Wednesday 1 June 2016

Horoscope for Thursday 02nd June 2016

Horoscope for Thursday 02nd June 2016

Curious to know what sort of day you're going to have today? Your free horoscope will help you to plan your day, each and every day.


March 21 - April 19
The spotlight which picks up the confused (and confusing) situation tied to your secret life, your classified work, your confidential concerns or your invisible role behind the scenes, is so useful. You need to avoid repeating the muddles of last year. You recently saw a way to handle this but have not put it in action. You have support. Time to declare 'No more brain fog' about this unseen, hidden matter, Aries.


April 20 - May 20
The new angle on a friend, or important group, helps you see just how distorted things have become. It's rather like swimming under water and opening your eyes. Come up for air, clear your vision and see what/who is bent out of shape. One of the issues about your friendship or this group as a whole, is the lack of boundaries. Before things slide backwards from June 13th, try to nail this and say a firm 'No.'


May 21 - June 20
Your success, status, ambition, mission and position need more clarity. Your horoscope suggests this is an ongoing issue since 2011. Every so often, you realise that you are close to feeling all at sea, or even right out of your depth. Go get that anchor and find a light house. Some projects, roles or goals really are the stuff that stories, myths or legends are made of. If you want to succeed, though, set a few rules.


June 21 - July 22
For the last five or six years, you have been in a cycle when travel (or travel in the mind) can leave you floundering. You've hit this with your website, blog or book. With your degree, course or workshops. With your foreign or regional connections. Now, you have a chance to sort out the problem, which is a basic lack of boundaries. This needs to be contained and controlled, pronto, before mid-June arrives.


July 23 - August 22
You are under the protection of Jupiter the problem-solver with your finances, property, business, possessions or charity until September. You still have some housekeeping to do, though. What/who is so unfathomable right now? Your ruler the Sun is shedding light on that, and your taxation, company, income, property, business, charity or possessions is the first port of call. Organise this and grow richer.


August 23 - September 22
Boundary issues are the usual result of Neptune in your watery opposite sign of Pisces, and just as fish don't have road rules, one particular 'fish' doesn't either. This is making it hard to contain and control things with your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps, too, with an enemy or rival. Consciously steer this back. You actually need a moat and a drawbridge. Create one or put it back in, if it vanished.


September 23 - October 22
The Sun's useful angle to Neptune helps you see just how far removed from reality one situation has become. This is affecting the way you work (on a daily basis) or the way you deal with your body - from drugs, to food, to drink, to healers, to gyms, to doctors. Use the spotlight, no matter how challenging, to fix something before it goes any deeper. You can turn the tide, but if you don't, from June 13th you pay.


October 23 - November 21
Neptune in Pisces is all that it suggests - oceanic, drifting, horoscope influences with no boundaries and an other-worldly quality. This now applies to babies, children or teenagers. Paid or unpaid work with a younger generation. Lovers who might bring younger faces into your life one day through marriage or pregnancy. Time to find an anchor and dry land. This is slipping away from you. Turn the tide. Contain it.


November 22 - December 21
The alternative reality that your house, family, town, country, apartment or household has become, sometimes rewards you (everyone wants a holiday from the real world) and occasionally makes you feel flummoxed, to say the least. Reduce the flummox potential by containing this. I love that word 'flummox' by the way. It's like 'befuddled' which is exactly what has been going down with your people or place.


December 22 - January 19
Communication, information, transportation, negotiation (online and offline) are regularly high-maintenance areas for you, and as the world of words, ideas and images is basically a gigantic soup these days - thank you internet - it never hurts to get seriously real about what needs to be remixed. Even your phone might be an issue, or your Facebook page, if you have one. Boundaries, boundaries!


January 20 - February 18
Your money, house, possessions, charity, business, apartment or values (the big picture) are now in focus. Actually, some aspect of this has been out of focus for so long, that you really do need the big, harsh spotlight that is coming to clarify things. This is really useful as you want, need and deserve to be richer, and this can be yours in the final ten days of June - but you must control and contain a mess.


February 19 - March 20
Neptune in Pisces, your own sign, has been with you since 2011. Over that time, your personal appearance, reputation, role, title or brand has offered you The Great Escape to end all Great Escapes. Now and then, though, it does create issues for you. So front up to yourself and see what's there. What needs to be sorted out? This is a bit like pulling seaweed out of a rock pool. You being the rock pool.

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