Saturday 4 June 2016

Horoscope for Sunday 05th June 2016

Horoscope for Sunday 05th June 2016

Curious to know what sort of day you're going to have today? Your free horoscope will help you to plan your day, each and every day.


March 21 - April 19
You might call this a baptism of fire, no matter if it's on the internet, on your telephone, or it regards multimedia, education or publishing. It's rather a loaded new beginning - but it does become much easier. The trick is to treat this like fire walking itself. Hop from pebble to pebble as you approach this rather challenging issue of the words, ideas or images you use. And do ask around. What works best?


April 20 - May 20
A New Moon (look up and you will see the white sliver over the rooftops) is always a new beginning. Yours concerns a hard-work area of your life in terms of your money, house, possessions, business or apartment. Thus, if you have to drop other things to attend to it, then it's well worth it. June 2016 is the most important month of the year, for setting the right direction with your finances. Deep breath.


May 21 - June 20
A relaunch, rebirth or renaissance is very likely, no matter if your concern is your personal appearance, title, role, image or internet profile. This is also a little bit of an uphill battle at the moment, yet from this first chapter will come a worthwhile story. In about two weeks your Me Agenda will be put to the test. What you are beginning now, will show you what works for you (and what doesn't). Pre-empt that by spending a bit more time on the right formula for yourself now.


June 21 - July 22
Seclusion, secrecy, invisibility, subterfuge and concealment are all part of your story in June. It also happens to be rather hard work, but this new beginning will take its own path, in time - and it does become easier. The new beginning you make in the next 72 hours will be tested in the middle of June. All the more reason to devote a lot of time to what you are hiding, covering up or doing alone. Get it right.


July 23 - August 22
A fresh chapter with (or for) your friend - the person at the heart of this group around you - is indicated by the New Moon. Your ruler the Sun joins the Moon and by rights, you should be on your way. You still will be, Leo, even if you have issues to address. The more time you sniff the air and see potential concerns about the friendship or the network now, the less you have to sort out in the middle of June.


August 23 - September 22
This is a demanding birth and make no mistake. Long-term it is of no consequence, but short-term I am sure you would wish for an easier entry into this phase of your career, unpaid work or degree. Deep breath, focus and resolve - even if you can't solve very much yet. One thing that will help you is leaning on the hard-won experience or expertise of others in your field, business, industry or profession.


September 23 - October 22
Today your horoscope finds you absorbed with travel or travel in the mind. Journeys of all kinds, across the map (or your mental map). Normally this fresh start would be a snap, but you have criss-cross currents in your chart which suggest challenges. In fact, in the middle of June you are going to have to face the loaded issue of other countries and cultures, education or academia, publishing or the internet head-on. Find out facts right now.


October 23 - November 21
It is worth taking your time with this New Moon and all its implies for your finances, house, business interests, apartment, possessions or charity. If it means looking more seriously at how others have coped in similar situations, so be it. You have already had one or two moments you would have given anything to avoid, I know. In mid-June you need to have facts, numbers, figures, knowledge and advice. Go get it now.


November 22 - December 21
Your former, current or potential partner? Your enemy, rival or opponent? Tremendous focus on your opposite sign of Gemini brings in the opposition, or your opposite number as your number one priority. In a couple of weeks, the new beginning you see now, will be put to the test. You need to find out so much more about how this man (or woman) is thinking and feeling. Can you ask? Or hit some books?


December 22 - January 19
Daily routine, the body, your regular workload and your duty to your physical condition (as well as those around you) is now in focus. Chapter one begins. You may wish you were writing it at an easier time, but this too shall pass, Capricorn. This book of your life is actually just a short story and most of it will be done by June 15th, but if you want an easier time with it, the thing to do is ask someone who knows.


January 20 - February 18
Babies, children and teenagers are part of this New Moon for you. This may involve a lover who could bring younger people into your life one day - for whatever reason. Youth projects and interests are also part of this cycle. Give yourself time and space and seek experience and expertise. You are going to be on an obstacle course, now through the middle of June, and it's time to stop, look, listen and learn.


February 19 - March 20
A bumpy new road opens up with your family, house, apartment, home town, country or household. It's rather a short new road, too, but it will set you on a path for the rest of the year, so it's worth reading the maps and signs. Who can help you or what can help you best? This applies to questions about patriotism or nationality, the mortgage or lease, the builder, your mother, your flatmate - the lot! Hit web forums.

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