Wednesday 8 June 2016

How stress causes premature ejaculation?

Stress can adversely affect ejaculation:

Stress and depression are common causes of acquired premature ejaculation just like relationship issues, conflicts and performance-related anxiety. 

Physical causes ofpremature ejaculation include: conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid problems and prostate disease as well as binge drinking.

Ejaculation can be considered premature if it happens within 1 minute of penetration or if you are unable to control your ejaculation.

There are several reasons that can contribute to premature ejaculation like performance anxiety, excessive excitement, relationship issues and hypersensitivity of the skin.

To treat premature ejaculation, it is important to determine the cause and stress that can be a potent reason that is preventing you from 'lasting' long. Premature ejaculation can be life long or acquired.

The effects of stress on the mind

Stress can create havoc in your life and it is closely related to sexual dysfunctions.

It is caused not only by rigorous emotional turmoil, daily factors like work or school can also lead to continuous stress, which may pile up to have a profound effect on your mind and body.

Stress tends to alter the brain chemistry by triggering hormones like Cortisol, Norepinephrine, Serotonin and many others that signal the nervous system and endocrine to put the body in a state of anxiety which leads to weakening of the ejaculation reflex arc.

The effects of stress on the body

Increased level of stress causes the heart rate to drop and the body is stimulated to produce excess blood sugar, adrenalin and chemicals.

If your stress is caused due to work, your body will respond to it by diverting blood towards the important organs like hands and legs and your concentration might also improve under stress.

However, stress can diminish your ability to enjoy sex, heighten your sensitivity to stimulation and pain and increase impotence.

How stress causes premature ejaculation

Stimulation of the sympathetic nerves and hormonal imbalance caused by stress create an urge to ejaculate.

 Generally, this urge is enhanced by mental and sensory stimulation till orgasm is reached.

One is likely to engage in sex with an amplified urge to ejaculate because the nerves have already been exhausted which leads to an early climax.

Men with premature ejaculation has shown significant impact on self esteem and self confidence and many people confirm high levels of anxiety connected to sexual or intimate situations with a partner.

In a recent-published survey investigating the female partner's perception of premature ejaculation and impact on relationship break ups, relationship quality and sexual satisfaction among females, many of them confirmed that premature ejaculation was the main reason for break ups.

Hormonal disturbances in Thyroid, Prolactine, Erectile dysfunction, Penile anomalies, Prostate disease, Lower urinary tract infection can also cause premature ejaculation.

Reducing stress is an important step to cure premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can be treated with medications, counseling, diet and exercises.
Stress and Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation - Caused by Stress

How is stress linked to the body and just how can it be responsible for sexual dysfunctions like premature ejaculation? You might be surprised how much stress is running through your daily life. Stress is more than just the worry you have concerning work or school. Stress can be a result of all the surprises, joys, sorrows and pains that you experience.
However, stress is more than just a byproduct of mental and emotional dilemmas you experience. It too contributes to physical wear and tear.

Basically, stress is all the "ups and downs" in your life, and it's a hidden cause for your Premature Ejaculation.

Occasionally, a stressing event may push you past what you may be equipped to handle, causing sleeplessness due to worry or anticipation of something you’re looking forward to. The emotions caused by a relationship breakup or the death of a loved one can be extremely overwhelming.

Body Responses Under Stress
But sometimes, constant, everyday stressors can buildup and affect your body the same way a single profound event can. Problems with work, relationships, and personal issues can chip away at you until you break. Stress can trigger a series of changes in brain chemistry through a collection of stress hormones. These stress hormones (norepinephrine, cortisol, etc) alarm our endocrine and nervous system, which put the entire body in anxiety mode that can weaken the ejaculation reflex arc.

In fact, researchers studying the uncontrollable premature ejaculation from opiate withdrawal syndrome have the similar neuro-physiology effects of premature ejaculation caused by stress and anxiety.[1]

How Does Stress Affect the Body?
Most of the time, our bodies are able to handle the routine stressors of life. Missed the bus? No problem, I’ll walk. Deadline coming up? I’ll focus and concentrate. Our bodies were designed to meet these challenges by stimulating the sympathetic nerves, which would lead to:
  • Increasing heart rate to circulate more blood, hormones and chemicals for concentration and thinking
  • Stimulating the body to produce more blood sugar and adrenalin thus providing more energy
  • Diverting blood from less vital areas (such as the digestion system and genitals) to arms and legs for strength, and an increase of breathing to provide more oxygen to the body
Stress will cause a decreased enjoyment of pleasure during sex, increased sensitivity to pain and stimulation, heightened impotence and premature ejaculation issues.

Physiological Reaction from Stress and P.E.
Stress and stress-related anxiety induce all these problems by stimulating the sympathetic nerves and creating an imbalance of chemicals and hormones. The sympathetic nerves are responsible for a man’s urge to ejaculate.

Normally, this impulse is low and needs to be built up through sensory and mental stimulation until the orgasm is reached. In cases of stress, the sympathetic nerves have already been excited and overworked. Men will begin sex with a very strong impulse to ejaculate and of course climax far too soon.

Peace of Mind
It's easy for most people to shout out "chill" or "calm down man" to eliminate stress. There are many natural ways to reduce stress, such as meditation, massage and reflexology. But only herbs (for less severe) such asPassion FlowerOs Draconis, or Damina and herbal remedies (more severe) can reduce stress to restore ejaculation control.

Peace of Mind Natural Calm Ejaculation Control Remedy

If you suffer from mental and sexual exhaustion caused by excessive masturbation, you may be unable to maintain a hard erection or you may suffer from premature ejaculation issues. Read more

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1 comment:

Adele said...


This is going to sound a bit crazy...

But I've just been checking out the teachings of this guy called Jack Grave...

And he's found a way for ANY man to go from lasting even as short as a couple of seconds in bed to over 35 minutes.

I've been looking into it and it's 100% legit.

Everything he teaches is based around the fact that if you can change what you do during sex then you can change how long you last in bed.

And he's a got a few different (really easy to use) techniques of exactly what to do to last longer.

It's not something that's normally talked about, but more men than you can imagine have to deal with not lasting long enough to please their partners...

And Jack Grave has come up with some very simple strategies for changing that.

He's posted a video on his website that explains the techniques he used to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 35 minutes...

And at the moment it's available to watch for free.

I'm not sure how much longer it's going to be up there so I recommend you go check it out now.

You can find it at... How To Last Longer In Bed (Step-By-Step Method)

I've checked Jack Grave out and like I said he's the real deal and his stuff works. This free video is well worth a quick watch.

All the best,

{Carlet Langford}

PS - This free video reveals some SHOCKING methods for lasting longer in bed, that you'll no doubt be using for the rest of your life to last long in bed. Click below to watch it for free...

How To Last Longer In Bed (Step-By-Step Method)