Sunday, 31 July 2016

Horoscope for Monday 01st August 2016

Horoscope for Monday 01st August 2016

Curious to know what sort of day you're going to have today? Your free horoscope will help you to plan your day, each and every day.


March 21 - April 19
Speed up your plans with work, unpaid work, housework or full-time parenting as one discussion or piece of news could bring outstanding good fortune if you can sign or agree before the 10th of August, Aries.


April 20 - May 20
What you hear, read or discuss over the next 48 hours puts children or young adults front and centre. This will pay off enormously for you by September. This also applies to lovers who may bring that generation into your life.


May 21 - June 20
You should be very happy with the final outcome for your home, family, town, apartment, household, house or country by September 10th if you seize the day and commit to crucial decisions this week.


June 21 - July 22
Your way with words, ideas and images will pay off in a wonderful way if you can accelerate your plans and throw yourself into the projects or roles which heavily involve your computer, biro or microphone, Cancer.


July 23 - August 22
Do all you can to add, subtract or divide now, no matter if your priority is your money, home, business, possessions or charity. It is also time to ask savvy questions so that you can act on answers leading to great results.


August 23 - September 22
It’s all about you as your ruling planet Mercury goes through your own sign of Virgo and you must do all you can to put your own title, name, image, reputation and personal appearance first, while luck is on your side and the timing (until August 9th) is so perfect.


September 23 - October 22
I am sure your friends, family or partner has no idea what you are up to at the moment, but you are right to play a role behind the scenes, disappear or keep your secrets to yourself. This is going to reward you for years to come.


October 23 - November 21
It’s all about the group and your friendships within that group – for the last time this year. You will be stunned at how many good things can come out of this week and the next 48 hours is crucial, so start talking – and act!


November 22 - December 21
The more ambitious you have been over the last 12 months the more fulfilled you will be by wonderful events to come by September, which begin with one crucial piece of news over the next few days. Act on this before August 10th if possible to avoid delays or changes later on.


December 22 - January 19
You were so right to invest your time and energy in foreign people and places, interstate connections and locations, education, uni, the internet, your beliefs or publishing. What you hear, read or discuss shows you the way now.


January 20 - February 18
You could be thrilled by your progress with the money, business, house, charity, shopping, sales, apartment or company by September, but it is important that you do all the maths and all the talking before August 10th.


February 19 - March 20
You can write a really great chapter about, with or for your partner now. This also applies to your former or potential partner. Even an enemy, rival or opponent can benefit you at the moment, Pisces, but you have to be quick.