Friday, 2 September 2016

Embodiments of Love - 02.09.2016

Embodiments of Love - 02.09.2016

Why is giving up body consciousness an important first step in spirituality? 
Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

So long as a person is immersed in body attachment, all types of hardships and misery will haunt. Body attachment is the root cause of thoughts (sankalpas). 
Hence Lord Krishna exhorted people to give up body attachment. The key derivation from this statement is that every being should experience unity in diversity. Without an individual (vyashti), there cannot be a society (samashti). 
Without a society, there is no creation (srishti). So all these are connected, and we must first clearly recognise the role of an individual (vyashti). Only then can we understand the principle of samashti, which will in turn lead to the understanding of srishti. 
One who understands srishti becomes one with paramesthi (God). Vyashti symbolises the individual whereas Samashti stands for God. 
So long as vyashti identifies themselves with the body, they lead a very ordinary life. Shed the body attachment, then you will find that the individual soul is indeed one with the Cosmic Spirit.

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