Sunday 5 June 2016

Homoeopathic system of Medicines

Benefits of Homoeopathic system of Medicines:

Homeopathy is a holistic and a natural approach towards quick healing of an ailing individual.

An estimate suggests that about 30% of the Indian population relies solely on the homeopathic treatment for their medical complications.

People have witnessed incredible results with Homeopathy. The best part of Homeopathy is that there are no side effects associated with it, making it a much safer form of treatment.

The fact that Homeopathy is both cost efficient and holistic or permanent in its cure, is one of the key benefits of this treatment.

Let us discuss some of the benefits of Homeopathy in detail:

  1. No side-effects: Homeopathic medicines are very safe to consume as they are formulated using natural ingredients. Homeopathic pills are known to boost our immune systems and do not hamper digestion process. They do not cause allergies and suits almost everyone including children, adults and even pregnant and senior patients. National medicine agencies assure the safety and quality of homeopathy medicines as per the requirements of European Union Legislation and European Pharmacopoeia standards. Furthermore, homeopathy medication is completely free from chemicals and synthetic materials.
  2. Effective and Permanent cure: Acute or Chronic - homeopathy works like a miracle in both the cases. It treats a disease from its root and thus follows a more holistic or permanent approach to healing a person with least chances of reoccurrence of the disease. Most effective for allergic disorders and seasonal illnesses, homeopathy works wonders for bacterial or viral infections.
  3. Inexpensive and cost effective: When compared to conventional drugs, these medicines are much less expensive. Homeopathy medicines are also sustainable as they can be stored for prolonged periods and reused, if required.
  4. Long term gain: Studies have shown that homeopathic treatment ensures long term relief, eventually leading to complete cure. It is best known to boost our immune systems and strengthen the body's defense mechanisms alongside curing our diseases. There are least chances of reoccurrence of the disease, with this medication. 
  5. Gentle way of treatment and easy to administer: One of the vital reasons behind prescribing homeopathic medicine over conventional drugs is its gentle nature. The doses are in the form of sweet globules and thus are consumable by people of all age groups. Those who do not want to consume the sweetened globules have provision for liquids, powders or dissolvable tablets. The best part is that there are no injections! It boasts of non-invasive therapy and avoids surgery. It can be very well incorporated along with other therapies and medication.
Further, the medications of homeopathy are non-addictive in nature unlike some of the chemical antibiotics.

Studies have shown that with appropriate medical treatment, homeopathy can reverse even the most chronic disorders with its gentle approach.

Benefits of Homeopathy


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