Based on your date of birth, find out zodiac given below and then according to that you see your horoscope for the month of July 2015:
Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19

Aries :: Single Arians, do you know how hot you are right now? Well, let the stifled sighs, shy smiles and side glances from some interesting people tell you that. You will be hot property! However, if you are married, things may not be all that rosy in the relationships department. Now, now, don't let this get to your heart. Relax, and try finding a middle ground with your darling. It will be all worth your while. And, when you are feeling really down and out, head straight to your close friends. In work matters, mid month, the stars may get a little more stringent, making you work harder than earlier. Any way, it's a phase and it will pass. Don't wait for your bosses to pay you a compliment-self motivation shall be the key. Deadlines may assail you, but you will manage, assures Ganesha. New business projects won't be a good idea this month, but well planned business trips shall help you gain a perspective. Money may keep flying out of your pockets, overall, but that won't bother you. You will feel smarter than ever about financial matters, and may plan some investments. About time! Health front remains hassle-free, allowing you plenty of leeway to go on and about your life, as you desire.

Taurus :: If it's your work that's bothering you as the month begins, remember that even the fiercest of the warriors had to face the defeat at times. Do not set unrealistic expectations-from yourself or others. There will be work and there will be pressure, but nothing that you won't manage to set aside with some tact, planning and careful execution. Okay, the stars may not feel like your ally on many occasions., but your grit, confidence and motivation will help you surge ahead. Plus, you will thankfully be able to rely on your seniors' bankable insights and assistance. And, once you have given your best, leave everything to the cosmos. Yes, the things shall be moving at a snail's pace-blame it all on Saturn's retrograde movement-but, you, on your own, cam always choose to be undeterred and unrelenting, says Ganesha. When the slow planets give you some down-time, ponder, and if needed, revise some of your past decisions. But, be prepared, as sudden expenses may put you in a tight spot, especially if you are a business-persons. Understandably, as the career/ business and other practical matters receive the precedence, your personal life may get relegated to the background. Nonetheless, do take out time for your loved ones and your own sweet self.

Gemini :: Expect your communicative streak to peak this month. Thank your Sign Lord Gemini for eloquence, and gratefully talk your way to your beloved's heart and your boss' head. This may, though, have a side effect. Expenses shall take a steep upward turn, as the month wanes, specifically owing to the rising family demands. This or something else may put your loved ones in a bad mood, mid-month. Zip your mouth, and go for a walk, whenever such a situation strikes. Discuss further, only when things cool down a bit. Thankfully, things shall improve on the relationship front towards the month-end. However, the same can't be said for the financial matters, and it would be best to stay alert, through the month. Speculative activities shall be best avoided, especially if they involve a major sum or if you are looking at short term returns, says Ganesha. You may also land in a soup, on setting your priorities wrongly in this period. Work-wise, although, you may get a chance to establish your credentials, you will need put in great efforts. And, if you are fresh out of college, some issues may block your way, as you ease yourself into your first job. It is at such times your skills shall come handy. Travel for business shall yield good results. Health will need care.

Cancer :: Trudge, walk, amble, stride-you shall be taking on your own milestones, improving a notch or two at every point, on almost all spheres of life, as the month begins. Your enthusiasm shall find its way to the hearts (and minds) of those who matter, helping you earn rewards and praises. Spare a generous thank you for your friendly planet Jupiter, as it aspects your 6th House-the House of day to day functioning-now. And, just as you go about expressing your gratitude in form of prayers and positive visualisations, pray a little extra so the stars help you defeat mischievous Ketu's negative influence. Romance flowers, as the steady, committed love bonds saunter ahead towards the next logical step. However, be prepared for some unexpected roadblocks and work snags, towards the second fortnight, says Ganesha. If you are about to start a job soon, then you may not exactly be happy with the offered salary. Business-persons dealing in foreign shores shall be in for some luck, though. Focus on forging new trade bonds. Socially, an active time awaits you that may see you hosting a dinner party, probably to celebrate the completion of a redecoration project. Financially, you will need to exercise care, as expenses look set to hit the roof.

