Sunday, 27 March 2016

Knowing pregnancy complications

6 pregnancy complications you need to know about

The biggest wish of a to be mother's mind is a smooth and safe pregnancy. One of the ways you can deliver your baby safely is by being aware of the complications that may arise during this period and taking precautionary measures to reduce your chances of developing them.

Here are the 6 pregnancy complications that you need to know about?

1. Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a condition that normally occurs after the 20th week and is characterized by high blood pressure, kidney abnormalities and the presence of protein in your urine. Most of the time, symptoms are mild, which can be easily resolved with proper care. But the condition can progress quickly, causing several of your organs to not function properly and even proving to be life-threatening.

2. Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes happens when hormonal changes during this period hamper your body's use of insulin. As a consequence, the insulin hormone is unable to normalize blood sugar levels, leading to abnormally high blood sugar levels. While the condition is not usually a cause of concern for the mother, it can pose several health problems for the baby, more specifically, the occurrence of macrosomia (a condition wherein the baby has an abnormal body weight).

3. Premature labor

You're said to suffer from premature labor or preterm labor if you experience regular contractions that lead to your cervix dilating and effacing before the 37th week. Preterm birth can prove dangerous for the baby, not to mention make it prone to several health problems. In order for it stay alive and be healthy, you child needs to reach its full maturity before birth.

4. Ectopic pregnancy

When the fetus develops outside the womb, more specifically in the fallopian tube, a condition known as ectopic pregnancy is said to occur. It is highly important to put a stop to this pregnancy complication as it the developing embryo might bring about the rupturing of the fallopian tube, and may result in internal bleeding.

5. Placenta previa

The condition of placenta previa sees your placenta occupying a very low position in the uterus, most commonly, adjacent to or over your cervix. If the placenta continues to be at this position during the whole course of the pregnancy, it can lead to bleeding as well as other complications.

6. Low amniotic fluid

It is the fluid-filled amniotic sac that supports and protects your baby in the womb. It is said that about 4% of pregnant women worldwide experience low amniotic fluid levels during their pregnancy. This condition is also known as oligohydramnios. When this happens, labor is usually induced as you come close to the end of your pregnancy.

Related Tip: 6 Changes You Can Expect During the 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy

6 Pregnancy Complications You Need to Know About

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