Thursday, 19 November 2015

Top 5 Chanakya Niti that you can use in everyday life!

Top 5 Chanakya Niti that you can use in everyday life!

We often believe that the age-old Chanakya Niti, given by the Indian teacher, philosopher and royal advisor Chanakya does not hold any relevance as of today. However, this is a huge misconception because some of the Niti’s of Chanakya can actually be practiced in everyday life for success, fame and growth in corporate or business world. We bring you top five exclusive Chanakya Niti’s that you can gain from in your daily life at office –

1. A Person should not be too Honest
2. A Permanent Relationship is dependent on a particular purpose –Every Relationship has some motive behind it or should have some motive behind it. Friendship and enmity, both are not purposeless. 
3. Till the enemy’s weakness is known, he should be kept on friendly terms –Everyone has some weakness or the other, and there is nothing wrong in striking the enemy at the weak point. But before knowing the opponent’s weak point, never take him for a ride. An enemy should be kept on friendly terms so that you can know the weak points about his working.
4. The One who is facing defeat should always form an alliance – You should only form a collaboration or alliance with the opponent when you know that you are the weak one and might face defeat, say in a corporate competition
5.  Enemy’s efforts should be watched – There needs to be constant vigilance upon the activities of the enemy. Strong spy-system can be effective in this manner

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