Leo :: Oh, you busy bee-flitting, bouncing and dancing away-as the month begins. Your conviction and determination bring you a good amount of success, leaving you buoyant, even when the strict Saturn decides to be a killjoy, putting obstacles onto your path. See, there are times when you work, and then, work some more, and there are times, when the results pour in. This is the time for former, and you will be best placed, if you do not sit around waiting for the results to pop up. Now is the time to play smart and carry on with your work or whatever that makes your journey worthwhile. Saturn's aspect on 10th House from your Sign shall ensure that nothing comes easy-you will need to earn it, but when you do, the results shall be sweeter than ever, assures Ganesha. Financially, no short cuts are allowed yet. If you are a business-person, think twice before giving out goods on credit. A money puzzle may put you off-track, towards the month-end-but briefly. Home life will be a breeze, simply because you shall be your generous and loving self. Do keep a tight watch on your pockets. Give away your cash for a good cause, but again don't go overboard. And, stay healthy-do what you can, and guard your health and well being.

Virgo :: It's time for some good news from foreign shores and matters related to communications with far flung places. Expect a boost in your returns, if you are a business-person, dealing with clients abroad. Forging new relationships and associations is on the cards, and so is a short trip meant to seize a deal. You may also plan to initiate a renovation project at home. Mercury's influence will make you work over time, though, specifically if you have foreign assignments on your platter. Career professionals, otherwise, may rather have a stable time, as the month begins. Later in the month, though, you may feel a bit confused or lost, given the debilitated Mars' and unsteady Moon transiting in unfavourable placements. The inconsistent attitude of peers and subordinates will dishearten you. Many of you may even wish to change an existing job, and why not, if you have not been enjoying your work! Just ensure checking all quarters, advises Ganesha. Financially, this will be a tricky time. Avoid extending credit to new clients or untrustworthy alliances. Don't get lured into quick-buck schemes! Spend wisely, even when you are awed by something. Personally, this will be a time to remain open and accommodative in all relationships. Do not think of breaking up an alliance or friendship, just because you are feeling irritable. Health remains fine.

Libra :: You are unlikely to be focussed on any one particular thing, as the month begins. On 2nd, 3rd and 4th, your mind (and heart) shall rather be distracted and divided, over too many options. Which one will you choose? Ganesha feels that you will give preference to something that's purely fun and leisurely. Cool, but don't spend exceedingly high. By the first week's end, you may realise that you have ended up ignoring your career way too much, and may get into an introspective mood. About time! Happily, the luck shall favour you, and whatever you set your mind on shall be up for grabs. As the month wanes, the responsibilities in your bucket shall pile on, but you won't be deterred, simply because success will be near in sight and people around you will be supportive. Striking new deals and implementing new and unique methodologies-all are likely. Just ensure that you have measured the pros and cons, before you begin/ execute anything new. Speculative financial activities will catch your attention towards the latter half of the month, but you are advised to move ahead with extreme caution. On 24th, 25th and 26th of the month, love may give you some heartache. Blame it on the retrograde Venus, and stay grounded. Don't let your busyness take away the charm from your most special relationship.

Scorpio :: Thinking negatively shall be a no-no, as you step into the rainy month of July. Stay balanced. The mighty Saturn shall help you, by stabilising things, all the while coaxing you to look inwards. Well, reflecting and identifying your shortcomings can never be a bad thing, but don't let this make you gloomy or self-possessed. See what's wrong, resolve to work on it to make it better and move on from there, says Ganesha. On 9th, 10th and 11th you may be extremely busy chasing some errant deadlines and projects. Well, do that, but don't let any of the pressure get you down, especially when the tricky Ketu puts obstacles onto your path. Jupiter's positive influence shall soon brighten up things for you, thankfully. Your confidence shall surge, and your reputation shall scintillate. Fruits of your past labour shall begin to ripen and land in your lap. Significant benefits from unexpected sources are foreseen. You will easily meet routine expenses. Gains through ancestral property are indicated. Businesspersons trading overseas shall manage to strike profitable deals. You may also come across several influential persons. The second fortnight shall be favourable for those involved with government or semi-government institutions. If some long-pending plans are on your mind, this is the right time to put them to implementation stage. Amidst all the good things, though, don't neglect your health, or the combust Mars may catch you unawares. Not a great time for love too.

