Saturday 6 February 2016



10 Best Goan Recipes
A trip to the beach can cure a bad mood and so can Goan food.

Goa's got everything a hot tourist destination does: sun, sand, beach and most importantly, good food. Authentic Goan food is one of the biggest reasons tourists flock to this glorious state. It's spunky; it's got personality and is seriously addictive!

Goan food is extremely different from the food of other regions and this can be attributed to its rich and diverse cultural heritage. It's a potpourri of flavours: beef,porkcoconutjaggerycashew and an endless variety of seafood. A lot of Goan dishes like Prawn balchao and Sorpotel are well known and relished around the world. (More - From golden beaches to Goan recipes: Explore Goa)

Goan food has many similarities with Portuguese food and this is mainly because of Portuguese inhabitants who lived there for almost 450 years. Goans didn't take after their prominent use of garlic in every dish, but definitely latched on to their flair for bread-making. You'll see that Goans often swap their regular bowl of steamed rice with soft and warm bread. Spices, fish and coconut have dominated Goan food for centuries and it's only in the last few years it has started to be featured with new, more innovative ingredients like fenni and vinegar.

We've put together some excellent Goan recipes that you can whip up in your kitchen with great ease.

1.Goan Fish Curry
Recipe by Chef Rufina

What's Goan food without authentic fish curry? This recipe comes exclusively to us from the head chef of Leela Palace, Goa and is a must-try. (Recipe video)
2.Goan Prawn Curry
Recipe by Chef Andy and Laila Baig

Crunch your way to juicy prawns cooked in a coconut milk based Goan curry and let the magic of Goan food take over.

3.Fish Recheado
Recipe by Chef Sainora

'Recheado' means 'stuffed' in Portuguese. Simply put, it's a pomfret infused with a tangy recheado paste and fried with onionstill crisp and golden brown. (Recipe: Recheado masala)

(Recipe Video)

Recipe by Chef Kishore D Reddy

This delicious Goan dessert is carefully layered to perfection. It's prepared using coconut milkeggsbutter, and most importantly, jaggery. Each bite of this cake makes the next one seem even more exciting.

5.Pork Vindaloo
Recipe by Chef Niru Gupta

This is perhaps the most sensational and memorable Goan dish. 'Vin' stands for vinegar and 'ahlo', pronounced and written as 'aloo', means garlic. Chillies, ginger, garlic and cumin make the luscious redmasala which is mixed with vinegar laced pork and cooked in a fiery red gravy till it's flaky and tender.

6.Rava Fried Fish
Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal

Anyone who has been to Goa or heard of Goan food will know this dish. Fish fillets flavoured with gingergarlic and redchillies are fried to perfection and garnished with aromatic coriander(Recipe video)

7.Chicken Xacuti
Recipe by Chef Alphonso Periera

Xacuti is back and this time for those looking for some juicy chunks of spice infused chicken. This dish is best enjoyed on a bed of hot rice. (Recipe video)

8.Chicken Cafreal
Recipe by Chef Cafrina

This dish originated in the Portuguese colony and hence takes a Portuguese name. Chicken is marinated in an extremely spicy paste and cooked with vinegar and rum till the chicken turns tender. (Recipe video)

9.Pork Sorpotel
Recipe by Chef Niru Gupta

This Portuguese inspired dish is cooked in almost every catholic household in Goa for Christmas. It is said that authentic Sorpotel is heated for about 20 minutes each day after the first and tastes best on the 3rd or 4th day.

10.Goan Nevri
Recipe by Chef Niru Gupta

Commonly known as 'karanji', sweet small balls made of flour are stuffed with coconut, sugar, cardamom and almonds. A famous sweet dish from Goa, this recipe is prepared especially during Ganesh Chaturthi and Diwali festivals. 

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