Monday 6 June 2016

Your workplace and your health

Is Your Workplace Dragging You Down?

We spend a majority of our time in office. Naturally, the atmosphere of the office affects the way we perceive things around us - our moods, passions and personality.

How do you like your office atmosphere? Do you enjoy working with your colleagues? Do you feel respected?

It is essential for you to have an affirmative answer to each of these questions, for your own good. But if it is not so, what can you do?
  • Shift: Staying in a negative space will pull you down and harm you. If possible, ask to be transferred to another department. Few of us have the luxury of quitting on a whim. So, update your resume and spread the word that you're looking for a change. Don't quit your current job without having a back-up plan in place. However, when looking for a new job, keep the things you don't like about your current job in mind, so that you don't find yourself in a similar situation again.
  • Find like-minded people: No matter how many colleagues you don't get along with, there must be a few you like. Watch their back and ask them to watch yours. Whenever you hear of anything that might affect the people around you, share the news with them but with discretion. Limit your interaction with people who pull you down and drain your energy.
  • Document everything: Don't let things come to a my word against your's situation. This can be very stressful and harm your health. As far as possible, ensure all your communication is recorded in the form of emails, messages etc. Do not rely on someone else to take notes at meetings, rather make your own. Keeping a work diary is a good idea.
  • Lead by example: Negative people feed off negativity around them. If you are a positive person, they will gradually begin avoiding you themselves or you might even make a positive impact on them. Respect people you work with and you will get their respect in return. Before condemning people, take a look at yourself and ensure that you aren't doing anything to attract that kind of behavior.
  • Do something about it: Complaining can get things off your chest but often do nothing to change the situation. Be a part of the solution to the negativity in your office. Be regular with your own work and stick to your deadlines. If you need something, follow up with people instead of expecting them to follow up with you. 
Lastly, don't try too hard to change the system. You can only control your own life.

 If you see your efforts going to waste, get back to that resume and start sending it out.
Is Your Workplace Dragging You Down?


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