Monday 6 June 2016

Weekly Horoscope from 6-12 June 2016

Weekly Horoscopes

Astrologer’s Diary: 6-12 June 2016
Thank goodness. In around 48 hours, Mercury Retrograde is over as the final shadow ends. Maybe you were one of the hundreds of millions of people whose MySpace and Tumblr accounts were hacked then sold online? Or are you a resident of Australia or France? You've had extreme weather, strikes or internet problems - take your pick! The original March 24th astrology forecast is here.    I just wrote a story about all Mercury Retrogrades, now though 2020, on this website so you can be well prepared. All the dates include the vital pre and post shadow periods.

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Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries |Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra |Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius |Pisces


Aries: 6-12 June 2016

It is always great to see Diana, Juno and Cupido in your horoscope house of partners, because they give you so much choice. Your former, current or potential partner is now at the heart of options which will take you into a wonderful new phase in three months’ time – but with real breakthroughs now. Aries, whatever needs to happen, to bring you closer to someone who can balance you, is about to begin. It may be a problem that needs to be rolled out of the way which is preventing you from finding someone new. It may be child number five in a long marriage. It may be a new direction for your professional duet, if your business or work double-act is taking up more energy now, than love. This week makes you even more convinced that you were right to take such a strong position over the last two weeks in terms of the person you are coupled with. . You have become increasingly interested in your own space, freedom and independence. The old Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious classic ‘My Way’ is your theme song with former, current or potential partners at the moment. And why not? It takes two and there is a new way to play ‘us’ at the moment, Aries, no matter if your priority is work, business or love. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Taurus: 6-12 June 2016

Some powerful asteroids this week have a starring role in quite a brilliant future for your working life, your lifestyle and also your relationship with your body. Diana, Juno and Cupido are passing through the Sixth House of your chart, which is where you are concerned with the details that make up a truly satisfying daily existence. From September, the ideas, connections, introductions, contacts and discoveries you make this week will start to fall into place and you will be on your way to a hugely improved lifestyle, no matter what kind of work or study you pursue. Your body will certainly thank you. Tune into what the universe is showing you this week as directly or indirectly, it will reward you from the first week of October. There are 24 hours in your day to create as you wish, from this point forward, with a better way to handle how you work, rest and play. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Gemini: 6-12 June 2016

 The door is now open for you to pursue step-parenting, a new baby, adoption or a huge window of opportunity with an existing son or daughter. A big door is also open where younger relatives, godchildren or in-laws are concerned. You will see why by this weekend, as you are being shown bigger and better possibilities, set to unfold from the first week of October. I know that you are also going through the heaviest, hardest cycle in 29 years, in terms of what just happened with a former, current or potential partner. Also, perhaps, what just went down in terms of a feud, conflict or dispute! (This Saturn cycle you are in right now can be about war, as well as love). Nevertheless, you have a tremendously helpful pattern in your chart this week involving a generation much younger than you. Of course, your paid or unpaid work might also involve these junior faces – in which case, I am sure you can see the potential benefits.  Gemini, you can read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Cancer: 6-12 June 2016

In the final quarter of this year, or the first quarter of 2017, you will renovate or move, to your total advantage. Alternatively, you will explore property investment, home exchange, Air BnB, substantial family changes or a thorough household reshuffle. Attic conversion? Property move? Garden adjustment? Family holiday? Home exchange? The sight of not only Juno but also Cupido and Diana in your home, family and property zone this week shows a clear commitment is on offer. The ultimate outcome will be known by the New Moon on October 1st when you will make a truly fortunate decision not possible in 12 years. Think big and keep the faith this week as wherever this road takes you, in three or four months you will be on track for the biggest and the best.
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Leo: 6-12 June 2016

Songwriting, speeches, scripts and advertising are green light areas for you now, Leo. So is theatre, social media, publishing, writing and even core issues like copyright. You have now seen the light when it comes to your own independence and this week will help you go further. Leo, this is not just a random experiment. It is part of a fantastic wave of change, set to begin on September 10th, lasting until October 10th next year. The ideas, projects, concepts or little web experiments you launch or complete then, will change your life for the better. What you are discovering this week may be about the language you use, the control you have over your words, the visual communication you choose – or just good old-fashioned freedom of speech. It is the beginning of something very new and special in your life, as you will see in three months’ time. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium Member? Please continue. 

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Virgo: 6-12 June 2016

Virgo, it has been a very long time since anything has been normal, ordinary or predictable about your money. Perhaps the issue has been your house, apartment or business. Maybe the 2016 story so far has been about your bank account, company or tax. It has all been rather experimental, yet from September you will slowly begin to see that this experiment had a higher purpose all along. In fact, by Christmas you will be better off on every level, having saved or made a small fortune. There are some important strands in the tapestry this week, so weave them with next year in mind too, as this is when you can make or save a small fortune. Even though your financial, property or business position must still feel like a work in progress, sometimes you simply have to go with the mood of the times, or a change in atmosphere. What you are asked to do this week is put a price on freedom, independence and autonomy. That result will be very interesting for you and it will play its part in a richer future in 3-4 months. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue

