic rice? Or suran chutney? Kheer mohanPatoleo? Whether a foodie or not some flavors just can't be missed! And just can't be recreated in local 'authentic' restautants. An inherent part of the homestay experience is not only exotic local cuisines but also the homemade touch!
5. Feel like home: After a long vacation it always feels good to be back home. Back to the warmth, comfort and personalised environment and the openness of your stay. On a homestay its like having all the comforts of your home with a different backdrop! You can stroll all over the house, relax at the verandah or even eat from the fridge at untimely hours - after allatithi dev bhava!
6. Local experiences: Living the routine of a farmer, animal rearing, getting abreast with local industries such as pottery, woodwork or handicraft - while these come in package with travel experiences, homestays provide a difference. Interested in gardening? Well, homestay organisers would help you find homeowners who share your interest, learn about new gardening techniques or tend flora and fauna you have never seen before. How about a new form of music or a local song for those of you addicted to Coke Studio music!
7. Learn a new language: From every trip you tend to take back one or two words that you frequently used. At a homestay you live like a local which also means you'll not only be limited to a hi, bye, but pick up whole sentences which of course will come in handy to bond with those from the same linguistic community anywhere in the world.
8. You get personal attention: Who doesn't like being personally attended to? Want your food less spicy? Running a fever on vacation due to climatic change? How about local tips before you arrive on how to survive Cherapunji's rainfall?
9. Value for money: Most of the above comes complimentary with with the room rental need I say more?
10. It builds up your confidence to try new things: Get out of your comfort zone while staying comfortable all the time!
The writer is the Founder and CEO of Stayzilla, India's largest online managed marketplace for Stays. A maverick by nature, Yogi calls himself "India's best computer engineer who never graduated". From Kargil to Kanyakumari, Stayzilla offers stay choices in 4000+ towns across India covering a network of over 23,000 stays in alternate stay options.

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