Friday, 1 November 2013

Tiger Reserve in India 01.11.2013

Tiger reserves of India

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There are 53 tiger reserves in India (21-6-2011) which are governed by Project Tiger which is administered by the National Tiger Conservation Authority.[1] There were an additional six proposed and four approved in principle reserves that are not yet declared. Assam was the place where this project was working since 1800 as a foundation PSH tiger


The 53,547 km2 (20,675 sq mi) of declared reserves are operated by state forestry departments “to ensure maintenance of viable populations of the conservation dependent Bengal tigers in India. The tigers are maintained for their scientific, economic, aesthetic, cultural and ecological values and to preserve for all time areas of biological importance as a national heritage for the benefit, education and enjoyment of the people”.[2]
The largest Tiger Reserve is the 3,568 km2 (1,378 sq mi) Nagarjunsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve of Andhra Pradesh.[3][4][5]

Population assessment[edit]

The landmark 2008 report, Status of the Tigers, Co-predators, and Prey in India, published by the National Tiger Conservation Authority, estimated only 1411 adult tigers in existence in India (plus uncensused tigers in the Sundarbans).[6]
The 2010 National Tiger Assessment estimated the total population of tigers in India as 1,706. This exhaustive study indicated that better protected tiger source sites, especially tiger reserves, have maintained viable tiger populations, however, the area occupied by tigers outside protected areas has decreased considerably. This demonstrates the need for securing corridors for tigers to move between source sites. The existing tiger reserves represent around one-third of India's high density forest area.[7]

Management effectiveness[edit]

From June, 2010 to July, 2011 the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) in partnership with the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) undertook an independent Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE) of all 39 tiger reserves in the country. The category-wise outcome of MEE Process is summarized as follows:
Very Good
Shimilipal ( Odisha), Annamalai, Bandhavgarh, Bandipur, Bhadra, Dandeli-Anshi, Kalakad-Mundanthurai, Kanha, Kaziranga, Mudumalai, Parambikulam, Pench (Madhya Pradesh), Periyar, Satpura and Sundarbans
Buxa, Corbett, Dampa, Dudhwa, Satkosia (Odisha),Manas, Melghat, Nagarhole, Pakke, Pench (Maharashtra), Ranthambhore and Tadoba-Andhari
Achanakmar, Nameri, Sanjay, Sayadari and Valmiki
3 year-old male named Baccha(Hindi: Child) residing in Ranthambore tiger reserve, Rajasthan
Tigress with her two cubs in Kanha tiger reserve, Madhya Pradesh
A Tiger in Bandhavgarh tiger reserve, Madhya Pradesh
Tiger in bamboo at Banerghatta tiger and lion reserve, Karnataka
Tiger at Ranthambore tiger reserve, Rajasthan
Tiger T-17 at Ranthambore tiger reserve, Rajasthan
Tiger at Ranthambore tiger reserve
Tiger pug marks at Sunderbans tiger reserve, West Bengal
Spotted deer tiger prey at Jim Corbett tiger reserve, Uttarakhand
The 43rd reserve area will be over 759 sq km spread between four districts of Kota, Bundi, Chittorgarh and Jhalawar near the Ranthambore tiger reserve. "Nearly 417 sq km have been earmarked as the core tiger habitat, while 342.82 sq km has been notified as the buffer zone," senior a forest official. The other two tiger reserves of Ranthambore and Sariska have a core area nearly thrice this size.

List of Tiger Reserves in India[edit]

