Sunday 12 June 2016

Horoscope for the week 13 - 18 June 2016

Weekly Horoscopes

Astrologer’s Diary: 13-18 June 2016
Japan will experience a massive reality check about dolphins, whales and ocean pollution - possibly of the most dangerous kind -  within 24 hours of Saturday 17th June, 2016.  Either her past will catch up with her, or we will see brand new headlines about her relationship with the ocean. Why? Her horoscope set for 28th April 1952 at 1.30pm in Tokyo shows Mercury at 12 Aries. Saturn at 12 Sagittarius squares Neptune at 12 Pisces this Saturday. Crunch time.

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Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries |Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra |Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius |Pisces


Aries: 13-18 June 2016

Sometimes it helps to step outside a situation where it is hard to find impartial observers or outside opinion. This is the case now, as you appear to have been submerged in a number of parallel worlds for quite some time. One may involve psychology or the psychic realm. Another might involve classified or confidential information. Perhaps there is a role behind the scenes where you have become invisible, even though you are central. Finally, you may be immersed in your own mysteries – far, far below the surface. The clash between Saturn and Neptune on Saturday is a good excuse to try and see yourself or your parallel universe as others see it. Saturday is also the time to look at the way you are handling unavoidable, difficult circumstances which affect your life as an internet user, traveller, student of life, mentor, guide, teacher, writer, publisher or academic. Maybe the issue is about your culture, beliefs or nationality. Maybe it’s about what you think you know. In all cases, it’s never too late to look for a different angle or a different answer. For more see Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Taurus: 13-18 June 2016

The square between Neptune and Saturn on Saturday is unusual, in the context of your year – and also your life. It requires special tactics. It probably helps that you have now had so much vast experience with the business of friendship and also group psychology. By 'group' I mean anything from the Freemasons to your netball team. Over the last few years you have learned a great deal about what a lack of boundaries can do. Neptune transits are often very difficult to spot, because they work in a subtle way, like the action of the ocean on a cliff. They erode everything over time, inch by inch, until you wake up one morning and realise you are knee-deep in the most confused and confusing situations. If everything and everybody is all over the place, in terms of your social life, social media, groups, bands, clubs, teams and friendships – you know what to do. Saturn is also reminding you that your money, house, business, possessions, apartment or charity is at the heart of key questions about long-term strategies. Wise advice is good. The wisdom of those who have been through this before you is also invaluable. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Gemini: 13-18 June 2016

Saturn in your opposite sign of Sagittarius has lumbered you with some fundamental realities about the nature of marriage or common law marriage – or perhaps life after divorce or separation. There is then the loaded question of seeking a partner, and the whole dating game. Sometimes, Gemini, this cycle is about your enemy, opponent or rival, so the issue is not love, but war. In a week like this, when Saturn is leaning in very heavily, it may help to realise you are not the only one facing similar circumstances with (or about) a crucial person in your life. You can bet that what concerns you, concerns someone else – or has done – and that it is often comforting and enlightening to compare notes, even if you do it in an internet forum or through the examples in a self-help book. You must also honour the first law of Saturn cycles, which is to only pursue strategies, tactics or points of view which can be guaranteed not to burden you further. This week also sees Neptune making waves in Pisces, the sign which rules your career, unpaid work, full-time parenting role or university degree. If ever there was a time to get real, this is it. Wake up and smell the roses. And the cabbages. It can only help you contain and control what should – by rights – be a source of refreshing escapism rather than a great unknown. For more please see Get The Gloss. Premium Member? Pray, continue.

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Cancer: 13-18 June 2016

The more you know, the better life becomes. The pursuit of hard-won knowledge, first hand experience and rich wisdom will help you a great deal at the moment. Perhaps the issue is your body. That would not be surprising on this cycle, which often brings people to a deeper understanding of the mind, body and spirit interconnectedness – though for the most challenging reasons. Alternatively, the issue is no doubt your career, unpaid work, housework, university degree or full-time parenting job. We call this ‘service and duty’ in astrology and that is a pretty tame interpretation of what it feels like to be in your shoes at the moment. No matter if this is your body, or your daily tasks and role, you must now spread your net that much wider, to scoop up insights, advice and opinion as broadly as you can. From there, you can filter. You will certainly feel less singled out by Saturn. This week is also very much about Neptune in Pisces, in your house of publishing, the internet, education, academia, travel, regional and foreign differences, beliefs, philosophies and the big picture. To say that this part of life has run away from you is an understatement. It seems to be taking you in all directions, mainly because there was never much order or organisation to begin with. Boundaries will come as a relief. Put some in. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Leo: 13-18 June 2016

