Saturday, 17 September 2016

Speaking Tree - Why forgiveness is such a great virtue?

Speaking Tree - Why forgiveness is such a great virtue?

Jainism, among the oldest living religions of the world, has a rich tradition of festivals. Paryushan Parva popularly known as Dashlakshan Parva is the festival of ten virtues. It starts with kshama, forgiveness and at its conclusion Kshamavani, the Day of Forgiveness, is celebrated, when people forgive each other. The following is a popular prayer on the occasion:“I forgive all living beings,May all living beings forgive me,My friendship is with all living being,I have no animosity towards any living being.

May all my faults be dissolved.
”Forgiveness is quite different from saying sorry; it is the mental, emotional and/or spiritual process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation or anger against another person for a perceived offence, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution. The process of shedding our karmas really begins by asking for forgiveness with true feelings and to vow not to repeat mistakes.  Stanford projectNew scientific research also proves that forgiveness is helpful in improving the quality of our life.

Prof P M Agrawal writes, “The outcome of research carried out by scientists of Stanford University, USA is illustrative. The ‘Stanford Forgiveness Project’ provides not only evidence of the benefits of avoiding anger but it also gives practical methods to cope with anger. In America people are buying tickets in advance to attend workshop on forgiveness organised by Stanford Forgiveness Project team members. Persons spend money to attend such workshops to learn to adopt forgiveness. Why do they spend money? Because they believe in the scientific research which shows that the forgiveness would improve their health, peace and prosperity.

The popularity of such workshops reveals that adoption of forgiveness or the avoidance of intentional violence is not only a topic of religious scriptures but is a subject of considerable importance in our practical life. The quality of the forgiveness requires humility and suppression of anger. Its importance has been proved by medical science too.  Forgiveness protocolThere is a rule to forgive and ask for forgiveness which must be followed:To ask for forgiveness from the person whom you have harmed, you first subdue your own ego, resentment and hatred towards that person prior to asking genuine forgiveness from him.

To grant forgiveness, you must first get over your own anger and ego and then only you will be able to genuinely forgive the person who harmed you.  In the present age of competition and physical development people have money and many physical instruments for living a luxurious life but they lost all peace of mind. Through these virtues they can get more satisfaction and peace of mind. They can come out from mental depression if it exists and they can create opportunities for good fortune  by doing good deeds and leaving all bad deeds.

In many cases luck plays a vital role in the development of our career or business and good luck can be achieved by forgiveness and by leading a simple and straightforward life, making a habit of deceit-free conduct and removal of greediness.  I hope you forgive all your enemies and friends today and will be able to start a new life. My good wishes are with all of you on Kshamavani Divas.

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