Wednesday 8 June 2016

Some unsolved mythological mysteries

What are some unsolved mysteries in Indian Mythology (rather Hindu mythology)?

The Brahma (heart) inside the statue of Jagannath Puri

​​Puri is one of the four holiest places for Hindus (Char Dham). It’s the land of Jagannath who is worshipped as one form of Vishnu.
In the Statue of Jagannath, There is one mysterious object which is called “Brahman”. It is believed that the Brahman is a part of Krishna’s physical body. 

After the death of Krishna, Arjun along with his other brothers cremated him in pyre. The whole body of Krishna was turned into ashes, but the heart (pinda) of Krishna was still burning for years. Following a divine order, they threw the heart in the sea. 

It is said that this pinda or heart was seen floating as daru (log of a tree) in the sea. King Indradyumna, who was an ardent devotee of Jagannath retrieved the log.

This log is now called as Brahman which is inside Jagannath Statue. In every 12 years during the Naba Kalebara, The statue of Jagannath is changed, However The Brahman is never changed. 

Its transferred to the new statue.
What’s interesting here is that nobody till date has been able to experience what actually is this “Brahman”. When asked of their experience at this time, the Dayitapatis say, “It is very difficult to express what Brahman is. 

It cannot be seen or touched. Our eyes are blindfolded and our hands are covered with cloth when we carry it. Yet a powerful feeling is very much present, like a rabbit jumping in our hands. This is our experience. Beyond this, exactly what this Brahman is that is so powerfully felt, nobody is able to say”.

It is told that If anybody sees the Brahman, will die. The Government of Odisha therefore orders a full blackout of light on this one night in the whole town of Puri.

2. Chintamani Stone

​​Most people are familiar with the concept of the Philosopher’s Stone, but few have heard of the Cintamani Stone. Said to be lost somewhere in Southeast Asia, the stone is the Oriental equivalent of the Philosopher’s Stone. 

The stone is thought to be a relic of Buddha, and is able to grant wishes. Supernatural powers aside, the stone represents Buddhist values and teachings. It has never been found (of course), and there has never been any solid evidence of its existence.

3. The ghost soldier

​"Baba" Harbhajan Singh was a soldier in the Indian Army & worked in the Dogra Regiment during 1962 China-India War. This soldier died near the Nathula Pass in eastern Sikkim - India while on duty. 

Mr. Harbhajan Singh got drowned in a glacier during the 1962 China-India War. He was searched for everywhere & he was found three days later and was cremated with full military honours. Legend goes like this that Harbhajan Singh led the Search Party to his body, and later, through a dream, instructed one of his colleagues to build and maintain a Temple/Shrine after him. 

A shrine was built at his Samadhi in the hills. Army folklore holds Baba is a stickler for discipline and is known to admonish those who do not tow this line.

In the camp at Nathula Pass, a camp bed is kept for him and his boots are polished and uniform is kept ready every night. The sheets are reportedly crumpled every morning and boots muddy by evening. 

The Ghost soldier continues to draw a salary and takes his annual leave also. Legend also has it that in the event of a war between India and China, Baba would warn the Indian and Chinese soldiers three days in advance.

4. Existence of river Saraswati

​The Saraswati River is one of the chief Rigvedic rivers mentioned in the ancient Sanskrit Texts. Infact several of this Vedic texts and Mahabharata mention the presence of a river carrying enormous volumes of water that eventually dried up in a desert. 

There have been various studies to determine if such a river indeed existed and the most logical conclusion have been drawn is that perhaps what is the Ghaggar-Hakra River was once the Saraswati. 

But again there are evidences that suggest that the Saraswati has actually dried up before the the Ghaggar-Hakra river period; raising questions about the authenticity of the existence of Saraswati.

5. Levitating Stone of Shivapur

​Legend has it that in a small village near Pune is a levitating stone near the tomb of a certain Qamar Ali. It is said that if the stone is touched by the fingers of 11 people and the name “Qamar Ali Darvesh” chanted, the stone flies up in air. 

A stone weighing about 200 kg levitating in air is indeed strange. While some believe it to be an illusion, there is no denying that it is a puzzling event and is counted amongst the unsolved mysteries of India.

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