Sagittarius :: Your efforts to keep your family members may not be yielding best results, as the month opens. Try your best to keep everyone happy, but beyond a point, even you shall be helpless. Accept that, and things shall seem way better. On your own, understand that the pleasure of your company cannot be substituted by any luxuries for your loved ones. Take time out, somehow, to spend with your family, even if that implies keeping your career at the back-seat for a few days. If you are married, conflicts over why you fail to devote time and effort in marriage may become a major cause of contention at this time. Take care! Speak to your bosses at work, if need be, but ensure, everything's sorted and your personal life remains balanced. On a happy note, you shall be confident and radiant this month, coursing your way to progress and financial stability. Steer clear of impetuousness, though, especially towards the month-end, when a hasty decision may put you in a tight spot. Overall, you will be very practical and pragmatic, making your way around the hurdles Saturn may put you on your path. Business-persons will need to hone their skills to adapt to the latest methodologies. Travel for work/ business shall be useful, says Ganesha.

Capricorn :: Okay, you are an extremely sincere and responsible person, thanks to your solid Zodiac Sign, but that should not make you feel, as if the burden of the whole world is on your shoulders. Don't take yourself so seriously, tips Ganesha. Manage your crazy mood swings, and see to it that you don't end up harbouring a rather lop-sided perspective. You can't always be right, you see! Check your temperament or you may end up causing irreparable damage to some of your special relationships, including the one with your sweetheart. Domestic matters will demand your attention, and it would be best that you attend to them at the earliest. As always, you shall be super-busy at your workplace, and would need to do all you can to keep your relations cordial with the higher-ups. Well, work and external factors like tough bosses or uncooperative peers are not always manageable. But, what you can always manage is your own attitude. You may also look to upgrade your personal and professional skills, mid-month. If looking for a better job, hold your horses till the last week July. Businesspersons can expect significant gains. Some old investments may ripen now, bringing you a reason to cheer. Physical well-being needs careful consideration, specifically as Mars' adverse placement may make you prone to injuries of lower limbs. Take care!

Aquarius :: You may face difficulty while making a quick buck, and later on realise that there is no substitute for hard work. Professionals and businesspersons will have to put in extra efforts to attain desired outcome. Do not take shortcuts. Ganesha advises that sometimes it is better to take a back seat, rather than being in the limelight. This is the right time for learning new tools and techniques to work on some ambitious tasks. Mid-month, you may feel tired physically and mentally due to the heavy workload. This may decrease your efficiency, despite your upbeat frame of mind. Take a break, says Ganesha! By month-end, any way, a relative relaxation in your work stress shall help you unwind. Financially, the stars may become tough towards the latter half of the month. Sudden expenses are indicated. Don't worry as a friend will lend a helping hand. But, Ganesha reminds you to repay the borrowed amount at the earliest to maintain the precious bond. Personal life too may not be hunky-dory during this period. Apologise to restore harmonious relations. This month is less favourable for singles. Meditation and yoga will help those afflicted by hypertension and diabetes. Indigestion may trouble you, this time around. You may also be prone to an accident, so remain cautious while driving and handling sharp objects at home or office.

