Weekly Horoscopes
People have been asking me if there is any astrological significance to the passing of David Bowie - and now Prince - together with less globally famous people, who nevertheless matter so much to their fans. I know what they mean. I felt an incredible shock and loss at the passing of Victoria Wood. But why so many well-known talents, and why now? I don't think it's any accident that all three were from humble origins and climbed to the top. That's a Capricorn theme. And ever since January we have had relentless patterns involving Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, the goat. The mountain goat climbs from the bottom to the top and perhaps these sad losses are drawing our attention to that. On the day I wrote this - I found these unusual drink cans.
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Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries |Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra |Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius |Pisces
Aries: 25 April - 1 May
Start your engines, Aries. From now until June the focus is on the Second House of your horoscope which is ruled by Taurus and Venus in the natural zodiac. It will take you until June to finally, truly, get this right - but essentially you are about to discover who and what you value most. Who and what you will sell out for, or sell your soul for. It's called the re-evaluation of your old values, and it's happening partly because Mercury Retrograde is taking place in Taurus, the sign of the bull. We associate gold bullion and bull markets with Taurus. Beyond that we naturally need to look at your house, inheritance, possessions, salary, apartment, debt, savings, business and the rest. You can take a leisurely six weeks to really ponder your own personal budget or sharemarket but you will have a major decision to make too. For more see Get The Gloss. Premium Member? Please read on.
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Taurus: 25 April - 1 May
Until June 7th the focus is squarely on your face, name, persona, profile, body, wardrobe and the rest. We have a cluster in Taurus, your own sign, not seen for a year. It lingers longer because Mercury is Retrograde in your sign. This is about the First House of your chart ruled by Aries and Mars in the natural zodiac. We associate this with your 'armour' and your pennant or flag. In modern times of course this becomes your personalised car number plate, or your branding. Victoria Wood, who passed recently, was a Taurus. She was a very private person but the world knew her as the funny woman with the shiny blonde bob and a way with words - the down-to-earth Northerner. Many Taureans are seen as down-to-earth because they are earth signs. Are you? Her Majesty the Queen is a Taurean. Her 90th birthday coincides with her relaunch. One way or another, Taurus, you are going to be utterly focussed on how you are seen and how you appear, until June. Just allow for one situation to go backwards and forwards and watch printers, the media, the internet or perhaps multimedia for potential errors or delays. Mercury is retrograde. You can read more at Get The Gloss. Premium Member? Please continue.
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Gemini: 25 April - 1 May
We now enter the Taurus season, which for you draws your attention inward and behind the scenes. It is time to address the secrets you cover up from other people. It is time to think about the uncredited role you play behind the scenes. It may be time for the psychic world or psychology. The Twelfth House of your chart is ruled by Taurus and in the natural zodiac it is associated with Neptune and Pisces. Thus, we link this week (and in fact the entire month of May) with all that is submerged, mysterious, elusive, unknown and a law unto itself. This is where we find MI6 and MI5. It is where we find the CIA, FBI and old ASIO files. It is also where we might detect Anonymous, Wikileaks or your diary. It is certainly about gazing inwards, not moving outwards. This is why until June 7th, when your ruler Mercury is finally out of shadow, you must ask for more time and space if you need them, so you can beat a retreat. For more read Get The Gloss. You can continue reading if you are a Premium Member.
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Cancer: 25 April - 1 May
Cancer, we now come to the keynote period of the year for your group (whatever kind of group that is) and your friendships. It will take you until June to really sort things out and make a fresh start. You will come to understand what friendship is more deeply throughout May with all the emphasis on loyalty that this involves. You will also come to fathom the hive mind, or group psyche, in a deeper way, as you are about to make a key decision about the collective, or community - or because of them. In astrology the Eleventh House of your chart is ruled by Aquarius and Uranus in the natural zodiac. This is now where the action is. We associate Aquarius with the water-bearer who fed the communal baths in Ancient Rome. Uranus is the planet we associate with the new brotherhoods and sisterhoods of revolutionary America and revolutionary France - and the people power which began to push back against the Industrial Revolution. Over the next few weeks you will come to understand why people when united, can never be divided. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.
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Leo: 25 April - 1 May
We now have a stellium in Taurus, in the Tenth House of your solar chart in an area governed by Capricorn and Saturn in the natural zodiac. This stellium will take you into the first week of June and it is about success, ambition and achievement. You have already been given one interesting offer in April. You have also seen solid evidence of one very interesting achievement. There is more to come. In fact, you have a substantial choice to make about your role, project or goal by June. All of this requires attention this week because only you can figure out what success actually is. Capricorn is about climbing slowly and patiently to the top of one's profession. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is about the fear of losing one's position. Add all that together and you have food for thought, but ultimately, deciding what does not/does spell personal success for you is a profoundly personal question. You can read more at Get The Gloss. Premium Member? Please continue.
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Virgo: 25 April - 1 May
This week we see the first real emphasis on the sign of Taurus in your chart, which rules the Ninth House of your horoscope. In the natural zodiac we associate the Ninth House with Jupiter and Sagittarius, so the themes of exploration and expansion are very strong. Travel or travel in the mind are going to preoccupy you until June. You will have a substantial decision to make. This may involve you moving or travelling, literally, and discovering different areas of your own area, or those in more exotic locations. Alternatively the exploration may be intellectual or spiritual, as you begin to look towards the internet, the world of books, academia, education, religion, philosophy and so on. Your ruler Mercury is retrograde so you will find your progress is delayed or altered along the way. For this reason please check the terms and conditions on any flights or hotels. In general, though, the next few weeks will challenge you to depart from the known into the world of the unknown and unexplored. You have much to learn, according to your chart. You can read more at Get The Gloss. Continue if you are a Premium Member.
