Friday 3 July 2015

What makes relationship last?

What makes relationships last? Two different people living together isn't a joke because we all are different and we tend to build our own worlds and fiercely defend our views.
So, relationships aren't meant to be easy. Though you find some common ground with your partner before starting a relationship, it doesn't mean that arguments or difference of opinions will never arise.
They do. In such a case, what to do? How do some couples manage to live together for a lifetime?
Well, such couples seem to know a secret. According to relationship experts, such couples tend to understand contextual behaviour and they are ready to forgive actions which are just a result of temporary tough situations.
Well, any relationship that survives troubled currents can sail safe when the waters are peaceful, isn't it?
Now, let us dive deeper into this aspect of relationships.
How To Make A Relationship Work
How Relationships Start?
Generally, when two people have chemistry between them and when their situations are favorable for union, it is very natural to fall in love and start a relationship. Experts say that sometimes, doing things together or facing a tough situation together can also give rise to feelings and can strengthen the bond between two people.
What Is Contextual Behaviour?
Do you know how relationships last ? Well, firstly understanding contextual behaviour is important. In any relationship, some situations tend to be negative in nature and if your relationship survives that period, it will last forever. Stress, financial losses, and diseases are some of the bad phases and they may impact a person's behaviour in a negative way.
Accepting The Worst Sides
Only when you realise that negative contextual behavior is natural to any person, you will stop judging your partner. Arguments is such situations will produce hurting words because both the partners tend to get carried away by the situation. As an understanding partner, if you can simply treat such contextual behaviour as something that is influenced only by a tough situation, you can make it further in your relationship.
Don't Carry Grudges
How to make a relationship work? Well, never carry a grudge. Apart from accepting such situational behaviour, it is also important 'not to have an axe to grind'. Carrying a grudge or staying hurt for long may be very unhealthy for a relationship.

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