Monday, 7 December 2015

Suspicion and Separatists”: Third World and the Separatist States

“Suspicion and Separatists”: Third World and the Separatist States

Introduction Today Separatist state movements (SSMs) poses one of the greater threats to the democratic governments in the world. Separatism is a process where a group of one nation try to separate to form a country of their own. This is done because of variety of reasons be it political, social, economic, ethnic,...
Look beyond FDI: Laying the Right Foundation for Defence Manufacturing

Look beyond FDI: Laying the Right Foundation for Defence Manufacturing

Ranked fourth, India has a strong talent pool in science, technology and research, as well as some of the lowest labour rates in the world. Its concerns include the country’s regulatory environment, high interest rates, and healthcare system, as well as under-developed physical infrastructure. The country has a goal...
Security Cooperation – China’s Game of Shadows

Security Cooperation – China’s Game of Shadows

India and China have agreed for the first time to form a ministerial-level mechanism headed by respective Home Ministers to step up cooperation and coordination on a host of security-related issues, including cross-border terrorism, smuggling and drug trafficking. The fact is that Pakistan, the very epicenter of...

Interviews / Spotlight

NSA meeting in Bangkok: Setting stage for Modi visit to Pakistan?

NSA meeting in Bangkok: Setting stage for Modi visit to Pakistan?

The unobtrusively arranged, below the radar meeting between the National Security Advisers (NSA) of India and Pakistan in Bangkok on Sunday (December 6) may be seen as a case of a belated but welcome review of the stalled bilateral engagement and hitting the reset key in a calibrated manner. In an interesting departure...
The Sinking of Khukri: The Balance Sheet of Victory

The Sinking of Khukri: The Balance Sheet of Victory

Therefore arise, thou Son of Kuntl! Brace thine arm for conflict; Nerve thy heart to meet, As...
Why Mao attacked India in 1962

Why Mao attacked India in 1962

There is an angle of the 1962 Sino-Indian that conflict has been insufficiently studied. What...
Pakistan’s Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons: The Inevitability of Instability

Pakistan’s Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons: The Inevitability of Instability

Hatf IX (Nasr) is a Pakistani ballistic missile which can deliver a sub-kiloton nuclear...
Reforms in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

Reforms in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

According to the new reforms recently announced by President Xi Jinping, the People’s...

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