Pisces :: Be ready and willing to take up some critical and unique projects at your workplace, around the beginning of this month. Okay, your timid self may not allow you to relax, when something so new and different is on the platter, but give it a try this time. And, the benefits shall be manifold. This will give you an opportunity to establish your credentials. Luck is on your side now, and thus, you shall see yourself easily accomplishing many of your tasks, even the difficult tasks. Make the best use of this favourable period, advises Ganesha. You are a meticulous person, and this inherent quality will be applauded by your seniors as well as other co-workers now. This is also a good time for business-persons to strengthen their position in the market. Financially, though, there may be some ups and downs, but nothing that you won't sail through. However, do save money for future rainy days. Home affairs shall be demanding in the month's first part, while work matters shall rule the roost in the second half. Happily, your marital life will be pleasant at this time, and you can expect good support from your partner. If you are unmarried, though, things may not be as blissful. Guard against nervousness and anxiety, and take care of you suffer from a chronic illness.
Aries: March 20 - April 18
Taurus: April 19 - May 19
Gemini: May 20 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 21
Leo: July 22 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - Sept 21
Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 20
Sagittarius: Nov 21 - Dec 20
Capricorn: Dec 21 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - March 19
Aries :: Single Arians, do you know how hot you are right now? Well, let the stifled sighs, shy smiles and side glances from some interesting people tell you that. You will be hot property! However, if you are married, things may not be all that rosy in the relationships department. Now, now, don't let this get to your heart. Relax, and try finding a middle ground with your darling. It will be all worth your while. And, when you are feeling really down and out, head straight to your close friends. In work matters, mid month, the stars may get a little more stringent, making you work harder than earlier. Any way, it's a phase and it will pass. Don't wait for your bosses to pay you a compliment-self motivation shall be the key. Deadlines may assail you, but you will manage, assures Ganesha. New business projects won't be a good idea this month, but well planned business trips shall help you gain a perspective. Money may keep flying out of your pockets, overall, but that won't bother you. You will feel smarter than ever about financial matters, and may plan some investments. About time! Health front remains hassle-free, allowing you plenty of leeway to go on and about your life, as you desire.
Taurus :: If it's your work that's bothering you as the month begins, remember that even the fiercest of the warriors had to face the defeat at times. Do not set unrealistic expectations-from yourself or others. There will be work and there will be pressure, but nothing that you won't manage to set aside with some tact, planning and careful execution. Okay, the stars may not feel like your ally on many occasions., but your grit, confidence and motivation will help you surge ahead. Plus, you will thankfully be able to rely on your seniors' bankable insights and assistance. And, once you have given your best, leave everything to the cosmos. Yes, the things shall be moving at a snail's pace-blame it all on Saturn's retrograde movement-but, you, on your own, cam always choose to be undeterred and unrelenting, says Ganesha. When the slow planets give you some down-time, ponder, and if needed, revise some of your past decisions. But, be prepared, as sudden expenses may put you in a tight spot, especially if you are a business-persons. Understandably, as the career/ business and other practical matters receive the precedence, your personal life may get relegated to the background. Nonetheless, do take out time for your loved ones and your own sweet self.
Gemini :: Expect your communicative streak to peak this month. Thank your Sign Lord Gemini for eloquence, and gratefully talk your way to your beloved's heart and your boss' head. This may, though, have a side effect. Expenses shall take a steep upward turn, as the month wanes, specifically owing to the rising family demands. This or something else may put your loved ones in a bad mood, mid-month. Zip your mouth, and go for a walk, whenever such a situation strikes. Discuss further, only when things cool down a bit. Thankfully, things shall improve on the relationship front towards the month-end. However, the same can't be said for the financial matters, and it would be best to stay alert, through the month. Speculative activities shall be best avoided, especially if they involve a major sum or if you are looking at short term returns, says Ganesha. You may also land in a soup, on setting your priorities wrongly in this period. Work-wise, although, you may get a chance to establish your credentials, you will need put in great efforts. And, if you are fresh out of college, some issues may block your way, as you ease yourself into your first job. It is at such times your skills shall come handy. Travel for business shall yield good results. Health will need care.
