Wednesday 3 February 2016

Marry a Russian Woman - Reasons

Five Reasons You Should Marry a Russian Woman

As a Russian woman, take my advice: If she's Russian, put a ring on her!

Возможно, она и не русская, но как хороша!

Возможно, она и не русская, но как хороша!
In the west, Russian women are often objectified and maligned. Their loss! Here are five reasons why Russian women make great life partners.
1. Russian women are very family oriented. Russian girls have a reputation of caring for their families. Unlike in the west, Russian women value family and children much more than climbing the corporate Taco Bell ladder. Order and wellbeing in the home is a main aim for them. They will always make sure that everyone in the family is receiving enough attention and care. Russian women value their relatives and honor traditions. Most importantly, Russian women are grounded and don't expect married life to be a Disney magic carpet ride. They're aware of and prepared for the challenges of family life. 

Russian women realize that family is more important than a desk job
2. They are very, very beautiful. On a scale of 1-10, they are VERY BEAUTIFUL. Russian women are basically world-famous for their exquisite good looks. Russian ladies will spare nothing to look amazing — it doesn't matter how much time and money it takes. It's an art, people! You'll often see Russian women touching up their make-up every hour, or taking out the trash in outrageously high heels. Don't be intimidated! A Russian woman believes that "clothes don't make the man" — although she's always happy to help her man pick out a nice set of clothes to match her gorgeous dress...
She's in the woods, but she's probably wearing heels...
She's in the woods, but she's probably wearing heels...
3. Russian women are proud of their femininity — and know how to use it!  This is probably one of the main reasons foreign men like Russian girls so much — they are tired of "always busy" career women who scoff at their own natural, feminine charms. Russian women know they have been endowed with great gifts, and they intend to use them! There is basically nothing better in life than when a Russian woman is trying her best to please you. Enough said. 
No, she won't call the police if you buy her a cup of coffee...
No, she won't call the police if you buy her a cup of coffee...
4. Russian women have an insatiable desire to feed you. With a Russian wife, you will basically be stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, 24/7, 365 days a year. Russians love to cook, and they're good at it. In fact, they often cook way too much — and you're going to have to eat it all! Aside from the standard cauldron of borsch​, or traditional but strange-looking salads such as"herring under a fur coat", Russian women have a staggering culinary repertoire. Your Russian wife will probably put too much mayonnaise in your soup, but remember — she has only good intentions.
"Second breakfast". It's like The Shire, but everyone speaks Russian!
"Second breakfast". It's like The Shire, but everyone speaks Russian!
5. Russian women are tough as nails. Did you know they killed a buttload of Nazis?  Keep that in mind. Russian women are strong — mentally and physically — when the moment calls for it. There is a famous Russian proverb, probably from a Tolstoy novel: "Don't be an asshole. Otherwise a Russian woman will find you and kill you." Just kidding. But seriously, a Russian woman will do everything she can for the one she loves. But, despite the strength of Russian women, they are always looking for a man to share their lives with. 
By the way, in school almost every Russian girl learns how to field-strip and shoot a Kalashnikov. Just keep that in mind before coming home at 3 am smelling of booze and godless tart perfume. 
Play nice with Russian women. Or else.
Play nice with Russian women. Or else.
Still want to marry a Russian woman? Don't be afraid. You can thank me later...

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