Sunday 7 February 2016

Biggest shock that a foreigner ffaces while in India

Biggest cultural shock for a foreigner while in India:

1- Service: People do not let you be. Neither a colleague nor a bellboy believes that you can do the things alone. And their offended look when you say that you want to serve your food yourself or carry your bags with your own arms.

2- Staring: People look at you. Whatever the context is or wherever the scene is they observe you.

3- Pissing: Men are allowed to piss everywhere without hiding it and they think then they can shake your hand.

4- TV ads and billboards: I cannot match these people on ads with people whom I see everyday.

5- No sports or training: Gyms might be expensive but people tend to skip stairs and behave lazier than you'd think.

6- More Muslims when compared to Pakistan.

7- Security fanatics but weak security everywhere: Rudeness of the security employees is aside I cannot really understand being reactive to crime rather than being proactive and preventing it. A sign at a food court reads: Do not accept any drinks from strangers. These might be drugged and result in robbery.

8- Goa's high season ends in January.

9- The vendors think that they can fool a Turk.

10- That it rains heavily right now in Pune. Wasn't it the dry season?

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