Thursday 10 December 2015

Jain Temple - Shri Mahaveerji


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Coral-Coloured idol of Lord Mahaveer in Padmasana Posture

Symbol of emotional integration Digambar Jain Atishaya Keshtra Shri Mahaveerji is a holy place of pilgrimage in Rajasthan ( India). It is dedicated to Lord Mahaveer, the 24th Tirthankar. Shri Mahaveerji draws people of all classes, creeds and communities from all over the world. Thousands of pilgrims throng here everyday to have Darshan of Lord Mahavir and offer prayers for attaining peace and solace. The devotees who come here experience eternal happiness and self contentment, which is unique in itself.
pdfMahaveer Ji Article (19.03.2012)
pdfMahaveer Ji Article (2nd April 2012 to 8h April 2012)
Copyrignt © 2012 Digambar Jain Atishaya Kshetra Shri Mahaveer Ji

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