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Libra: 6-12 June 2016

 The time is fast approaching when you will relaunch yourself with a greater presence on the internet, more flattering photographs, a really valuable write-up online or in the real world – and so much more. Of course if you are one of the more famous Librans, this stuff is grist to the mill. Even you must welcome the chance for a genuine rebirth, though, and it will come when Jupiter moves into Libra for the first time in 12 years, starting in September. This week we see both Cupido (the son of your ruling planet Venus) and Diana in Libra, your own sign. They are paving the way for a tremendous new version of yourself, as you either remember who you once were and repeat this – or take off a layer. Clues, hints, signs and cosmic guidance is worth taking seriously at the moment. Sure, this is only your image or profile. It is only your role, title or reputation. It may only be a matter of hair, face, body, wardrobe or shoes! You are about to discover how much work your exterior can do for the rest of you, though, and it begins in a small way this week. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Scorpio: 6-12 June 2016

There is a part of your life which is unseen, unrecognised or just never understood, Scorpio.  It is a parallel universe, with its own strange atmosphere, and as a general rule nobody can even begin to guess what is there - or fathom it. Perhaps this is why we associate the world of dreams and dreaming with this cycle, but also the unconscious mind. It also describes the astral or etheric body, which is defined by the aura and chakra system. On a more everyday level it’s about classified information, confidential matters and any role you play behind the scenes, where you get no recognition. Whatever is ‘down below’ is a matter for you this week and this also includes what is concealed, classified or confidential. One good example of this is using a false name and avatar on the internet. We also associate it with the therapist’s couch and with work which is both psychic or psychological. I hope by now you are starting to get a feel for this area of your chart.  It is your secret self. It is the gift that goes on giving, all the way to 2018, and the first signs are there now. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue

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Sagittarius: 6-12 June 2016

 Sagittarius, within three or four months, you will become far more heavily and happily involved with friends, and particularly with a group, team, club, society, association or other close network of people. This investment of your time and energy will reward you enormously, with gains both by Christmas 2016 and the middle of 2017. People power could take you a very long way indeed. I mention this, because over the next seven days you will be encouraged to deepen old friendships, make new friends, commit yourself more fully to an existing group or perhaps join a new one. Camaraderie is a great gift if you can find it, and with so much astrological asteroid action in your zone of allies and fellow travellers, you should not have to look very far. Do not underestimate what a community or collective can achieve and follow your instincts with people. If you are single, then someone who is ‘just’ a friend or a member of this group may well provide some passion. Part of a couple? It may be two friends or two people in your group who are feeling the lust for life.  Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Capricorn: 6-12 June 2016

You are the most ambitious sign of the zodiac and are well-known for going up and up the ladder, or beating the system. You are the person who is in the middle or bottom layer of the pyramid who eventually ends up becoming the pharaoh. We associate Capricorn with the mountain goat who climbs, either in terms of society, status, or professional achievement. Slow and steady wins the race for you! I mention all this because you are now looking at the first small climb up a very great mountain. Perhaps you will stick with this one. Maybe later on it will inspire you to move sideways and find another peak of achievement. You are just a few months away from the great climb, though, and the time has come to open yourself up to the people, projects, places and possibilities which can take you there. Those who are free spirits, independent operators, hunters and passionate obsessives – or romantics – should show you the path. This is about so much more than getting to the top or even staying there. It is also about the personalities involved and the chemistry you have with these key people. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Aquarius: 6-12 June 2016

By the final quarter of 2016 you will be well on your way with an ambitious journey or move. Alternatively you will relocate or travel in the mind, as you take on the most enthralling challenge yet with the internet, education, distant regions or countries, other cultures and nationalities – or publishing. Things often snowball in the most subtle and small way, gathering speed later on. This will be the case in September when you look back at early June and realise that this was the beginning. The cycle you will meet later this year, with Jupiter in Libra, will also carry you far into 2017. Jupiter is an ancient symbol of expansion, improvement, win-win solutions, hope and generous gestures. People or organisations – perhaps global trends – which carry Jupiter with them, will change your life in three or four months and expand your horizons. This week, the little asteroid Diana, who is the most fiercely independent of  Jupiter’s three daughters, visits this same area of your horoscope, where all the doors to exploration swing open. It’s time to blaze your own trail, geographically, intellectually or spiritually. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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Pisces: 6-12 June 2016

 In common with Virgo people, and also others born under the sign of Pisces, you have been working your way through a financial cycle which is constantly challenging, never predictable and frequently rather exciting. Of course, this does not always suit the world of banking, property, mortgages, leases, taxation, investment and the rest. You have had to make your own way for some time, though, making it up as you go along, and inventing a new way to stay on top of the constant waves of change. This week you will get a small hint of something rather different. Within three or four months you will be in a position to start hoping for much greater savings or gains, with 2017 delivering some wonderful results with your money, house, business, company, apartment or shares. Your personal chart will tell the full story, but this week, you are bound to see some useful signposts and clues about your future. Diana and Cupido are laying the path for Jupiter to cross later, from September, and by the first week of October you will begin to (happily) make sense of this part of June and the part it played. Read more at Get The Gloss. Premium member? Please continue.

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