Neptune in your Eighth House is behind the current lack of direction or certainty – the formlessness or shapelessness – of particular financial arrangements. Maybe your house, apartment, business, charity or possessions are involved instead. This is a sexually intimate understanding or a deadly serious agreement – insurance, legacies or a mortgages all qualify. The sooner you can address the lack of clarity the better, particularly as Neptune will be transiting through this zone of your chart for quite some time. Saturday also brings a clash between Neptune and Saturn. There has never been a year when pregnancy, babies, children or young adults have been so challenging – at least not since 29 years ago. Every Leo is different. This may be about your daughter. Your boyfriend’s godson. Your adoption process. A termination from years ago. The story will change depending on your chart but the plot is the same – the need to listen more, read more, ask more questions, learn more and deal with what is there, not what you wish was there. This also applies to lovers who could bring a younger generation into your life, one way or another. Others have been down this road or a similar one before you so try and seek them out, or learn from their path. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Virgo: 13-18 June 2016

You now come to a great truth about your former, current or potential partner. Alternatively, perhaps, about your great rival, enemy or opponent. That truth concerns the nature of reality, and in his or her case, nothing is real. Oh, it might have lulled you into believing in some kind of parallel universe, but the truth is, the cycle which reaches you this week can only serve to make you aware of just what a total departure from ‘real’ everything has been. There is nothing like a clash between Saturn and Neptune to make you sharply aware of the need for an anchor. Perhaps you also need a light house to guide you back to dry land, and somewhere to dock for a while – particularly emotionally or sexually, if the issue concerns your relationship or marriage. If the concern has been a battle, contest or dispute then it may help to see that sometimes the war can be as much of an escape route from reality, as any dizzy romance. People can lose themselves in conflict as surely as they lose themselves in computer games. Trying to bring yourself gently back to what is ordinary, grounded and real-world where one particular man (or woman) is concerned, helps you navigate this week. It is also time to look at the point of view you are taking, about the house, family, relative, apartment, flatmate, household – or maybe vast issues about your local area or country. Your point of view can be changed and if it does not act as a rock for you to lean on and find relief from, then maybe it should alter. For more see Get The Gloss.Premium member? Please continue.

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Libra: 13-18 June 2016

Saturn is nobody’s favourite planet in astrology and although he may seem relatively harmless, parked in your zone of communication and information, these are also fundamental parts of your life, which affect everything else. I am sure that in previous years you have not had to pay too much attention to the simple business of being heard, read and understood. Connecting, or perhaps commuting (if it is part of the way you connect) has no doubt been a pretty unchallenging part of life. Now, though, you must find out more about what concerns you. The internet, multimedia, publishing or education hold as many answers, as there are questions. The business of hearing, speech, comprehension and writing is also something a great many people have spent years exploring and investigating. Saturn can sometimes make us turn to wishful thinking or guesswork for answers when we should actually be hitting the books or tuning into BBC Radio 4. What else matters now? Neptune in Pisces reminds you that keeping it real, even when life is singularly unreal, is very important on a daily basis. This may be about your doctor, drugs, food, drink, sleep, fitness, healer or gym. It may be about your workload, unpaid work, housework, degree or full-time parenting job. Neptune suggests a level of unreality, confusion and even outright muddle which must be addressed, sooner rather than later – and not for the first time, eh Libra? For more read Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Scorpio: 13-18 June 2016

So many Saturn problems which affect us all financially, at one time or another, can be avoided through basic knowledge and a bit of careful research. The motto with Saturn is ‘assume nothing’ and it holds good at the moment. I suspect there is already one elephant trap with your money, business interests, house, apartment, charity or possessions which you walked straight into. Maybe you dodged it at the last minute. Life is full of elephant traps this year, though, and the Saturn-Neptune clash is a good reason to become better informed and better educated. Be a cynic if you must. This matter, now, strikes at the very heart of your values. Who or what you consider to be precious or even priceless. The price tag you are prepared to put on certain things in your life, too. Take all the time in the world to fathom this near Saturday. Neptune in Pisces also points to the world of pregnancy, babies, children or young adults. Lovers who might bring this generation closer, are also indicated. Whenever Neptune turns up, you can bet that one situation has become steadily more confused and confusing, in the most subtle way, over a long period of time. It is never too late to rein things in, though. The wake-up call near the weekend will help. For more readGet The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Sagittarius: 13-18 June 2016

