11. Jesus never talks about homosexuality in the Bible.
But as we know, he condemed all forms of sexual immorality.
12. Nowhere in the bible does it say there were three wise men, just three gifts.
No number was given in the Bible text but it was reasonable to mention some three noblemen, each of them with his own entourage.
13. The Bible has been translated into Hawaiian Pidgin — It’s called “Da Jesus Book”.
The number of pages in the edition is 752, the date of publishment is 2000.

14. There are exactly 7 uppercase letter Qs in the King James version of the Bible.
The capital K’s referes to the name or the title of the ‘King’.
15. The Bible is the most printed, sold, distributed and printed book in the world.
According to the Bible Society in between 1815 and 1975 there were printed 2,5 billion copies of the Bible, but later estimation put it as 5 billion…
16. is in the “World Library,” AKA the top 100 books of all time. It is the only book of the Bible on the list.
Might it be due to the fact it’s the most disturbing?
17. The bible verse Jules recites in Pulp Fiction is in fact not an actual verse.
That quote initially appeared in an older movie called “Chiba the Bodyguard” and was changed a bit for “Pulp Fiction”.
18. The time of the Bible writing was from 1500 BC to AD 100.
Approximately 40 men participated in the process of writing for the period over 1600 years.
19. The Holy Book never contradicts itself.
No contradictions were ever found in the Bible. Some people claimed to find them though, but they had to take verses out of context for that. It’s amazing that it never contradicts itself taking into account the fact it was written for 1600 years…
20. The Bible has been translated into more than 1,200 languages.
No other book could even come close.