Horoscope for Saturday 19th November 2016
Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Saturday.

March 21 - April 19
You can congratulate yourself for picking up the reins and holding them firmly again, at work. This also applies to unpaid work or university life. You may have dropped the reins earlier this week but you should be steering things around your way again.
You can congratulate yourself for picking up the reins and holding them firmly again, at work. This also applies to unpaid work or university life. You may have dropped the reins earlier this week but you should be steering things around your way again.
See also: Aries Weekly Horoscope

April 20 - May 20
The fact that you have shown such iron willpower in the last two weeks with your publishing, web, travel, foreign, educational or regional path, is a tribute to your staying power. Losing it now and again is not the end of the world, as you've seen. Just carry on.
The fact that you have shown such iron willpower in the last two weeks with your publishing, web, travel, foreign, educational or regional path, is a tribute to your staying power. Losing it now and again is not the end of the world, as you've seen. Just carry on.
See also: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

May 21 - June 20
The old phrase 'Keep Calm and Carry On' is not a bad one for your business interests, money, house, apartment and so on at the moment. You have moved mountains by drawing on steely self-control, so if you lapsed recently, that's fine. Pray, continue.
The old phrase 'Keep Calm and Carry On' is not a bad one for your business interests, money, house, apartment and so on at the moment. You have moved mountains by drawing on steely self-control, so if you lapsed recently, that's fine. Pray, continue.
See also: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

June 21 - July 22
As you realised a week or two ago, the only answer where your former, current or potential partner was concerned, was to be very firm with yourself and stop yourself from doing the one thing which always gives your power away. This also goes for enemies. Now, pick up where you left off.
As you realised a week or two ago, the only answer where your former, current or potential partner was concerned, was to be very firm with yourself and stop yourself from doing the one thing which always gives your power away. This also goes for enemies. Now, pick up where you left off.
See also: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

July 23 - August 22
Your body and working life - your lifestyle as a whole - is bound to go in stop-start fashion at the moment as odd aspects to Pluto dot your chart. If you gave your control away to 'something' bigger than you are (or someone) now is the time to get it back.
Your body and working life - your lifestyle as a whole - is bound to go in stop-start fashion at the moment as odd aspects to Pluto dot your chart. If you gave your control away to 'something' bigger than you are (or someone) now is the time to get it back.
See also: Leo Weekly Horoscope

August 23 - September 22
Courtship, babies, children or Millennials are the one area of your life where you go to and fro with people, situations, organisations or trends which seem to have so much control over you. This is not actually true. Sometimes they do. But mostly they don't have to.
Courtship, babies, children or Millennials are the one area of your life where you go to and fro with people, situations, organisations or trends which seem to have so much control over you. This is not actually true. Sometimes they do. But mostly they don't have to.
See also: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

September 23 - October 22
Pluto in Capricorn in your Fourth House of family, property, home town, household and so on, recently showed you two great lessons. One is, that you can use self-discipline to run your own world. The second is, even if you falter, it's not the end.
Pluto in Capricorn in your Fourth House of family, property, home town, household and so on, recently showed you two great lessons. One is, that you can use self-discipline to run your own world. The second is, even if you falter, it's not the end.
See also: Libra Weekly Horoscope

October 23 - November 21
Don't just give up because you lapsed with the internet this week, or multimedia (this goes for other forms of communication too, like writing or public speaking). One lapse is fine, and even two or three lapses are understandable. Just get back on your horse.
Don't just give up because you lapsed with the internet this week, or multimedia (this goes for other forms of communication too, like writing or public speaking). One lapse is fine, and even two or three lapses are understandable. Just get back on your horse.
See also: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

November 22 - December 21
Pluto cycles can feel so all-or-nothing but don't be fooled by this with your money, house, business, apartment or possessions. It's really not so extreme. You did a very good job pushing back against something/someone and holding your own. So return to that.
Pluto cycles can feel so all-or-nothing but don't be fooled by this with your money, house, business, apartment or possessions. It's really not so extreme. You did a very good job pushing back against something/someone and holding your own. So return to that.
See also: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

December 22 - January 19
When you fall off your pony as a child, you are told to get straight back in the saddle, if you can. So it is with your reputation, image or appearance. Ride this thing to a successful conclusion. Actually, it may even be a way of life. Your self-control withstands all.
When you fall off your pony as a child, you are told to get straight back in the saddle, if you can. So it is with your reputation, image or appearance. Ride this thing to a successful conclusion. Actually, it may even be a way of life. Your self-control withstands all.
See also: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

January 20 - February 18
As you now know, you are not some kind of superbeing whose willpower and self-discipline is non-stop. You have to live in the real world and so you have taken your hands off the wheel a couple of times on this Pluto cycle - but glue them straight back on.
As you now know, you are not some kind of superbeing whose willpower and self-discipline is non-stop. You have to live in the real world and so you have taken your hands off the wheel a couple of times on this Pluto cycle - but glue them straight back on.
See also: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

February 19 - March 20
Deep change, the lasting kind, with your social life, friendships, social media or group commitments, can only be achieved by knowing how important it is to keep going - no matter what - and pick up where you left off, if you let one matter slide recently.
Deep change, the lasting kind, with your social life, friendships, social media or group commitments, can only be achieved by knowing how important it is to keep going - no matter what - and pick up where you left off, if you let one matter slide recently.
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