Sunday 5 June 2016

Horoscope for Monday 06th June 2016

Horoscope for Monday 06th June 2016

Curious to know what sort of day you're going to have today? Your free horoscope will help you to plan your day, each and every day.


March 21 - April 19
The powerful little asteroid Diana has been in your zone of former, current and potential partners for weeks now. (This same zone also rules enemies, rivals and opponents). Diana is about the urge to be independent - a bit like Princess Diana, in fact! This theme of being a free spirit now takes over the relationship you have with your ex, your potential date, or your current partner. Look really hard at the issue of giving/getting space. This also applies to people who are against you. How can you create more space for yourself?


April 20 - May 20
The urge to do it your way, to break free and to break new ground has been increasing with your job or your body. Your lifestyle or your unpaid work. Your drugs, doctors, food, drink, fitness or healer. Now, a big choice calls. You need to stack up the pros and cons of being your own person and doing what you want, when you want. What are you giving up for this lack of commitment and does it still work for you? This is especially true with your diet or your job. What is it costing you to have no promises or rules?


May 21 - June 20
The powerful asteroid Diana in her new sign of Libra is parked in your zone of babies, children and young adults (your own or other people's offspring, affecting your life). This is also where we find lovers who could bring a younger generation in. You have choices. Commitment, predictability, security? commitment, total freedom? The question of space, oxygen and room to move now powerfully affects you as a parent, lover or substitute parent.


June 21 - July 22
After September you'll move or renovate. Alternatively you will reshuffle the household or see great family milestones. Sometimes the issue is your home town or country too on this new cycle. This is a paving stone on the winding path. It involves the principle of freedom. What's not to love about the exhilaration of no ties? Independence is the magic word at the moment, and it will help you reshape the situation so that you are ready to celebrate a New Moon in the first week of October 2016 which confirms the new direction with your people - or your place.


July 23 - August 22
Diana, that potent asteroid, has been powering away in your zone of publishing, internet, multimedia, education, language and even singing, for weeks. Every horoscope I write is unique for you. Why? Because astrology changes every single day, just like a kaleidoscope. What is brand new about June, Leo, is the amazing choice you have to be independent. If you want to be free, then you can. These are your words, your ideas, your images.


August 23 - September 22
If you think about your money, business, charity, house, apartment or possessions for a moment, and backtrack to May, you will spot Diana. Goddess of the hunt, free of men and children, accompanied by dogs and maidens. Swimmer and runner. She did not do commitment. Now put a price on that kind of freedom, Virgo! Long-term you are going to make or save a fortune after the New Moon in October 2016, but for now, see what you'd pay to be your own person, financially.


September 23 - October 22
Diana in Libra, your own sign, is foreshadowing your spectacular relaunch in October. She is reminding you that when it comes to your personal appearance, title, profile or reputation - freedom is an intoxicating principle that cannot be compromised. Say that to yourself as you look in the mirror, or see your Twitter profile, or your online photographs. The time has come to promise yourself that when the new you is reborn near your birthday, it will be in a way that feels genuinely thrilling.


October 23 - November 21
There are gains to be made with your secret life. Your classified information. Your unconscious mind. Your role behind the scenes. When? October. How? Partly because of an intensifying issue, building right now. Every horoscope is unique, Scorpio, and yours has a very particular flavour in June 2016 that suggests anything private, confidential or classified is a huge deal - and you'll gain from it after October.


November 22 - December 21
Friendship and group psychology. People power and community. Pals and chums - and Twitter. Why does all this matter so much now? Because of Jupiter. The planet of problem-solving and opportunity moves into this zone of your chart from September and this, now, is a preview. The more you dedicate yourself to that friend who is commitment-phobic, freedom-loving and thoroughly independent, the more you will learn. And s/he will help bring about some of those amazing gains after September.


December 22 - January 19
You should be pretty happy with your ascent up the social mountain, the status Everest or the career Kilimanjaro by this time next year. It begins with a trickle. It's like a sparkling river tumbling down a mountain face, guiding you to the very, very top. Does that sound too pretentious? I am not one of those horoscope writers who waxes lyrical, but sometimes it helps to hold an image in your mind. See yourself, the mountain goat, at the top. Use today to take another foothold.


January 20 - February 18
Fate and fortune work in mysterious ways and partly as a result of the first steps taken now, you will end up on the right path across your city, across your region or in quite another country, by 2017. You will be travelling in style, moving, exporting or importing and crossing all kinds of regional, foreign, religious or cultural lines from September. You will gain hugely. Today is a big clue about that so start the search.


February 19 - March 20
Money, charity, business, possessions and property put you firmly in the change zone next year. It begins with hints and clues, signs and guideposts. Open up to that now. But above all else, put a price tag on what it means to live without restriction, timetables, demands - and to roam where you want to, roam around the world (to quote the B52's). If you want that level of freedom then actually put a dollar, pound or Euro price tag on the true cost of what faces you now.


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