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Libra: 25 April - 1 May
Libra, we are now in the full swing of the Taurus season, which picks up on your money, house, apartment, possessions, business interests, charity commitments or company. This may be shared, divided or inherited on some level, as Taurus rules the Eighth House of your horoscope, which is where the agreements are deadly serious, or sexually intimate. At the same time we have a tremendous pattern in Scorpio waiting to be resurrected later this year and Scorpio rules your own money, possessions, house, apartment and so on - or your own unique stake in the same. Thus, you have a tremendous amount of stop-start action coming up. In fact, it may be some time before you can say one issue has been laid to rest. Until then you have some cosmic homework. That cosmic homework involves looking deeply into power and control and the part they play in the arrangements you have about all that you earn , own or owe. Look at the second or third part involved. It may be your boyfriend. It may be the bank. You have to put a price on power sometimes and this is one of those times. It will preoccupy you until June so take your time. The ultimate issues will not be resolved for a while, though, so deep breath! You can read more at Get The Gloss. Premium Member? Please continue.
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Scorpio: 25 April - 1 May
The activity in your opposite sign of Taurus now triggers the Seventh House of your chart, ruled by Libra and Venus in the natural zodiac. This is about your former, current or potential partner. It may also be about your opponent, enemy or rival. Prepare for a long period of intense focus on this man (or woman) with the final outcome known by June 7th. Before that time you may find you are delayed, or the story changes. Be prepared for that. This cycle is commonly about your opponent or rival, in professional terms. It is often about your lover, or perhaps your partner - maybe the partner you left behind emotionally a long time ago. Having said that, May 2016 is not going to change your life. What will fundamentally change you, though, is the ultimate outcome of decisions made about the money, house, apartment, business, company, charity - and so on. If this should directly involve the person in question, then you know there is a larger issue to consider. In all cases, no matter what your personal situation is, the time has come to look at the scales of balance, justice, fairness and equality that pin you and this other person at opposite corners. You have plenty of time to sort this out. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.
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Sagittarius: 25 April - 1 May
You are now moving through Taurus territory, Sagittarius. Taurus in your horoscope rules the Sixth House and is associated with Virgo and Mercury in the natural zodiac. We link it to the body, and all that is wrong with it, or right with it. We also link it to service, duty and the work ethic. It is associated with housework and chores. It is also very much about the way your physical condition or physical state can define who you are, what you do, and how you are seen. No wonder you have so much to think about. In fact this will preoccupy you until June 7th when Mercury is out of shadow. Until then you can expect stop-start progress as this cycle is pretty protracted. This gives you time to think, mull, peruse, weigh and measure. You need to think about the mind, body and spirit connection all over again, no matter how many times you have been on this path. And you particularly need to do this in the context of your everyday working life and your concept of service. You can read more at Get The Gloss. Premium Member? Please continue.
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Capricorn: 25 April - 1 May
Capricorn, you now come to the Taurus season in your horoscope, and that bright Full Moon you saw just recently drew your attention to that. The Sun in Taurus was opposite the Moon in Scorpio, thus the big, white, full Moon in the sky. Taurus in your chart is about children or lovers. Godchildren or partners. Young relatives or one-night stands. It is about adoption, termination, children's education or grown-up adult children. It is also about the possibility of inheriting nieces and nephews when you marry. Sometimes, in the biggest of all big pictures, the concern is with a children's charity, or paid work with the very young. Until June, Capricorn, you will have massive decisions to make which will affect your future for some months. Fortunately you have ample time to do this. In fact, one situation will go backwards and forwards for so long that you have no choice but to sit on your hands! You can read more at Get The Gloss. Premium Member? Please continue.
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Aquarius: 25 April - 1 May
Between now and 7th June you will make some of your most important decisions about your house, apartment, family, town, country or household. You are entering a cycle when the Fourth House, ruled by Cancer and the Moon in the natural zodiac, becomes more important. Take your time. The situation will be delayed or changed, more than once, by June. Having time, buys you time to think, ponder and even change your mind if you wish. This gets you better acquainted with a sense of place and a sense of belonging. Who or what do you belong to? You now have a chance to deepen this connection in your life and explore what security, roots and 'shelter' (on every level ) mean for you. The steps you take from this point forward will lock that in for you. Read more atGet The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.
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Pisces: 25 April - 1 May
Pisces, the most important developments between now and June will concern the internet, multimedia, publishing or education. In other cases the focus may be on your writing, songwriting, public speaking or singing. We associate communication and connection with this cycle. What you decide over the next few weeks will shape the rest of your year. You will have time to do this. In fact you will have to endure at least one delay, one change - and maybe more - which forces you to stop and really think about your message as well as the medium. The Third House of your chart in astrology is ruled by Gemini and Mercury in the natural zodiac, where the emphasis is on word power, presentation, persuasion and so on - not so much the actual content of the message. This reminds you that in an age when anyone can be 'sold' any message or convinced by any means - particularly sophisticated means - there is a fundamental question to be asked about what that message is, and what it achieves. Don't be so distracted by the words, film, photographs and the rest that you miss this key part of the cycle - that's the message in your chart this week as you start the long, winding road towards your plan or project.
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Copyright Jessica Adams/William Morris Entertainment/Curtis Brown 2016.
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