Rather than just put up with things, you may want to do some serious updating about matters affecting the way you look or appear. This may be an update on current trends in weight loss, hairdressing, cosmetic surgery, fitness or personal style. If you are less concerned with the mirror or camera, and far more concerned with your general reputation, role and title – then hit the self-help books. There is an entire industry devoted to issues about identity, self-esteem, self-knowledge and the rest. It is fine to assume that you have gone through enough in your life not to need particular opinions or anecdotes (or even professional image advice) but if you are feeling this Saturn cycle in an uncomfortable way, it may be time to admit you need help. Neptune in Pisces is also making his presence felt at the moment. This is a very familiar scenario with your home or family, but the lack of boundaries or the confusion over who belongs where – or what goes where – must be addressed. Beyond your house, apartment or relative, this may bring in your flatmate, builder, landlord or even wider council or government issues. When it all seems fuzzy and foggy you know it’s gone too far. Time to shine a strong torch into this sea mist and figure out the next step. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Capricorn: 13-18 June 2016

Your famous ruling planet Saturn is now involved in a clash with Neptune, and in astrology we associate this with a reality check and a moment of truth. It is rather like a foghorn blasting through the mist and shaking everyone to the core. Where is the mist? Well, you might start with the rather befuddled state of affairs that lies on the internet, either on Facebook, Skype or particular blogs where, for all you know, the person behind the poodle avatar might actually be a poodle. Beyond the internet you should look to your smart phone and its parallel universe – nothing real there – and maybe to the whole business of multimedia itself. Even poetry can lead you into rather confusing and confused realms, if you are an old-fashioned kind of Capricorn. Certainly, it is time to face all this head-on. Saturn in your Twelfth House also needs a closer look. There is nothing you can share or divulge here. Either it’s a matter for you, because you are operating behind the scenes, or alone – or because you are deliberately concealing things from other people. This gives your life an extra edge of unreality, and it may help to at least write it all down before you burn it or rip it into small pieces. A confidante may be even better. There is something so alone about Twelfth House transits, either because they concern your unconscious mind – that part of you which dreams – or because they concern a part of you which nobody else can even begin to guess at. In this week, of all weeks, it might be time to address that. Others have been here before you. What did they do? Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Aquarius: 13-18 June 2016

Your sign is well-known for complex involvement with groups of all kinds, no matter if it’s a rock band or a political movement. You have varying degrees of comfort about these clusters of people, or these movements, but they define you anyway. I mention this, because at the moment you appear to be working very hard on issues directly involving the group. It may be time to look at the point of view you have adopted and the strategy you are employing. Even avoidance or denial is a strategy, and it’s quite common to want to face the other way, or run in the opposite direction. I am sure that your friend is part of the equation. Yet – there is nothing you are encountering that others have not faced before you, no matter if it is ‘musical differences’ or the very particular demands that organised groups make on the personal lives of those involved. Then there is the test of friendship itself. Your chart suggests this is no straightforward Jerry-Seinfeld-and-George-Costanza camaraderie. Have a look at the chemistry you two create together and the alchemy which emerges. Consider how two people can mix it up one way or another. Hit the books if you must, to take this further. Sometimes you have to accept the things you cannot change about a group, or about a friend. Sometimes you can change a great deal just by shifting your viewpoint. This week is also about the money, property, business, possessions or charity. As the weekend draws closer try to figure out what went sideways, backwards or in all directions at once. There has to be a way to get the flags, the anchor, the ropes, the net and the light house in order again, right? Now is the time. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Pisces: 13-18 June 2016

Your ruler Neptune is now in Pisces, your own zodiac sign, making a square to Saturn. There is an ongoing theme in your life in 2016 which picks up from the last couple of years – maybe longer – about your image and persona. This is your advertising, presence, name, role, title or face. Your body and style. Your reputation and general ‘thingness’ as they say in Blackadder. It is one area of your life where you can fix it, relax about it, then realise it has crept up on you again in a matter of months. Whatever is confused and confusing about yourself, as far as others know you, must be addressed. It simply will not clarify by itself. As a general rule of thumb, this cycle is best served when you minimise the time you spend lost in the wonderful world of Me. As a Pisces experiencing Neptune, your planetary ruler, in your own sign – you are at greater risk of losing the plot and wandering way off course, in other areas of your life, if you spend too much time in your own fishbowl, gazing at your own fish face. The internet can be tremendously complicit in this. What else is going on now? You know all about what you cannot duck, evade or avoid about your career. This also applies to unpaid work, university life or a full-time job as parent. It does not have to be a matter of either buckling under the facts, or yelping and running away from them. Knowledge helps. Experience is comforting. Knowing that others are going through something similar, or have done, is a tremendously useful thing. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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