Cancer :: Trudge, walk, amble, stride-you shall be taking on your own milestones, improving a notch or two at every point, on almost all spheres of life, as the month begins. Your enthusiasm shall find its way to the hearts (and minds) of those who matter, helping you earn rewards and praises. Spare a generous thank you for your friendly planet Jupiter, as it aspects your 6th House-the House of day to day functioning-now. And, just as you go about expressing your gratitude in form of prayers and positive visualisations, pray a little extra so the stars help you defeat mischievous Ketu's negative influence. Romance flowers, as the steady, committed love bonds saunter ahead towards the next logical step. However, be prepared for some unexpected roadblocks and work snags, towards the second fortnight, says Ganesha. If you are about to start a job soon, then you may not exactly be happy with the offered salary. Business-persons dealing in foreign shores shall be in for some luck, though. Focus on forging new trade bonds. Socially, an active time awaits you that may see you hosting a dinner party, probably to celebrate the completion of a redecoration project. Financially, you will need to exercise care, as expenses look set to hit the roof.
Leo :: Oh, you busy bee-flitting, bouncing and dancing away-as the month begins. Your conviction and determination bring you a good amount of success, leaving you buoyant, even when the strict Saturn decides to be a killjoy, putting obstacles onto your path. See, there are times when you work, and then, work some more, and there are times, when the results pour in. This is the time for former, and you will be best placed, if you do not sit around waiting for the results to pop up. Now is the time to play smart and carry on with your work or whatever that makes your journey worthwhile. Saturn's aspect on 10th House from your Sign shall ensure that nothing comes easy-you will need to earn it, but when you do, the results shall be sweeter than ever, assures Ganesha. Financially, no short cuts are allowed yet. If you are a business-person, think twice before giving out goods on credit. A money puzzle may put you off-track, towards the month-end-but briefly. Home life will be a breeze, simply because you shall be your generous and loving self. Do keep a tight watch on your pockets. Give away your cash for a good cause, but again don't go overboard. And, stay healthy-do what you can, and guard your health and well being.
Virgo :: It's time for some good news from foreign shores and matters related to communications with far flung places. Expect a boost in your returns, if you are a business-person, dealing with clients abroad. Forging new relationships and associations is on the cards, and so is a short trip meant to seize a deal. You may also plan to initiate a renovation project at home. Mercury's influence will make you work over time, though, specifically if you have foreign assignments on your platter. Career professionals, otherwise, may rather have a stable time, as the month begins. Later in the month, though, you may feel a bit confused or lost, given the debilitated Mars' and unsteady Moon transiting in unfavourable placements. The inconsistent attitude of peers and subordinates will dishearten you. Many of you may even wish to change an existing job, and why not, if you have not been enjoying your work! Just ensure checking all quarters, advises Ganesha. Financially, this will be a tricky time. Avoid extending credit to new clients or untrustworthy alliances. Don't get lured into quick-buck schemes! Spend wisely, even when you are awed by something. Personally, this will be a time to remain open and accommodative in all relationships. Do not think of breaking up an alliance or friendship, just because you are feeling irritable. Health remains fine.
Libra :: You are unlikely to be focussed on any one particular thing, as the month begins. On 2nd, 3rd and 4th, your mind (and heart) shall rather be distracted and divided, over too many options. Which one will you choose? Ganesha feels that you will give preference to something that's purely fun and leisurely. Cool, but don't spend exceedingly high. By the first week's end, you may realise that you have ended up ignoring your career way too much, and may get into an introspective mood. About time! Happily, the luck shall favour you, and whatever you set your mind on shall be up for grabs. As the month wanes, the responsibilities in your bucket shall pile on, but you won't be deterred, simply because success will be near in sight and people around you will be supportive. Striking new deals and implementing new and unique methodologies-all are likely. Just ensure that you have measured the pros and cons, before you begin/ execute anything new. Speculative financial activities will catch your attention towards the latter half of the month, but you are advised to move ahead with extreme caution. On 24th, 25th and 26th of the month, love may give you some heartache. Blame it on the retrograde Venus, and stay grounded. Don't let your busyness take away the charm from your most special relationship.
Scorpio :: Thinking negatively shall be a no-no, as you step into the rainy month of July. Stay balanced. The mighty Saturn shall help you, by stabilising things, all the while coaxing you to look inwards. Well, reflecting and identifying your shortcomings can never be a bad thing, but don't let this make you gloomy or self-possessed. See what's wrong, resolve to work on it to make it better and move on from there, says Ganesha. On 9th, 10th and 11th you may be extremely busy chasing some errant deadlines and projects. Well, do that, but don't let any of the pressure get you down, especially when the tricky Ketu puts obstacles onto your path. Jupiter's positive influence shall soon brighten up things for you, thankfully. Your confidence shall surge, and your reputation shall scintillate. Fruits of your past labour shall begin to ripen and land in your lap. Significant benefits from unexpected sources are foreseen. You will easily meet routine expenses. Gains through ancestral property are indicated. Businesspersons trading overseas shall manage to strike profitable deals. You may also come across several influential persons. The second fortnight shall be favourable for those involved with government or semi-government institutions. If some long-pending plans are on your mind, this is the right time to put them to implementation stage. Amidst all the good things, though, don't neglect your health, or the combust Mars may catch you unawares. Not a great time for love too.
