Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Horoscope for Wednesday 21st September 2016

Horoscope for Wednesday 21st September 2016

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Wednesday.


March 21 - April 19
A hint of things to come? How lovely would it be to take the leisurely parts of your weekends and holidays, but weave them into your lifestyle as a whole? Funnily enough, that’s exactly what your horoscope is suggesting. Along with a savvy way to eat cleverly and enjoy it. Just give this time to go back and forth, yet from October, it could be real.


April 20 - May 20
Here comes a whole new chapter with your friend, your social media circle or quite a different kind of group. What begins in a small way today, takes you towards memorable plans in March 2017. When you swim together, like a school of fish, it works. The trick is avoiding feeling all at sea, with this lot!


May 21 - June 20
The money, precious possessions, house, business or apartment will require a huge amount of energy and initiative from today, but the facts and figures you need will be in front of you from December with January marking a real milestone. When you pull your own strings, it works.


June 21 - July 22
Your lifestyle (with the emphasis on work, duty and service as well as downtime) now moves to the top of your list, and no matter if the issue is your job – or your body – life will test you, for some time to come. Knowing this helps you slow down and wait. This can and will get better but patience works.


July 23 - August 22
Your home, family, home town, household or homeland will shortly call for action, rather than words. This rushes you into 2017, and spectacular gains in 2018, but decisions will need to be made in a small way first on that crucial New Moon just before Halloween. Plan and set goals. A new direction is waiting.


August 23 - September 22
Even though you really should be on the sofa with various indulgences, your horoscope is already moving you on. Finance, business, assets or property will soon take up your time and energy. You will have a real moment of truth at Christmas, but for now, think about what you can gain or save.


September 23 - October 22
It is time to return to the submerged world, where reality cannot touch you, and nobody can detect you, either. From today, you enter one of the most inward-looking phases of the year as Mercury spins his wheels – yet by 7th October this era is over.


October 23 - November 21
This is the annual detox you needed, in terms of finance, business or property – or even questions about shared or lent possessions. The universe is holding up a mirror and a spotlight from November, so you can see a clear reflection at last. Set goals and forward-think with your diary as 2016 has been so tough, yet the chance for strong choices is weeks away, now.


November 22 - December 21
Your lifestyle covers the way you look after your wellbeing, along with your ideas about working in order to put others first. Something (or someone) has dominated in the most unhealthy way. The planet Ceres, stirring this up into 2017, tells you that a fresh start will come. After a compromise.


December 22 - January 19
Something is obviously unbalanced about the extent to which you can be heard (loud and clear) or understood (via the web, media or other avenues). The extent of this has not been fully clear until now, but you need to look at boundaries, firewalls, privacy, rules, hacking and the rest. Perhaps boundaries are being blurred in a non-technical way.


January 20 - February 18
Your horoscope now reminds me of underwater dive teams equipped with special spotlights and torches, on a timer. The timer is set for the final week of December. What lies beneath and below? It has not been this clear for a year. More information, and a conversation (even with yourself) will come. For now, plot and plan. Christmas comes quickly.


February 19 - March 20
So much needs to be sorted out with communication, information and publication – online and offline too. Ceres will be in and out of this zone of your chart until 2017 and she always brings a powerful compromise which leads to a new arrangement. It’s a good time to look at that.

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