Deepika Padukone was recently spotted on the sets of an ad shoot. The Bollywood diva looked superhot sans make up.
Deepika Padukone is all set to woo the audience with her upcoming releases-Tamasha with Ranbir Kapoor and Bajirao Mastani with Ranveer Singh.
The Bollywood diva who is at the zenith of her career says that she does not have any business sense. Deepika Padukone recently told DNA, "I'd love to do production work, but not be a producer. "I just want to put it out there and let people know that I have absolutely no sense of math or money.''
Deepika Padukone further added, '' if someone has a great script and they need to add my name to sort of greenlight a project, I am happy to do that. But I have no business sense basically."
Apart from movies and commercials, Deepika Padukone is also dedicated towards social causes. She is working with a team of doctors to spread awareness on depression.
Bollywood beauty Deepika Padukone spotted shooting an ad.
Deepika Padukone looked super hot even without any make up.
Deepika Padukone clicked while shooting an ad.
Deepika Padukone would soon be seen with Ranbir Kapoor in Tamasha.
Her film Bajirao Mastani with Ranveer Singh will release on December 18th.
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