Sagittarius :: Your efforts to keep your family members may not be yielding best results, as the month opens. Try your best to keep everyone happy, but beyond a point, even you shall be helpless. Accept that, and things shall seem way better. On your own, understand that the pleasure of your company cannot be substituted by any luxuries for your loved ones. Take time out, somehow, to spend with your family, even if that implies keeping your career at the back-seat for a few days. If you are married, conflicts over why you fail to devote time and effort in marriage may become a major cause of contention at this time. Take care! Speak to your bosses at work, if need be, but ensure, everything's sorted and your personal life remains balanced. On a happy note, you shall be confident and radiant this month, coursing your way to progress and financial stability. Steer clear of impetuousness, though, especially towards the month-end, when a hasty decision may put you in a tight spot. Overall, you will be very practical and pragmatic, making your way around the hurdles Saturn may put you on your path. Business-persons will need to hone their skills to adapt to the latest methodologies. Travel for work/ business shall be useful, says Ganesha.
Capricorn :: Okay, you are an extremely sincere and responsible person, thanks to your solid Zodiac Sign, but that should not make you feel, as if the burden of the whole world is on your shoulders. Don't take yourself so seriously, tips Ganesha. Manage your crazy mood swings, and see to it that you don't end up harbouring a rather lop-sided perspective. You can't always be right, you see! Check your temperament or you may end up causing irreparable damage to some of your special relationships, including the one with your sweetheart. Domestic matters will demand your attention, and it would be best that you attend to them at the earliest. As always, you shall be super-busy at your workplace, and would need to do all you can to keep your relations cordial with the higher-ups. Well, work and external factors like tough bosses or uncooperative peers are not always manageable. But, what you can always manage is your own attitude. You may also look to upgrade your personal and professional skills, mid-month. If looking for a better job, hold your horses till the last week July. Businesspersons can expect significant gains. Some old investments may ripen now, bringing you a reason to cheer. Physical well-being needs careful consideration, specifically as Mars' adverse placement may make you prone to injuries of lower limbs. Take care!
Aquarius :: You may face difficulty while making a quick buck, and later on realise that there is no substitute for hard work. Professionals and businesspersons will have to put in extra efforts to attain desired outcome. Do not take shortcuts. Ganesha advises that sometimes it is better to take a back seat, rather than being in the limelight. This is the right time for learning new tools and techniques to work on some ambitious tasks. Mid-month, you may feel tired physically and mentally due to the heavy workload. This may decrease your efficiency, despite your upbeat frame of mind. Take a break, says Ganesha! By month-end, any way, a relative relaxation in your work stress shall help you unwind. Financially, the stars may become tough towards the latter half of the month. Sudden expenses are indicated. Don't worry as a friend will lend a helping hand. But, Ganesha reminds you to repay the borrowed amount at the earliest to maintain the precious bond. Personal life too may not be hunky-dory during this period. Apologise to restore harmonious relations. This month is less favourable for singles. Meditation and yoga will help those afflicted by hypertension and diabetes. Indigestion may trouble you, this time around. You may also be prone to an accident, so remain cautious while driving and handling sharp objects at home or office.
Pisces :: Be ready and willing to take up some critical and unique projects at your workplace, around the beginning of this month. Okay, your timid self may not allow you to relax, when something so new and different is on the platter, but give it a try this time. And, the benefits shall be manifold. This will give you an opportunity to establish your credentials. Luck is on your side now, and thus, you shall see yourself easily accomplishing many of your tasks, even the difficult tasks. Make the best use of this favourable period, advises Ganesha. You are a meticulous person, and this inherent quality will be applauded by your seniors as well as other co-workers now. This is also a good time for business-persons to strengthen their position in the market. Financially, though, there may be some ups and downs, but nothing that you won't sail through. However, do save money for future rainy days. Home affairs shall be demanding in the month's first part, while work matters shall rule the roost in the second half. Happily, your marital life will be pleasant at this time, and you can expect good support from your partner. If you are unmarried, though, things may not be as blissful. Guard against nervousness and anxiety, and take care of you suffer from a chronic illness.