Sunday 14 February 2016

It's Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day! Why we celebrate love today, who was St Valentine - and everything else you need to know

A vintage Valentine card with cupid flying an airplane with a stolen heart
A vintage Valentine card with cupid flying an airplane with a stolen heart

February 14th is here! Lovers will exchange cards, gifts, flowers and chocolates with their special 'valentine'. Here's everything you need to know

What day does Valentine's Day fall on this year?

St Valentine’s Day is here. It’s a day when people show their love and affection for another person – usually in the form ofcards, flowers, gifts and messages.

What should you do for Valentine's Day?

Oysters, a legendary aphrodisiac, are the epitome of Valentine’s Day luxury.
Back in the nineteenth century they were the food of the poor, but these days with prices reaching £30 and more for a dozen, they’ve been out of reach of all but the most cash-rich Casanovas.
Now Morrisons has democratized the oyster, selling them for a positively Victorian 25p each, a tenth of the price they fetch in London’s historic Bentley’s Oyster Bar. But is it ok to buy an oyster from the supermarket?Find out in this piece.

Say it with chocolate: the best Valentine's Day gifts

If you are aiming to seduce a chocolate lover this Valentine’s Day you can’t get away with any old soft centres in a heart-shaped box. Quality and ethical sourcing are more likely to sway the sentiments than a pretty bow - and the best chocolate makers know it.
Here is a selection of romantic treats that not only taste delicious and look enchanting, but which have been made using the finest, properly sourced cocoa by makers whose hearts are in the right place.
Of equal importance, is making sure your gift doesn't have the reverse effect. Beware: here's what to buy if you want to get dumped...

The best romantic recipes

Valentine' Day recipes: heart-shaped pizzaBellissima: Rose Prince's pink and white Valentine's Day pizzas  Laura Hynde
A Valentine's Day meal needs to be both delicious and impressive. Here is a selection of the most romantic recipes for your Valentine - including this heart-shapped pizza.
James Martin has also come up with adelicious winter feast to get the cockles warming...

The best romantic drinks

Kay Plunkett-Hogge suggests a cocktail or three to get you in the Valentine's Day mood - or to get you through it, depending on your romantic state of mind...

Play some slushy songs

Not everyone is convinced...

Tom Fordy thinks we should dump this saccharine, sickly and sexist tradition.
"Valentine’s Day, a saccharine, sickly, rose-tinted window into the past, where the roles society once forced upon us are still very much in place.
"Women are cast as passive and gooey-eyed, easily impressed by empty romantic gestures – girly pink tat, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, bouquets of flowers so garish that even Derek Trotter would be embarrassed buying them."

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