Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Why you need to keep the bedroom lights on?

Why you need to keep the bedroom lights on?


Exposure to bright light can raise testosterone levels and lead to greater sexual satisfaction in men with low sexual desire, according to the results of a small scientific trial.

Exposure to bright light can raisetestosterone levels and lead to greater sexual satisfaction in men with low sexual desire, according to the results of a small scientific trial.

Scientists at the University of Siena in Italy found that regular, early-morning use of a light box -similar to those used to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD -helped men increase testosterone and improved their sex lives. Andrea Fagiolini, a professor who led the study and presented it at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology conference in Vienna on Monday , said the treatment may prove useful during the northern hemisphere's darker winter months.

"The increased levels of testosterone explain the greater reported sexual satisfaction," he said, "In the northern hemisphere, the body's testosterone production naturally declines from November through April, and then rises steadily through the spring and summer with a peak in October." Low sexual desire can affect significant numbers of men after the age of 40, with studies finding that up to 25% of men report problems.

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