Thursday 4 February 2016

India's friendly Nations

India’s Top Five Friends In World

Which countries are India’s best friends? This is a tricky question. Mind you, I am talking about countries, which carry weight at International level. Countries like Bhutan do not carry any weight, so are not counted.
Many influential countries have excellent relations with India. With exception of China and to a certain extent Australia, India has good working relationship with every major country.
In my list, top two positions obviously go to Japan and Russia, in that order. After a long gap, third and fourth position holders emerge as the U.S.A. and Israel, respectively. Finally, the fifth position goes to the European Union.


In recent years, Japan has become India’s strategic partner, thanks largely to China’s aggressive posturing. An assertive China is dangerous for both countries, therefore two are friends in need.
Japan has been one of the main forces behind the “India story”. Japanese have funded numerous infrastructure projects, both financially and technically. Delhi Metro was the first example. The upcoming projects like Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, Delhi-Mumbai Freight Corridor, and Chennai-Bangalore Corridor are some of the examples of this relationship.
Apart from that, Japanese companies like Suzuki, Toyota, Honda, Sony etc. have poured billions of dollars in India.


Russia is the oldest and the most reliable friend, India has got in diplomatic circles. Russia, being a permanent member of UNO, makes a valuable asset for India. India compliments it by being Russia’s largest arms buyer. Russia too has taken care of India’s interests. Russia was only major country, which did not imposed sanctions on India, after 1998 nuclear tests. Russia does not sell arms to Pakistan. Russia’s influence in Central Asia has been useful in getting India oil fields in the region.

The U.S.A.

The U.S.A, by virtue of being sole superpower, has become third most important foreign policy partner. Problem with the U.S. is that nobody can be sure for how long you are going to in its good books. Pakistan, Turkey and Brazil are good examples of this. It has only permanent national interests. Problem with that is that its interests keep on changing, very fast.
Political and business relations between two countries have strengthened in recent years. But as the U.S. is becoming more protectionist, the concerns are growing.


This small but power packed country has been India’s valuable asset for more than a decade. Apart from being one of the biggest arms exporter, Israel has been a major technology provider and investor. India is one of the few countries in world, where Israeli Prime Minister can visit, without facing black flags.
But a relationship with Israel comes with big baggage. It has enemies in the region, which is vital for India’s interests. Apart from that, due to Palestine issue, it is difficult for any ruling party in India to get too cozy with Israel.

The European Union

Best part about the European Union is that it truly values democracy and believes in spreading it. Relationship with democratic India is much more appreciated in Brussels than Washington D.C. Its interests are much more permanent in nature than the U.S. India has good diplomatic and business relationship with England, France and Germany. It is already is India’s the biggest trading partner and Free Trade Agreement should be finalized soon.
Only problem with EU is that right now, it is going through severe economic problems, which has reduced its weight in diplomatic circles.


Is it a coincidence that none of the India’s closest foreign policy partners are not its neighbors or even in close vicinity. May be that is the reason, they are friends with India.
Ironically some of these countries are not friends with each other, Japan-Russia, the USA – Russia and Israel – Russia. India has an opportunity here, to be some kind of mediator for Russia.

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