Saturday 12 December 2015

Bangalore Church of Christ

Flood Relief in ChennaiPDFPrintE-mail
When the report of flood reached Bangalore, HOPE had no idea what to do as there was no funds.
HOPE leadership decided to allocate Rs.50,0000/- for the relief. That sounded nothing much when compared to the enormous need.
That was when Prabhu from HOPE in Mumbai called up and said that an organisation from Mumbai called 'Stop Hunger’ wanted to donate 30,000 packets of food, each packet containing enough food for 2 people. Soon every region under HOPE agreed to provide some funds for relief, as well as some corporates, food and medicines. The Bangalore church also collected money on Sunday for relief work. Soon it was becoming more and more evident how God was moving the hearts of people to provide help for the suffering victims of Chennai!
Times foundation (Times of India) wanted to partner with HOPE to provide relief, as they trusted HOPE work above other NGOs. They published an article on the front page of Times of India, asking people to donate specific goods for relief. By 7th of Dec, 14 tonnes of relief materials were on the way to Chennai. The Chennai HOPE and church staff, as well as other disciples are ready to distribute and help. Seeing this, many employees of Times of India were inspired to contribute money and food.
Christmas FestPDFPrintE-mail
Indian Church of Christ has been hosting Christmas Fest for past seven years. Now we are gearing up for the eighth and the best so far on 20th Dec 2015 at Maria Niketan School grounds from 10am to 9pm.

Apart from 100 stalls of delicious food, exciting games and fun, those who secured a ticket will have a great chance to enjoy live music from some of the best Gospel bands of Bangalore like Slain, Heart of Praise and many more from 4pm onwards.
All are welcome to set up stalls, enjoy the fun and fellowship and enjoy the evening with live Gospel music.
Let us prayerfully make every effort to raise up as much funds for God’s mission through this endeavour.

KLC 2015PDFPrintE-mail
Indian Church of Christ Bangalore conducted Karnataka Leaders' Conference KLC 2015 at Cornerstone Retreat Centre.
There were lessons and training on how to conduct inspiring and impacting Sunday services, how to effectively manage time to manage work, family and ministry etc. Some brothers & sisters shared their testimonies on how they are able to manage their time at work as well as for family and ministry. 230 leaders went away inspired and with greater dreams to take their ministries higher.
To download lessons go to 'Leadership Lessons' on the left panel or click here.
Gospel Concert RecordingPDFPrintE-mail
All the youth of the Church had such a great time having a great Gospel Concert on 21st June 2015. It was so wonderful to see how God blessed our youth with such great talent in singing. Enjoy listening to the recording of songs that were sung during the concert.
downloadGospel Concert Edited

37.6 MB41:03 min
Gospel concertPDFPrintE-mail
Youth of the Church in Bangalore are going to have a great 4 hour long Gospel concert titled 'Yeshua the Rock'. All are welcome to bring many of our friends - primarily the youth for this event and inspire them to know Jesus. Date: Sun, 21st June, Time: 4-8pm
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