S.No.StateTiger ReserveYear Estd.Est. No. of TigersTotal Area (km2)Management statusRemarks
1AssamKaziranga Tiger Reserve200632859very goodGood tiger density
2AssamManas Tiger Reserve1973-74152840goodPoor tiger density, Recovering from prolonged disturbance due to Bodo unrest
3AssamNameri Tiger Reserve1999–200027344satisfactoryEncroachment and tree cutting by locals
4Arunachal PradeshNamdapha Tiger Reserve1982-83151985satisfactoryLow tiger density, Extremism, encroachment by Lisus
5Arunachal PradeshPakhui Tiger Reserve1999–200026862goodGood tiger density
6Andhra PradeshNagarjunsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve1982-83143568poorLow tiger density Left wing extremism(Naxalite)
7BiharValmiki Tiger Reserve1989-9018840satisfactoryLow tiger density extremism
8ChhattisgarhIndravati Tiger Reserve1982-83132799poorSeverely affected byNaxalites, Out of bounds
9ChhattisgarhGuru Ghasidas National Park2010 (pro)512899satisfactorySeparated from Sanjay National Park in Madhya Pradesh
10JharkhandPalamau Tiger Reserve1973-7461026PoorLow tiger density, Left wing extremism
11KarnatakaBandipur Tiger Reserve1973-7479866very goodGood tiger density
12KarnatakaNagarhole (extension) Tiger Reserve1999–200037643goodGood tiger density
13KarnatakaBhadra Tiger Reserve1998-9924492very goodLow tiger density
14KeralaPeriyar Tiger Reserve1978-7910925very goodThere are an estimated 53 tigers (2010) in the reserve
15Tamil Nadu /KeralaAnnamalai Tiger Reserve2008-09291019very goodModerate tiger density
16Madhya PradeshBandhavgarh Tiger Reserve1993-94631162very goodGood tiger density
17Madhya PradeshBori-Satpura Tiger Reserve1999–2000281486very goodPoor tiger density
18Madhya PradeshKanha Tiger Reserve1973-74601945very goodGood tiger density
19Madhya PradeshPanna Tiger Reserve1994-9522542poorRecovering from local extinction of tiger due to poaching. Dacoit infestation.
20Madhya PradeshPench Tiger Reserve1992-9319758very goodGood tiger density
21MaharashtraMelghat Tiger Reserve1973-7451677goodLow tiger density
22MaharashtraPench Tiger Reserve1998-9925257goodModerate tiger density
23MaharashtraTadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve1993-9420620goodModerate tiger density, High rate of man tiger conflicts
24MaharashtraSahyadri Tiger Reserve[8]200839569satisfactory9 tigers (2007)
25MizoramDampa Tiger Reserve1994-95235 00goodLow tiger density due to ecological reasons
26OdishaSimlipal Tiger Reserve1973-74542750goodmust visit this place,in core area good tiger density, green around
27RajasthanRanthambhore Tiger Reserve1973-74451334goodGood tiger density
28RajasthanSariska Tiger Reserve1978-794866poorRecovering from local extinction of tiger due to poaching
29Tamil NaduKalakad-Mundathurai Tiger Reserve1988-8973800very goodLow tiger density due to ecological reasons
30Tamil NaduMudumalai National Park200736321very goodModerate tiger density
31KeralaParambikulam Tiger Reserve201038391 very goodModerate tiger density
32Uttar PradeshDudhwa Tiger Reserve1987-88101811goodGood tiger density, Poaching along borders
33UttarakhandCorbett Tiger Reserve1973-741341316goodGood tiger density
34West BengalBuxa Tiger Reserve1982-8312759goodLow tiger density offences by jobless tea plantation workers
35West BengalSunderbans Tiger Reserve1973-742562585very goodGood tiger density
36ChhattisgarhUdanti & Sitanadi Tiger Reserve[10]2008-09301580poorLow tiger density
37OdishaSatkosia Tiger Reserve[11]200731988poorLow tiger density
38ChhattisgarhAchanakmar Tiger Reserve[12]200833963satisfactoryLow tiger density
39KarnatakaAnshi Dandeli Tiger Reserve200734875satisfactoryLow tiger density
40Madhya PradeshSanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve200835831poorVery low tiger density
41KarnatakaBannerghatta tiger and lion reserve1978104zoonot a Project Tiger reserve
42Tamil NaduSathyamangalam Tiger Reserve20134752446 tigers (2010)
43KarnatakaBiligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary20104054017 tigers (2005)
44KarnatakaKudremukh Tiger Reserve201141360[13]20 tigers (2010)
45Andhra PradeshKawal Tiger Reserve2011-6-15[14]4289320 tigers (2010)
46MaharashtraNagzira-Navegaon Tiger Reserve2011 (pro)48
47MaharashtraBor Tiger Reserve2011 pro)15
48Uttar PradeshPilibhit Tiger Reserve2010 In-principle approval431089
49OdishaSunabeda Tiger Reserve2010 In-principle approval44856
50Madhya PradeshRatapani Tiger Reserve2010 In-principle approval45674
51GoaMhadei Tiger Reserve2011 (pro)52[15]
52Uttar PradeshSuhelwa Tiger Reserve2010 (pro)50
53RajasthanMukundara Hills Tiger Reserve2011 In-principle approval[16] 46

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